500 research outputs found

    Src Kinase Conformational Activation: Thermodynamics, Pathways, and Mechanisms

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    Tyrosine kinases of the Src-family are large allosteric enzymes that play a key role in cellular signaling. Conversion of the kinase from an inactive to an active state is accompanied by substantial structural changes. Here, we construct a coarse-grained model of the catalytic domain incorporating experimental structures for the two stable states, and simulate the dynamics of conformational transitions in kinase activation. We explore the transition energy landscapes by constructing a structural network among clusters of conformations from the simulations. From the structural network, two major ensembles of pathways for the activation are identified. In the first transition pathway, we find a coordinated switching mechanism of interactions among the αC helix, the activation-loop, and the β strands in the N-lobe of the catalytic domain. In a second pathway, the conformational change is coupled to a partial unfolding of the N-lobe region of the catalytic domain. We also characterize the switching mechanism for the αC helix and the activation-loop in detail. Finally, we test the performance of a Markov model and its ability to account for the structural kinetics in the context of Src conformational changes. Taken together, these results provide a broad framework for understanding the main features of the conformational transition taking place upon Src activation

    Brownian dynamics simulations of ions channels: A general treatment of electrostatic reaction fields for molecular pores of arbitrary geometry

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    Copyright 2001 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in the Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1390507.A general method has been developed to include the electrostatic reaction field in Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations of ions diffusing through complex molecular channels of arbitrary geometry. Assuming that the solvent is represented as a featureless continuum dielectric medium, a multipolar basis-set expansion is developed to express the reaction field Green’s function. A reaction field matrix, which provides the coupling between generalized multipoles, is calculated only once and stored before the BD simulations. The electrostatic energy and forces are calculated at each time step by updating the generalized multipole moments. The method is closely related to the generalized solvent boundary potential [Im et al., J. Chem. Phys. 114, 2924 (2001)] which was recently developed to include the influence of distant atoms on a small region part of a large macromolecular system in molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that the basis-set expansion is accurate and computationally inexpensive for three simple models such as a spherical ionic system, an impermeable membrane system, and a cylindrical pore system as well as a realistic system such as OmpF porin with all atomic details. The influence of the static field and the reaction field on the ion distribution and conductance in the OmpF channel is studied and discussed

    Structural Refinement of Membrane Proteins by Restrained Molecular Dynamics and Solvent Accessibility Data

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    AbstractWe present an approach for incorporating solvent accessibility data from electron paramagnetic resonance experiments in the structural refinement of membrane proteins through restrained molecular dynamics simulations. The restraints have been parameterized from oxygen (ΠO2) and nickel-ethylenediaminediacetic acid (ΠNiEdda) collision frequencies, as indicators of lipid or aqueous exposed spin-label sites. These are enforced through interactions between a pseudoatom representation of the covalently attached Nitroxide spin-label and virtual “solvent” particles corresponding to O2 and NiEdda in the surrounding environment. Interactions were computed using an empirical potential function, where the parameters have been optimized to account for the different accessibilities of the spin-label pseudoatoms to the surrounding environment. This approach, “pseudoatom-driven solvent accessibility refinement”, was validated by refolding distorted conformations of the Streptomyces lividans potassium channel (KcsA), corresponding to a range of 2–30Å root mean-square deviations away from the native structure. Molecular dynamics simulations based on up to 58 electron paramagnetic resonance restraints derived from spin-label mutants were able to converge toward the native structure within 1–3Å root mean-square deviations with minimal computational cost. The use of energy-based ranking and structure similarity clustering as selection criteria helped in the convergence and identification of correctly folded structures from a large number of simulations. This approach can be applied to a variety of integral membrane protein systems, regardless of oligomeric state, and should be particularly useful in calculating conformational changes from a known reference crystal structure

    A Grand Canonical Monte Carlo–Brownian Dynamics Algorithm for Simulating Ion Channels

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2000 by Elsevier B. V.A computational algorithm based on Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) and Brownian Dynamics (BD) is described to simulate the movement of ions in membrane channels. The proposed algorithm, GCMC/BD, allows the simulation of ion channels with a realistic implementation of boundary conditions of concentration and transmembrane potential. The method is consistent with a statistical mechanical formulation of the equilibrium properties of ion channels (Roux, B. 1999; Biophys. J. 77:139–153). The GCMC/BD algorithm is illustrated with simulations of simple test systems and of the OmpF porin of Escherichia coli. The approach provides a framework for simulating ion permeation in the context of detailed microscopic models

    Toward Augmented Document: Expressive Function of Catalog

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    A library catalog constitutes a communicational tool which allows access to a collection of documents. It contributes to the circulation of knowledge by signaling and locating informational objects. This referencing consists in deconstructing/reconstructing documents according to principles of standardization: the actualized document is then decomposed into diverse characteristics. With the development of online public access catalog (OPAC), catalogs diffuse their own content beyond the documentary space that they are supposed to represent. Thus the communicational models specific to the bibliographic catalog must be deepened. If a catalog could appear as a documentary showcase, the possibility to comment on documents extends the first goal of the system and also expands the primary document all at once. As a consequence, the catalog has to combine a model of authority with a participative one

    Importance of Hydration and Dynamics on the Selectivity of the KcsA and NaK Channels

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    Fundamental concepts governing ion selectivity in narrow pores are reviewed and the microscopic factors responsible for the lack of selectivity of the NaK channel, which is structurally similar to the K+-selective KcsA channel, are elucidated on the basis of all-atom molecular dynamics free energy simulations. The results on NaK are contrasted and compared with previous studies of the KcsA channel. Analysis indicates that differences in hydration of the cation in the pore of NaK is at the origin of the lack of selectivity of NaK

    Cytotoxicity of lipid nanocapsules on immune cells

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    Statistical Parsing of Spanish and Data Driven Lemmatization

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    International audienceAlthough parsing performances have greatly improved in the last years, grammar inference from treebanks for morphologically rich lan- guages, especially from small treebanks, is still a challenging task. In this paper we in- vestigate how state-of-the-art parsing perfor- mances can be achieved on Spanish, a lan- guage with a rich verbal morphology, with a non-lexicalized parser trained on a treebank containing only around 2,800 trees. We rely on accurate part-of-speech tagging and data- driven lemmatization in order to cope with lexical data sparseness. Providing state-of- the-art results on Spanish, our methodology is applicable to other languages

    Ion Permeation through the α-Hemolysin Channel: Theoretical Studies Based on Brownian Dynamics and Poisson-Nernst-Plank Electrodiffusion Theory

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2004 by Elsevier.Identification of the molecular interaction governing ion conduction through biological pores is one of the most important goals of modern electrophysiology. Grand canonical Monte Carlo Brownian dynamics (GCMC/BD) and three-dimensional Poisson-Nernst-Plank (3d-PNP) electrodiffusion algorithms offer powerful and general approaches to study of ion permeation through wide molecular pores. A detailed analysis of ion flows through the staphylococcal α-hemolysin channel based on series of simulations at different concentrations and transmembrane potentials is presented. The position-dependent diffusion coefficient is approximated on the basis of a hydrodynamic model. The channel conductance calculated by GCMC/BD is ∼10% higher than (electrophysiologically measured) experimental values, whereas results from 3d-PNP are always 30–50% larger. Both methods are able to capture all important electrostatic interactions in equilibrium conditions. The asymmetric conductance upon the polarity of the transmembrane potential observed experimentally is reproduced by GCMC/BD and 3d-PNP. The separation of geometrical and energetic influence of the channel on ion conduction reveals that such asymmetries arise from the permanent charge distribution inside the pore. The major determinant of the asymmetry is unbalanced charge in the triad of polar residues D127, D128, and K131. The GCMC/BD or 3d-PNP calculations reproduce also experimental reversal potentials and permeability rations in asymmetric ionic solutions. The weak anionic selectivity of the channel results from the presence of the salt bridge between E111 and K147 in the constriction zone. The calculations also reproduce the experimentally derived dependence of the reversible potential to the direction of the salt gradient. The origin of such effect arises from the asymmetrical distribution of energetic barriers along the channel axis, which modulates the preferential ion passage in different directions