322 research outputs found

    New implementations for the Simultaneous‐FETI method

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    International audienceIn this work, we present alternative implementations for the Simultaneous‐FETI (S‐FETI) method. Developed in recent years, this method has shown to be very robust for highly heterogeneous problems. However, the memory cost in S‐FETI is greatly increased and can be a limitation to its use. Our main objective is to reduce this memory usage without losing significant time performance. The algorithm is based on the exploitation of the sparsity patterns found on the block of search directions, allowing to store less vectors per iteration in comparison to a full storage scheme. In addition, different variations for the S‐FETI method are also proposed, including a new treatment for the possible dependencies between directions and the use of the Lumped preconditioner. Several tests are performed in order to establish the impact of the modifications presented in this work compared to the original S‐FETI algorithm.Cet article prĂ©sente une nouvelle mise en Ɠuvre de la mĂ©thode S-FETI qui permet de l'appliquer Ă  des problĂšmes industriels de plus grande taille. La mĂ©thode S-FETI permet de traiter de maniĂšre robuste des problĂšmes fortement hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Cependant elle prĂ©sente un coĂ»t de stockage Ă©levĂ© susceptible de limiter son application.La nouvelle mĂ©thode utilise le caractĂšre creux des blocs de directions de descente construits Ă  chaque itĂ©ration pour limiter le stockage. De plus une nouvelle façon de traiter les dĂ©pendances entre directions de descente ou d'utiliser le prĂ©conditionneur "lumped" pour S-FETI est prĂ©sentĂ©e.Des tests numĂ©riques comparent les nouvelles mĂ©thodes dĂ©veloppĂ©es dans cet article avec la mĂ©thode S-FETI initiale

    Mise en Ɠuvre d'un solveur direct parallĂšle pour l'inversion des problĂšmes locaux au sein d'une mĂ©thode de dĂ©composition de domaine

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    National audienceLe but de ce papier est de mettre au point un algorithme parallĂšle pour la rĂ©solution directe de grands systĂšmes linĂ©aires creux et l’intĂ©grer dans les mĂ©thodes de dĂ©composition de domaine. Ces systĂšmes linĂ©aires, souvent rencontrĂ©s lor de la simulation numĂ©rique de problĂšmes de mĂ©canique des structures par des codes de calcul par Ă©lĂ©ments finis, sont rĂ©solus avec des coĂ»ts trĂšs importants en temps ce calcul et en espace mĂ©moire. Dans ce papier, un parallĂ©lisme Ă  deux niveaux a Ă©tĂ© exploitĂ©. L’exploitation du niveau infĂ©rieur de parallĂ©lisme a d’abord consistĂ© Ă  rĂ©aliser un solveur direct parallĂšle basĂ© sur une technique de dissection emboitĂ©e et l’intĂ©grer ensuite dans les mĂ©thodes FETI. Ce solveur direct a l’avantage de traiter automatiquement et proprement les modes Ă  Ă©nergie nulle dans des structures flottantes. L’exploitation du niveau supĂ©rieur a consistĂ© Ă  amĂ©liorer la phase itĂ©rative de la mĂ©thode FETI classique. Des tests ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s pour Ă©valuer les performances du solveur mis en place

    L’adaptation des juridictions

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    Le droit animalier fait l’objet d’un intĂ©ressement de plus en plus important de la part des citoyens. En France, les Ă©lections sont un rĂ©vĂ©lateur de cet intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant. Devenant une prĂ©occupation pour beaucoup d’électeurs français, la cause animale entre alors dans le dĂ©bat Ă©lectoral. Avec toutes les rĂ©serves Ă  apporter aux sondages, les rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte IFOP parus en mars 2022 rĂ©vĂšlent que 81 % des Français sont sensibles au bien-ĂȘtre animal. En consĂ©quence, il n’est pas surprena..

    Simultaneous-FETI and Block-FETI: robust domain decomposition with multiple search directions.

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    International audienceDomain Decomposition methods often exhibit very poor performance when applied to engineering problems with large heterogeneities. In particular for heterogeneities along domain interfaces the iterative techniques to solve the interface problem are lacking an efficient preconditioner. Recently a robust approach, named FETI-Geneo, was proposed where troublesome modes are precomputed and deflated from the interface problem. The cost of the FETI-Geneo is however high. We propose in this paper techniques that share similar ideas with FETI-Geneo but where no pre-processing is needed and that can be easily and efficiently implemented as an alternative to standard Domain Decomposition methods. In the block iterative approaches presented in this paper, the search space at every iteration on the interface problem contains as many directions as there are domains in the decomposition. Those search directions originate either from the domain-wise preconditioner (in the Simultaneous FETI method) or from the block structure of the right-hand side of the interface problem (Block FETI). We show on 2D structural examples that both methods are robust and provide good convergence in the presence of high heterogeneities, even when the interface is jagged or when the domains have a bad aspect ratio. The Simultaneous FETI was also efficiently implemented in an optimized parallel code and exhibited excellent performance compared to the regular FETI method

    Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - Mesh Generation Reference Manual

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    Rapport interne.Mesh Generation Reference Manua

    Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - Reference Manual

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    Rapport interne.Reference Manua

    Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - User's Guide

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    Rapport interne.Parallel Computational Acoustics Library - User's Guid

    Unsatisfactory outcomes in myasthenia gravis: influence by care providers

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) can be difficult to treat despite an available therapeutic armamentarium. Our aim was to analyze the factors leading to unsatisfactory outcome (UO). To this end we used the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America classification system. Forty one patients with autoimmune MG were followed prospectively from January 2003 to December 2007. Outcomes were assessed throughout follow-up and at a final visit. ‘Unchanged', ‘worse', ‘exacerbation' and ‘died of MG' post-intervention status were considered UOs. During follow-up, UO rates reached 54% and were related to undertreatment (41%), poor treatment compliance (23%), infections (23%), and adverse drug effects (13%). The UO rate at final study assessment was 20%. UO during follow-up was significantly (P=0.004) predictive of UOs at final assessment. When care was provided by neuromuscular (NM) specialists, patients had significantly better follow-up scores (P=0.01). At final assessment UO rates were 7% and significantly better in patients treated by NM specialists, compared to other physicians where UO rates reached 27%. UO was a frequent finding occurring in more than half our patients during follow-up. Nearly two-thirds of the UOs could have been prevented by appropriate therapeutic adjustments and improved compliance. The differential UO rates at follow-up, their dependency on the degree to which the management was specialized and their correlation with final outcomes suggest that specialized MG care improves outcome

    A non Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for the Exterior Helmholtz Problem

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    In this paper, we first show that the domain decomposition methods that are usually efficient for solving elliptic problems typically fail when applied to acoustics problems.Next, we present an alternative domain decomposition algorithm that is better suited for the exterior Helmholtz problem. We describe it in a formalism that can use either one or two Lagrange multiplier fields for solving the corresponding interface problem by a Krylov method. In order to improve convergence and ensure scalability with respect the number of subdomains, we propose two complementary preconditioning techniques. The first preconditioner is based on a spectral analysis of the resulting interface operator and targets the high frequency components of the error. The second preconditioner is based on a coarsening technique, employs plane waves, and addresses the low frequency components of the error. Finally, we show numerically that, using both preconditioners, the convergence rate of the proposed domain decomposition method is quasi independent of the number of elements in the mesh, the number of subdomains, and depends only weakly on the wavenumber, which makes this method uniquely suitable for solving large-scale high frequency exterior acoustics problems
