8,052 research outputs found

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of Chlorophyll

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    Shocks, cooling and the origin of star formation rates in spiral galaxies

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    Understanding star formation is problematic as it originates in the large scale dynamics of a galaxy but occurs on the small scale of an individual star forming event. This paper presents the first numerical simulations to resolve the star formation process on sub-parsec scales, whilst also following the dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM) on galactic scales. In these models, the warm low density ISM gas flows into the spiral arms where orbit crowding produces the shock formation of dense clouds, held together temporarily by their external pressure. Cooling allows the gas to be compressed to sufficiently high densities that local regions collapse under their own gravity and form stars. The star formation rates follow a Schmidt-Kennicutt \Sigma_{SFR} ~ \Sigma_{gas}^{1.4} type relation with the local surface density of gas while following a linear relation with the cold and dense gas. Cooling is the primary driver of star formation and the star formation rates as it determines the amount of cold gas available for gravitational collapse. The star formation rates found in the simulations are offset to higher values relative to the extragalactic values, implying a constant reduction, such as from feedback or magnetic fields, is likely to be required. Intriguingly, it appears that a spiral or other convergent shock and the accompanying thermal instability can explain how star formation is triggered, generate the physical conditions of molecular clouds and explain why star formation rates are tightly correlated to the gas properties of galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. MNRAS in pres

    Sub-millimetre observations of hyperluminous infrared galaxies

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    We present sub-mm photometry for 11 Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies (HLIRGs) and use radiative transfer models for starbursts and AGN to investigate the IR emission. In all sources both a starburst and AGN are required to explain the IR emission. The mean starburst fraction is 35%, with a range spanning 80% starburst dominated to 80% AGN dominated. In all cases the starburst dominates at rest-frame wavelengths >50 microns, with star formation rates >500 solar masses per year. The trend of increasing AGN fraction with increasing IR luminosity seen in IRAS galaxies peaks in HLIRGs, and is not higher than the fraction seen in bright ULIRGs. The AGN and starburst luminosities correlate, suggesting that a common physical factor, plausibly the dust masses, governs their luminosities. Our results suggest that the HLIRG population is comprised both of ULIRG-like galaxy mergers, and of young galaxies going through their maximal star formation periods whilst harbouring an AGN. The coeval AGN and starburst activity in our sources implies that starburst and AGN activity, and the peak starburst and AGN luminosities, can be coeval in active galaxies generally. When extrapolated to high-z our sources have comparable sub-mm fluxes to sub-mm survey sources. At least some sub-mm survey sources are therefore likely to be comprised of similar galaxy populations to those found in the HLIRG population. It is also plausible from these results that high-z sub-mm sources harbour heavily obscured AGN. The differences in X-ray and sub-mm properties between HLIRGs at z~1 and sub-mm sources at z~3 implies evolution between the two epochs. Either the mean AGN obscuration level is greater at z~3 than at z~1, or the fraction of IR-luminous sources at z~3 that contain AGN is smaller than that at z~1.Comment: 15 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The star-formation history of the universe - an infrared perspective

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    A simple and versatile parameterized approach to the star formation history allows a quantitative investigation of the constraints from far infrared and submillimetre counts and background intensity measurements. The models include four spectral components: infrared cirrus (emission from interstellar dust), an M82-like starburst, an Arp220-like starburst and an AGN dust torus. The 60 μ\mum luminosity function is determined for each chosen rate of evolution using the PSCz redshift data for 15000 galaxies. The proportions of each spectral type as a function of 60 μ\mum luminosity are chosen for consistency with IRAS and SCUBA colour-luminosity relations, and with the fraction of AGN as a function of luminosity found in 12 μ\mum samples. The luminosity function for each component at any wavelength can then be calculated from the assumed spectral energy distributions. With assumptions about the optical seds corresponding to each component and, for the AGN component, the optical and near infrared counts can be accurately modelled. A good fit to the observed counts at 0.44, 2.2, 15, 60, 90, 175 and 850 μ\mum can be found with pure luminosity evolution in all 3 cosmological models investigated: Ωo\Omega_o = 1, Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3 (Λ\Lambda = 0), and Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3, Λ\Lambda = 0.7. All 3 models also give an acceptable fit to the integrated background spectrum. Selected predictions of the models, for example redshift distributions for each component at selected wavelengths and fluxes, are shown. The total mass-density of stars generated is consistent with that observed, in all 3 cosmological models.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full details of models can be found at http://astro.ic.ac.uk/~mrr/countmodel

    HST imaging of hyperluminous infrared galaxies

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    We present HST WFPC2 I band imaging for a sample of 9 Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies spanning a redshift range 0.45 < z < 1.34. Three of the sample have morphologies showing evidence for interactions, six are QSOs. Host galaxies in the QSOs are reliably detected out to z ~ 0.8. The detected QSO host galaxies have an elliptical morphology with scalelengths spanning 6.5 < r_{e}(Kpc) < 88 and absolute k corrected magnitudes spanning -24.5 < M_{I} < -25.2. There is no clear correlation between the IR power source and the optical morphology. None of the sources in the sample, including F15307+3252, show any evidence for gravitational lensing. We infer that the IR luminosities are thus real. Based on these results, and previous studies of HLIRGs, we conclude that this class of object is broadly consistent with being a simple extrapolation of the ULIRG population to higher luminosities; ULIRGs being mainly violently interacting systems powered by starbursts and/or AGN. Only a small number of sources whose infrared luminosities exceed 10^{13}Lsun are intrinsically less luminous objects which have been boosted by gravitational lensing.Comment: 16 Pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Redshift of GRB 970508

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    GRB 970508 is the second gamma-ray burst (GRB) for which an optical afterglow has been detected. It is the first GRB for which a distance scale has been determined: absorption and emission features in spectra of the optical afterglow place GRB 970508 at a redshift of z >= 0.835 (Metzger et al. 1997a, 1997b). The lack of a Lyman-alpha forest in these spectra further constrains this redshift to be less than approximately 2.3. I show that the spectrum of the optical afterglow of GRB 970508, once corrected for Galactic absorption, is inconsistent with the relativistic blast-wave model unless a second, redshifted source of extinction is introduced. This second source of extinction may be the yet unobserved host galaxy. I determine its redshift to be z = 1.09^{+0.14}_{-0.41}, which is consistent with the observed redshift of z = 0.835. Redshifts greater than z = 1.40 are ruled out at the 3 sigma confidence level.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal (Letters), 10 pages, LaTe

    Input-output relations for a 3-port grating coupled Fabry-Perot cavity

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    We analyze an optical 3-port reflection grating by means of a scattering matrix formalism. Amplitude and phase relations between the 3 ports, i.e. the 3 orders of diffraction are derived. Such a grating can be used as an all-reflective, low-loss coupler to Fabry-Perot cavities. We derive the input output relations of a 3-port grating coupled cavity and find distinct properties not present in 2-port coupled cavities. The cavity relations further reveal that the 3-port coupler can be designed such that the additional cavity port interferes destructively. In this case the all-reflective, low-loss, single-ended Fabry-Perot cavity becomes equivalent to a standard transmissive, 2-port coupled cavity

    Sex, Society, Services -- The Wife\u27s Claim for Loss of Consortium

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