361 research outputs found

    De la musique et de la danse thérapie dans la thymélé€ d'Epidaure?

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    O altar central de sacrifícios (thymélé€) de Epidauro abrigou sessões de terapia baseadas em dança e música? Esta nova hipótese está sendo desenvolvida por uma equipe de pesquisa multinacional e transdisciplinar sob a direção de Peter Schultz e financiada, en- tre outros, pela Escola Americana de Estudos Clássicos em Atenas. Propomos discutir e ampliar esta hipótese a partir do livro publicado por estes autores, Peter Schultz, Bronwen L. Wickkiser, George Hinge, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos e John C. Franklin, The Thymele at Epidauros. Healing, Space and Musical Performance in Late Classical Greece, Theran Press, Fargo, 2017. Neste texto, vamos explicar os métodos utilizados por estes pesquisadores, resumir brevemente as suas conclusões, que incidem sobre o estudo do edifício, a etimologia da palavra thymélé€, as relações entre circula- ridade, subsolo e música, o uso de peã cantado/dançado como terapia e avaliação acústica do edifício.La thymélé€ d'Epidaure a-t-elle abrité des séances de thérapie fondées sur la musique et la danse? C'est la nouvelle hypothé€se qui est élaborée par une équipe de recherche multinationale et transdisciplinaire, placée sous la direction de Peter Schultz et financée, entre autres, par l'American School of Classical Studies à Athé€nes. Nous nous proposons de la développer à partir de l'ouvrage publié par ces auteurs: Peter Schultz, Bronwen L. Wickkiser, George Hinge, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos and John C. Franklin, The Thymele at Epidauros. Healing, space and musical performance in late classical Greece, Theran Press, Fargo, 2017. Nous expliquerons d'abord les méthodes utilisées par ces chercheurs et nous résumerons brié€vement leurs résultats qui portent sur l'étude du bá‚timent, l'étymologie du mot thymélé€, les relations entre la circularité, le sous-sol et la musique, l'usage du péan chan/danse comme thérapie, et l'évaluation acoustique du bá‚timent

    A physically-based parsimonious hydrological model for flash floods in Mediterranean catchments

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    A spatially distributed hydrological model, dedicated to flood simulation, is developed on the basis of physical process representation (infiltration, overland flow, channel routing). Estimation of model parameters requires data concerning topography, soil properties, vegetation and land use. Four parameters are calibrated for the entire catchment using one flood event. Model sensitivity to individual parameters is assessed using Monte-Carlo simulations. Results of this sensitivity analysis with a criterion based on the Nash efficiency coefficient and the error of peak time and runoff are used to calibrate the model. This procedure is tested on the Gardon d'Anduze catchment, located in the Mediterranean zone of southern France. A first validation is conducted using three flood events with different hydrometeorological characteristics. This sensitivity analysis along with validation tests illustrates the predictive capability of the model and points out the possible improvements on the model's structure and parameterization for flash flood forecasting, especially in ungauged basins. Concerning the model structure, results show that water transfer through the subsurface zone also contributes to the hydrograph response to an extreme event, especially during the recession period. Maps of soil saturation emphasize the impact of rainfall and soil properties variability on these dynamics. Adding a subsurface flow component in the simulation also greatly impacts the spatial distribution of soil saturation and shows the importance of the drainage network. Measures of such distributed variables would help discriminating between different possible model structures

    Revisiter la poésie et théâtre antiques à la lumière de l’enjambement, en passant par la métrique et la mélodie accentuelle

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    Réflexion sur la métrique et la musique des textes poétiques et des pièces de théâtre de l’Antiquité, en étudiant non seulement l’enjambement, procédé rythmique consistant « à rejeter sur le vers suivant un ou plusieurs mots nécessaires au sens du vers précédent », mais aussi en redéfinissant des notions que l’on pouvait croire acquises telles que les rapports entre les côla et les metra, ou encore les rapports entre les différents éléments de la mélodie accentuelle.Reflexão sobre a métrica e música dos textos poéticas e peças do teatro da Antiquidade, com o estudo não só do enjambement, procedimento rítmico que consiste em « lançar para o verso seguinte uma ou mais palavras necessárias ao sentido do verso precedente », como também redefinir noções tidas como adquiridas, tais como as relações entre cola e metra ou ainda as relações entre diferentes elementos da melodia acentual

    Danças Femininas, Espaço de Liberdade ou Restrição ? O Exemplo das danças iniciáticas para Ártemis na Grécia Antiga

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    La danse est-elle pour la femme grecque un moyen d'écha- pper au controÌ‚le masculin ou bien les hommes ont-ils à cœur de gérer le temps, l'espace, et les modalités de cette activité par les réglementations des fêtes qu'ils instaurent? Et dans la danse, la femme peut-elle s’exprimer librement ou bien est-elle prisonnié€re du regard masculin, du comportement qu'en attendent les hommes, notamment de la sophrosuné€ ou modération morale, valeur qui lui est inculquée dé€s sa plus tendre enfance? On tentera de répondre à ces questions à travers les danses initiatiques pour Artémis et en en déve- loppant trois exemples, à Athé€nes, à Sparte et en Asie Mineure (Ephé€se et Magnésie du Méandre).   A dança seria para a mulher grega um meio de escape do controlemasculino ou os homens estariam preocupados em gerir o tempo, o espaço e as modalidades dessa atividade por das regras das festaspor eles criadas? E na dança, a mulher poderia exprimir a si mesma livremente ou estaria ela aprisionada pelo olhar masculino, ao comportamento que os homens esperam, notadamente a sophrosunè ou moderação moral, valor que é inculcado desde a mais tenra infância? Tentaremos responder a essas questões por meio das danças iniciáticas em honra de Ártemis, com casos em Atenas, Esparta e na Ásia Menor (Éfeso e Magnésia do Meandro)

    The use of distributed hydrological models for the Gard 2002 flash flood event: Analysis of associated hydrological processes

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    Summary This paper presents a detailed analysis of the September 8-9, 2002 flash flood event in the Gard region (southern France) using two distributed hydrological models: CVN built within the LIQUID® hydrological platform and MARINE. The models differ in terms of spatial discretization, infiltration and water redistribution representation, and river flow transfer. MARINE can also account for subsurface lateral flow. Both models are set up using the same available information, namely a DEM and a pedology map. They are forced with high resolution radar rainfall data over a set of 18 sub-catchments ranging from 2.5 to 99 km2 and are run without calibration. To begin with, models simulations are assessed against post field estimates of the time of peak and the maximum peak discharge showing a fair agreement for both models. The results are then discussed in terms of flow dynamics, runoff coefficients and soil saturation dynamics. The contribution of the subsurface lateral flow is also quantified using the MARINE model. This analysis highlights that rainfall remains the first controlling factor of flash flood dynamics. High rainfall peak intensities are very influential of the maximum peak discharge for both models, but especially for the CVN model which has a simplified overland flow transfer. The river bed roughness also influences the peak intensity and time. Soil spatial representation is shown to have a significant role on runoff coefficients and on the spatial variability of saturation dynamics. Simulated soil saturation is found to be strongly related with soil depth and initial storage deficit maps, due to a full saturation of most of the area at the end of the event. When activated, the signature of subsurface lateral flow is also visible in the spatial patterns of soil saturation with higher values concentrating along the river network. However, the data currently available do not allow the assessment of both patterns. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for enhancing field observations in order to progress in process understanding and gather a larger set of data to improve the realism of distributed models

    Impact of cleaning and disinfection procedures on microbial ecology and Salmonella antimicrobial resistance in a pig slaughterhouse

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    International audienceTo guarantee food safety, a better deciphering of ecology and adaptation strategies of bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella in food environments is crucial. The role of food processing conditions such as cleaning and disinfection procedures on antimicrobial resistance emergence should especially be investigated. In this work, the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella and the microbial ecology of associated surfaces communities were investigated in a pig slaughterhouse before and after cleaning and disinfection procedures. Salmonella were detected in 67% of samples and isolates characterization revealed the presence of 15 PFGE-patterns belonging to five serotypes: S.4,5,12:i:-, Rissen, Typhimurium, Infantis and Derby. Resistance to ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline and/or chloramphenicol was detected depending on serotypes. 16S rRNA-based bacterial diversity analyses showed that Salmonella surface associated communities were highly dominated by the Moraxellaceae family with a clear site-specific composition suggesting a persistent colonization of the pig slaughterhouse. Cleaning and disinfection procedures did not lead to a modification of Salmonella susceptibility to antimicrobials in this short-term study but they tended to significantly reduce bacterial diversity and favored some genera such as Rothia and Psychrobacter. Such data participate to the construction of a comprehensive view of Salmonella ecology and antimicrobial resistance emergence in food environments in relation with cleaning and disinfection procedures

    CRH-GRHEn – Groupe de recherche sur l’histoire de l’environnement

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    Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud, directrice d’étudeMarc Élie, Frédéric Graber, Fabien Locher, Thomas Le Roux, chargés de recherche au CNRSMarie-Hélène Mandrillon Séminaire RUCHE « Nouvelles recherches en histoire environnementale » Le RUCHE a poursuivi pour la troisième année consécutive son séminaire d’histoire environnementale. Alors que les interventions des deux années précédentes étaient de nature historiographique, celles du cycle 2011-2012 ont permis la présentation de recherches en cours o..

    Bone sialoprotein plays a functional role in bone formation and osteoclastogenesis.

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    International audienceBone sialoprotein (BSP) and osteopontin (OPN) are both highly expressed in bone, but their functional specificities are unknown. OPN knockout ((-/-)) mice do not lose bone in a model of hindlimb disuse (tail suspension), showing the importance of OPN in bone remodeling. We report that BSP(-/-) mice are viable and breed normally, but their weight and size are lower than wild-type (WT) mice. Bone is undermineralized in fetuses and young adults, but not in older (>/=12 mo) BSP(-/-) mice. At 4 mo, BSP(-/-) mice display thinner cortical bones than WT, but greater trabecular bone volume with very low bone formation rate, which indicates reduced resorption, as confirmed by lower osteoclast surfaces. Although the frequency of total colonies and committed osteoblast colonies is the same, fewer mineralized colonies expressing decreased levels of osteoblast markers form in BSP(-/-) versus WT bone marrow stromal cultures. BSP(-/-) hematopoietic progenitors form fewer osteoclasts, but their resorptive activity on dentin is normal. Tail-suspended BSP(-/-) mice lose bone in hindlimbs, as expected. In conclusion, BSP deficiency impairs bone growth and mineralization, concomitant with dramatically reduced bone formation. It does not, however, prevent the bone loss resulting from loss of mechanical stimulation, a phenotype that is clearly different from OPN(-/-) mice