138 research outputs found

    GlassesValidator: A data quality tool for eye tracking glasses

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    According to the proposal for a minimum reporting guideline for an eye tracking study by Holmqvist et al. (2022), the accuracy (in degrees) of eye tracking data should be reported. Currently, there is no easy way to determine accuracy for wearable eye tracking recordings. To enable determining the accuracy quickly and easily, we have produced a simple validation procedure using a printable poster and accompanying Python software. We tested the poster and procedure with 61 participants using one wearable eye tracker. In addition, the software was tested with six different wearable eye trackers. We found that the validation procedure can be administered within a minute per participant and provides measures of accuracy and precision. Calculating the eye-tracking data quality measures can be done offline on a simple computer and requires no advanced computer skills

    Fixation classification: how to merge and select fixation candidates

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    Eye trackers are applied in many research fields (e.g., cognitive science, medicine, marketing research). To give meaning to the eye-tracking data, researchers have a broad choice of classification methods to extract various behaviors (e.g., saccade, blink, fixation) from the gaze signal. There is extensive literature about the different classification algorithms. Surprisingly, not much is known about the effect of fixation and saccade selection rules that are usually (implicitly) applied. We want to answer the following question: What is the impact of the selection-rule parameters (minimal saccade amplitude and minimal fixation duration) on the distribution of fixation durations? To answer this question, we used eye-tracking data with high and low quality and seven different classification algorithms. We conclude that selection rules play an important role in merging and selecting fixation candidates. For eye-tracking data with good-to-moderate precision (RMSD < 0.5∘), the classification algorithm of choice does not matter too much as long as it is sensitive enough and is followed by a rule that selects saccades with amplitudes larger than 1.0∘ and a rule that selects fixations with duration longer than 60 ms. Because of the importance of selection, researchers should always report whether they performed selection and the values of their parameters

    What is a blink? Classifying and characterizing blinks in eye openness signals

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    Blinks, the closing and opening of the eyelids, are used in a wide array of fields where human function and behavior are studied. In data from video-based eye trackers, blink rate and duration are often estimated from the pupil-size signal. However, blinks and their parameters can be estimated only indirectly from this signal, since it does not explicitly contain information about the eyelid position. We ask whether blinks detected from an eye openness signal that estimates the distance between the eyelids (EO blinks) are comparable to blinks detected with a traditional algorithm using the pupil-size signal (PS blinks) and how robust blink detection is when data quality is low. In terms of rate, there was an almost-perfect overlap between EO and PS blink (F1 score: 0.98) when the head was in the center of the eye tracker’s tracking range where data quality was high and a high overlap (F1 score 0.94) when the head was at the edge of the tracking range where data quality was worse. When there was a difference in blink rate between EO and PS blinks, it was mainly due to data loss in the pupil-size signal. Blink durations were about 60 ms longer in EO blinks compared to PS blinks. Moreover, the dynamics of EO blinks was similar to results from previous literature. We conclude that the eye openness signal together with our proposed blink detection algorithm provides an advantageous method to detect and describe blinks in greater detail

    Gaze and speech behavior in parent–child interactions: The role of conflict and cooperation

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    A primary mode of human social behavior is face-to-face interaction. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of gaze and its relation to speech behavior during video-mediated face-to-face interactions between parents and their preadolescent children. 81 parent–child dyads engaged in conversations about cooperative and conflictive family topics. We used a dual-eye tracking setup that is capable of concurrently recording eye movements, frontal video, and audio from two conversational partners. Our results show that children spoke more in the cooperation-scenario whereas parents spoke more in the conflict-scenario. Parents gazed slightly more at the eyes of their children in the conflict-scenario compared to the cooperation-scenario. Both parents and children looked more at the other's mouth region while listening compared to while speaking. Results are discussed in terms of the role that parents and children take during cooperative and conflictive interactions and how gaze behavior may support and coordinate such interactions

    Task-related gaze behaviour in face-to-face dyadic collaboration: Toward an interactive theory?

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    Visual routines theory posits that vision is critical for guiding sequential actions in the world. Most studies on the link between vision and sequential action have considered individual agents, while substantial human behaviour is characterized by multi-party interaction. Here, the actions of each person may affect what the other can subsequently do. We investigated task execution and gaze allocation of 19 dyads completing a Duplo-model copying task together, while wearing the Pupil Invisible eye tracker. We varied whether all blocks were visible to both participants, and whether verbal communication was allowed. For models in which not all blocks were visible, participants seemed to coordinate their gaze: The distance between the participants' gaze positions was smaller and dyads looked longer at the model concurrently than for models in which all blocks were visible. This was most pronounced when verbal communication was allowed. We conclude that the way the collaborative task was executed depended both on whether visual information was available to both persons, and how communication took place. Modelling task structure and gaze allocation for human-human and human-robot collaboration thus requires more than the observable behaviour of either individual. We discuss whether an interactive visual routines theory ought to be pursued

    A field test of computer-vision-based gaze estimation in psychology

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    Computer-vision-based gaze estimation refers to techniques that estimate gaze direction directly from video recordings of the eyes or face without the need for an eye tracker. Although many such methods exist, their validation is often found in the technical literature (e.g., computer science conference papers). We aimed to (1) identify which computer-vision-based gaze estimation methods are usable by the average researcher in fields such as psychology or education, and (2) evaluate these methods. We searched for methods that do not require calibration and have clear documentation. Two toolkits, OpenFace and OpenGaze, were found to fulfill these criteria. First, we present an experiment where adult participants fixated on nine stimulus points on a computer screen. We filmed their face with a camera and processed the recorded videos with OpenFace and OpenGaze. We conclude that OpenGaze is accurate and precise enough to be used in screen-based experiments with stimuli separated by at least 11 degrees of gaze angle. OpenFace was not sufficiently accurate for such situations but can potentially be used in sparser environments. We then examined whether OpenFace could be used with horizontally separated stimuli in a sparse environment with infant participants. We compared dwell measures based on OpenFace estimates to the same measures based on manual coding. We conclude that OpenFace gaze estimates may potentially be used with measures such as relative total dwell time to sparse, horizontally separated areas of interest, but should not be used to draw conclusions about measures such as dwell duration

    Eye contact avoidance in crowds: A large wearable eye-tracking study

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    Eye contact is essential for human interactions. We investigated whether humans are able to avoid eye contact while navigating crowds. At a science festival, we fitted 62 participants with a wearable eye tracker and instructed them to walk a route. Half of the participants were further instructed to avoid eye contact. We report that humans can flexibly allocate their gaze while navigating crowds and avoid eye contact primarily by orienting their head and eyes towards the floor. We discuss implications for crowd navigation and gaze behavior. In addition, we address a number of issues encountered in such field studies with regard to data quality, control of the environment, and participant adherence to instructions. We stress that methodological innovation and scientific progress are strongly interrelated
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