20 research outputs found

    Association of Socio-demographic Attributes with Mothers Knowledge regarding Childhood Diarrhea

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    Background: Childhood diarrheal diseases have a major impact on morbidity and mortality and these deaths are due to dehydration and mismanagement or delayed management of the disease. The mothers’ knowledge in management of diarrhea is likely related to its mortality and morbidity. The study aimed to determine the association between socio demographic attributes and mother’s knowledge on childhood diarrhea. Materials and Methods:In this cross sectional analytic study, 170 mothers who had at least one child aged below five years old were selected purposively from the out-patient department of ICDDR,B, Dhaka. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire by face to face interview. The level of knowledge was categorized as poor, average and good. Univariate and bivariate analysis were done with level of significance P<0.05. Results:The mean age of the respondents was 27 (SD=±5.6) years. Among them 46.5% were educated up to primary level and 47% had average monthly income between 5001 and 10000 taka. In the case of accessibility to mass media, 20% were found who never watch TV, 75.9% participants were found who never listen to radio, and 87.6% were found who never read newspaper. Despite the level of average knowledge was 59.5% but the proportion of the level of good knowledge was 17% among the respondents. Socio-demographic characteristics such as age, education and income (p<0.001) were significantly associated with mothers knowledge. Conclusion:The mothers had inadequate knowledge about diarrhea and their socio-demographic parameters are strongly associated with mother’s knowledge regarding diarrhea

    Unsymmetrical A-Frame Pt 2

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    Feeding Practices and Care-Seeking Behaviours among Mothers of Under-Two Children with Diarrhoeal Diseases in Bangladesh

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    In Bangladesh, the prevalence of diarrhoea is the highest among children aged 6-23 months and the outbreaks are common among slum-dwellers of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. A qualitative explorative research was undertaken among slum-dwellers to explore the feeding practices and care-seeking behaviours of mothers with children with diarrhoeal diseases aged less than two years. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, focus-group discussions and observation checklist with mothers and elder family members. Breastmilk was blamed for causing diarrhoea among predominantly or exclusively breastfed children. The blameworthiness leads to withholding of breastfeeding during diarrhoeal episodes especially with recurrent and persistent diarrhoea. Teething, eating protein diet by children and eating leafy vegetables by mothers were believed to be responsible for diarrhoea among the older children. Hand-washing before preparing foods and before feeding children was virtually not practised. Usual complementary foods were not offered to the children with diarrhoea. Almost all of the children were offered oral rehydration salt solution and other fluids at home. A common healthcare-seeking behaviour of the mothers was to give medicines from local drug stores. Some mothers performed some rituals for the purification of their breastmilk. As the mother’s diet was believed to be responsible for the child’s diarrhoea, some foods, especially leafy-vegetables, some types of fish, and meat, were restricted to the mothers. The study concludes that perceptions of mothers regarding the causes of children’s diarrhoea direct to inappropriate feeding practices and care-seeking behaviours of under-two children with diarrhoeal diseases

    Linearly Ordered Pt 2

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    Improving manual vacuum aspiration service delivery, introducing misoprostol for cases of incomplete abortion, and strengthening postabortion contraception in Bangladesh

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    AbstractThe Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Bangladesh was an important advocate in mobilizing government authorities to adopt new techniques for postabortion care and provide long-acting contraceptives post abortion. With the support of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), the Society provided commodities and training to increase the use of these techniques in 7 private and public hospitals and clinics. Data from two of these institutes for the January 2012 to June 2013 period showed a rapid decrease in the use of dilation and curettage, an increase in the use of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and misoprostol, and the progressive adoption of long-acting reversible contraceptives, permanent contraception, and injectable contraceptives in one of these two hospitals. The Directorates General of Health and Family Planning incorporated training in the use of MVA and misoprostol in their national operation plans. The success in these hospitals shows that the proposed changes have been well accepted by providers and clients

    Complete mitogenome and intra-family comparative mitogenomics showed distinct position of Pama Croaker Otolithoides pama

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    Abstract The Pama Croaker, Otolithoides pama, is an economically important fish species in Bangladesh. Intra-family similarities in morphology and typical barcode sequences of cox1 create ambiguities in its identification. Therefore, morphology and the complete mitochondrial genome of O. pama, and comparative mitogenomics within the family Sciaenidae have been studied. Extracted genomic DNA was subjected to Illumina-based short read sequencing for De-Novo mitogenome assembly. The complete mitogenome of O. pama (Accession: OQ784575.1) was 16,513 bp, with strong AC biasness and strand asymmetry. Relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) among 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) of O. pama was also analyzed. The studied mitogenomes including O. pama exhibited consistent sizes and gene orders, except for the genus Johnius which possessed notably longer mitogenomes with unique gene rearrangements. Different genetic distance metrics across 30 species of Sciaenidae family demonstrated 12S rRNA and the control region (CR) as the most conserved and variable regions, respectively, while most of the PCGs undergone a purifying selection. Different phylogenetic trees were congruent with one another, where O. pama was distinctly placed. This study would contribute to distinguishing closely related fish species of Sciaenidae family and can be instrumental in conserving the genetic diversity of O. pama

    Perceptions about the Health Effects of Passive Smoking among Bangladeshi Young Adults

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    Passive smoking is now firmly established as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. Assessment of young adults' perceptions, understanding and knowledge of the health effects of passive smoking may promote educational endeavours to increase awareness of the passive smoking-linked health effects and to facilitate interventions. The study, therefore, assessed the perceptions of young adults in Bangladesh about the health effects of passive smoking. This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among 656 young adults in two districts under Dhaka division of Bangladesh. The study used a multistage cluster random sampling approach. Binary logistic regression was used for identifying the predictors of perceptions that passive smoking is harmful. The vast majority of the respondents believed that passive smoking causes illnesses but the knowledge of specific health effects was limited. Most (87.2%) respondents perceived that passive smoking causes 'some' or 'alot' of harm to health of both adults and children. However, disparities in perceptions were prevalent across their educational levels. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that, after adjusting other factors, respondents who had nine or more years of education were 6.7 times likelihood of perceiving that passive smoking causes 'some' or 'alot of harm' compared to those who had no education. The findings suggested that more efforts, including some appropriate measures to address knowledge gaps, are needed to increase better perception about the harmful effects of passive smoking among young adults

    Utilization of maternal health services and post-partum contraception among Bangladeshi women attending a district level hospital

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    Utilization of maternal health services and postpartum contraception help to decrease rates of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality by preventing unintended, high risk pregnancies and also by delaying subsequent pregnancies. A cross-sectional study was conducted to find out the utilization of maternal health services and its association with post-partum contraception among Bangladeshi women in a hospital in Gazipur district. A total of 344 women were randomly selected who had delivered at least one child within last one year and completed 12 months post-partum period. Uni-variate and bi-variate analyses were used as statistical methods. Mean age of the respondent was 21.5 years (Mean ± SD, 21.5 ± 6.634). Nuclear families (61.30%) were predominant in number. Most of them were illiterate (44.8%). Antenatal care was significantly associated with socio-demographic factors like respondents’ and their husbands’ education, husbands’ income and types of family. Only 17% illiterate respondents received antenatal care for four or more times whereas 52.38% who graduated or above received the same. Most of the deliveries occurred at home (54.4%). These deliveries were performed by non-skilled personnel (54.6%) while the rest were performed by skilled personnel. This study also found that postnatal care was significantly associated with respondents’ and their husbands’ education, and husbands’ income. This study is expected to help program planners, policy makers to design interventions for their programs to enhance the use of maternal health services as well as postpartum contraception among Bangladeshi women.Keywords: Maternal health services; contraception; antenatal care; postnatal care; Banglades

    Molecular Thioamide ↔ Iminothiolate Switches for Sulfur Mustards

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    SNS platinum­(II) pincer complexes reversibly bind and release the surrogate half sulfur mustard, 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (CEES). The switch-like behavior of the pincers is attributed to a reversible transformation between the thioamide and iminothiolate forms of the pincer skeleton under slightly acidic and basic conditions, respectively. An amide-based palladium­(II) pincer complex also binds CEES, as confirmed crystallographically and by NMR