9,344 research outputs found

    Coherent state triplets and their inner products

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    It is shown that if H is a Hilbert space for a representation of a group G, then there are triplets of spaces F_H, H, F^H, in which F^H is a space of coherent state or vector coherent state wave functions and F_H is its dual relative to a conveniently defined measure. It is shown also that there is a sequence of maps F_H -> H -> F^H which facilitates the construction of the corresponding inner products. After completion if necessary, the F_H, H, and F^H, become isomorphic Hilbert spaces. It is shown that the inner product for H is often easier to evaluate in F_H than F^H. Thus, we obtain integral expressions for the inner products of coherent state and vector coherent state representations. These expressions are equivalent to the algebraic expressions of K-matrix theory, but they are frequently more efficient to apply. The construction is illustrated by many examples.Comment: 33 pages, RevTex (Latex2.09) This paper is withdrawn because it contained errors that are being correcte

    Integrating case-based reasoning and hypermedia documentation: an application for the diagnosis of a welding robot at Odense steel shipyard

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    Reliable and effective maintenance support is a vital consideration for the management within today's manufacturing environment. This paper discusses the development of a maintenance system for the world's largest robot welding facility. The development system combines a case-based reasoning approach for diagnosis with context information, as electronic on-line manuals, linked using open hypermedia technology. The work discussed in this paper delivers not only a maintenance system for the robot stations under consideration, but also a design framework for developing maintenance systems for other similar applications

    Use of Standardized Assessments and Online Resources in Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Background: The extent to which movement-related standardized assessments and online resources are used in stroke rehabilitation is unclear in the United States. Method: The researchers used a cross-sectional descriptive survey that examined (a) therapists use of movement-related standardized assessments, (b) factors influencing learning of new assessments, and (c) use of frequency of online resources by occupational therapists and physical therapists in the United States. Results: Of 151 respondents (46.4% occupational therapists, 53.6% physical therapists), the most frequently used movement-related assessments by occupational and physical therapists were the Berg and Fugl-Meyer Assessment, respectively. More physical therapists use motor-related standardized assessments regularly than occupational therapists, and physical therapists showed more consensus among standardized assessments. Both professions cited quality of patient care for motivating them to integrate outcome measures into practice. Most therapists in stroke rehabilitation used online resources to access movement-related standardized assessment content at least 25% of the time. The Rehabilitation Measures Database was the most frequently used website. Conclusion: Both occupational and physical therapists use online resources for movement-related standardized assessments on a regular basis. However, occupational therapists do not use standardized assessments as frequently as physical therapists. A systematic study of factors that impact the integration of standardized assessments is needed to further identify barriers and inform clinical practice change

    Large-Amplitude, Pair-Creating Oscillations in Pulsar and Black Hole Magnetospheres

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    A time-dependent model for pair creation in a pulsar magnetosphere is developed. It is argued that the parallel electric field that develops in a charge-starved region (a gap) of a pulsar magnetosphere oscillates with large amplitude. Electrons and positrons are accelerated periodically and the amplitude of the oscillations is assumed large enough to cause creation of upgoing and downgoing pairs at different phases of the oscillation. With a charge-starved initial condition, we find that the oscillations result in bursts of pair creation in which the pair density rises exponentially with time. The pair density saturates at N±E02/(8πmec2Γthr)N_\pm\simeq E_{0}^2/(8\pi m_ec^2\Gamma_{\rm thr}), where E0E_0 is the parallel electric field in the charge-starved initial state, and Γthr\Gamma_{\rm thr} is the Lorentz factor for effec tive pair creation. The frequency of oscillations following the pair creation burst is given roughly by ωosc=eE0/(8mecΓthr)\omega_{\rm osc}=eE_0/(8m_ec\Gamma_{\rm thr}). A positive feedback keeps the system stable, such that the average pair creation rate balances the loss rate due to pairs escaping the magnetosphere.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, ApJ submitte

    Reversable heat flow through the carbon nanotube junctions

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    Microscopic mechanisms of externally controlled reversable heat flow through the carbon nanotube junctions (NJ) are studied theoretically. Our model suggests that the heat is transfered along the tube section T{\cal T} by electrons (ee) and holes (hh) moving ballistically in either in parallel or in opposite directions and accelerated by the bias source-drain voltage VSDV_{\rm SD} (Peltier effect). We compute the Seebeck coefficient α\alpha , electric σ\sigma and thermal κ\kappa conductivities and find that their magnitudes strongly depend on VSDV_{\rm SD} and VGV_{\rm G}. The sign reversal of α\alpha versus the sign of VGV_{\rm G} formerly observed experimentally is interpreted in this work in terms of so-called chiral tunneling phenomena (Klein paradox)

    Hermitian boson mapping and finite truncation

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    Starting from a general, microscopic fermion-to-boson mapping that preserves Hermitian conjugation, we discuss truncations of the boson Fock space basis. We give conditions under which the exact boson images of finite fermion operators are also finite (e.g., a 1+2-body fermion Hamiltonian is mapped to a 1+2-body boson Hamiltonian) in the truncated basis. For the most general case, where the image is not necessarily exactly finite, we discuss how to make practical and controlled approximations.Comment: 12 pages in RevTex with no figures, Los Alamos preprint # LA-UR-94-146

    An algebraic approach to problems with polynomial Hamiltonians on Euclidean spaces

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    Explicit expressions are given for the actions and radial matrix elements of basic radial observables on multi-dimensional spaces in a continuous sequence of orthonormal bases for unitary SU(1,1) irreps. Explicit expressions are also given for SO(N)-reduced matrix elements of basic orbital observables. These developments make it possible to determine the matrix elements of polynomial and a other Hamiltonians analytically, to within SO(N) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and to select an optimal basis for a particular problem such that the expansion of eigenfunctions is most rapidly convergent.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Richardson-Gaudin integrability in the contraction limit of the quasispin

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    Background: The reduced, level-independent, Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Hamiltonian is exactly diagonalizable by means of a Bethe Ansatz wavefunction, provided the free variables in the Ansatz are the solutions of the set of Richardson-Gaudin equations. On the one side, the Bethe Ansatz is a simple product state of generalised pair operators. On the other hand, the Richardson-Gaudin equations are strongly coupled in a non-linear way, making them prone to singularities. Unfortunately, it is non-trivial to give a clear physical interpretation to the Richardson-Gaudin variables because no physical operator is directly related to the individual variables. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to shed more light on the critical behavior of the Richardson-Gaudin equations, and how this is related to the product wave structure of the Bethe Ansatz. Method: A pseudo-deformation of the quasi-spin algebra is introduced, leading towards a Heisenberg-Weyl algebra in the contraction limit of the deformation parameter. This enables an adiabatic connection of the exact Bethe Ansatz eigenstates with pure bosonic multiphonon states. The physical interpretation of this approach is an adiabatic suppression of the Pauli exclusion principle. Results: The method is applied to a so-called "picket-fence" model for the BCS Hamiltonian, displaying a typical critical behavior in the Richardson-Gaudin variables. It was observed that the associated bosonic multiphonon states change collective nature at the critical interaction strengths of the Richardson-Gaudin equations. Conclusions: The Pauli exclusion principle is the main responsible for the critical behavior of the Richardson-Gaudin equations, which can be suppressed by means of a pseudo deformation of the quasispin algebra.Comment: PACS 02.30.Ik, 21.10.Re, 21.60.Ce, 74.20.F

    Trends in typologies of concurrent alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use among US adolescents: An ecological examination by sex and race/ethnicity

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    Substance use during adolescence is a public health concern due to associated physical and behavioral health consequences. Such consequences are amplified among concurrent substance users. Although sex and racial/ethnic differences in single-substance use have been observed, the current literature is inconclusive as to whether differences exist in the prevalence of concurrent use. The current study used data from the 2011–2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health to examine typologies (single and concurrent patterns) of alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use among current adolescent users age 12–18 by sex and race/ethnicity. Participants were 14,667 White, Hispanic, African American, Asian, and Native American adolescents. The most common typology was alcohol only, followed by concurrent use of alcohol and marijuana. Weighted prevalence estimates indicated that adolescent females were more likely to be current users of alcohol only, whereas male adolescents were more likely to belong to all other typologies. Compared to Whites, racial/ethnic minorities had larger proportions of marijuana only users and were generally less likely than or equally likely to be concurrent users. One exception was for African American adolescents, who were more likely to be alcohol and marijuana users than their White counterparts. Results suggest that concurrent substance use is common among U.S. adolescents, making up over 40% of past-month use, but typologies of use vary by sex and race/ethnicity. Preventive interventions should consider all typologies of use rather than only single substance exposures and address patterns of use that are most pertinent to adolescents based on sex and race/ethnicity