563 research outputs found

    Communication et soutien parental perçus dans des familles d’adolescents suicidaires et non suicidaires

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    Cette recherche s'intéresse à deux variables familiales liées avec la problématique suicidaire à l'adolescence, soit la communication et le soutien parental. Elle vise à comparer les perceptions d'adolescents suicidaires et non suicidaires avec celles de chacun de leurs parents, afin de mieux comprendre le lien entre ces variables et la problématique suicidaire. Les résultats confirment que la communication et le soutien parental font problème dans les familles d'adolescents suicidaires. Ces dimensions sont perçues plus négativement par ces membres en comparaison du groupe contrôle, et les écarts de perception entre l'adolescent et ses parents sont de beaucoup supérieurs dans les familles d'adolescents suicidaires. Ces données soutiennent la pertinence d'une intervention familiale lorsque des problèmes familiaux sont identifiés au moment du dépistage ou de la demande de consultation d'un adolescent suicidaire.This study focuses on two family-related variables linked to the issue of teenage suicide, namely communication and parental support. The purpose of the study is to compare the perceptions of suicidal and non-suicidal teenagers with those of their parents in order to better understand the relation between these variables and the issue of teenage suicide. Results confirm that communication and parental support represents a problem in families with suicidal teenagers. These dimensions are perceived more negatively by the latter subjects in comparison to the control group. In addition, the variations in perception between the adolescent and his or her parents are much greater in families with suicidal teens. This data supports the usefulness of family interventions when family problems are identified during detection measures or when counseling is requited by a suicidal teenager

    Trainees’ views of physician workforce policy in Quebec and their impact on career intentions

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    Background: The physician workforce in Quebec is regulated by a government-controlled plan. Many specialty trainees expressed concerns about securing a position. Our objective was to analyze physicians’ employment issues in Quebec and their impact on residents’ training in specialty programs.Methods: We distributed a web-based self-administrated survey to all Quebec residents training in specialty programs to capture data about residents’ ability to find employment, career plans and perceptions regarding the workforce policy. Three groups were considered: graduates, non-graduating senior residents, and junior residents.Results: The overall response rate was 41.5% (985/2372). 47.3% of graduates did not have a position two months before finishing their training. Among residents without a position, 27.1% of graduates intend to leave Quebec, and 19.6% to complete a fellowship to postpone their start in practice. Overall, 77.9% of respondents believed there are not enough job opportunities for the number of trainees.Conclusion: Quebec specialty residents experience significant difficulties obtaining a position in the province and perceive that there are not enough job opportunities, which impacts their career plans and could drive them to complete a fellowship or plan to practice outside the province. Trainees' experience in finding employment needs to be considered in planning the physician workforce

    Trainees’ views of physician workforce policy in Quebec and their impact on career intentions

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    Background: The physician workforce in Quebec is regulated by a government-controlled plan. Many specialty trainees expressed concerns about securing a position. Our objective was to analyze physicians’ employment issues in Quebec and their impact on residents’ training in specialty programs.Methods: We distributed a web-based self-administrated survey to all Quebec residents training in specialty programs to capture data about residents’ ability to find employment, career plans and perceptions regarding the workforce policy. Three groups were considered: graduates, non-graduating senior residents, and junior residents.Results: The overall response rate was 41.5% (985/2372). 47.3% of graduates did not have a position two months before finishing their training. Among residents without a position, 27.1% of graduates intend to leave Quebec, and 19.6% to complete a fellowship to postpone their start in practice. Overall, 77.9% of respondents believed there are not enough job opportunities for the number of trainees.Conclusion: Quebec specialty residents experience significant difficulties obtaining a position in the province and perceive that there are not enough job opportunities, which impacts their career plans and could drive them to complete a fellowship or plan to practice outside the province. Trainees' experience in finding employment needs to be considered in planning the physician workforce

    Pour une histoire des lectures militantes au xxe siècle en France

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    Dans la compréhension des cultures militantes, associant pratiques mais aussi représentations politiques, les lectures en tant qu’objet de recherches sont selon nous incontournables. Elles participent en effet à la formation politique, aux processus d’engagement et de politisation et à la constitution de cultures politiques. Autrement dit, n’est-il pas pertinent de vouloir, à la croisée des sciences humaines, élaborer une réflexion sur la construction d’une histoire des lectures militantes au..

    A model for the molecular organisation of the IS911 transpososome

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    Tight regulation of transposition activity is essential to limit damage transposons may cause by generating potentially lethal DNA rearrangements. Assembly of a bona fide protein-DNA complex, the transpososome, within which transposition is catalysed, is a crucial checkpoint in this regulation. In the case of IS911, a member of the large IS3 bacterial insertion sequence family, the transpososome (synaptic complex A; SCA) is composed of the right and left inverted repeated DNA sequences (IRR and IRL) bridged by the transposase, OrfAB (the IS911-encoded enzyme that catalyses transposition). To characterise further this important protein-DNA complex in vitro, we used different tagged and/or truncated transposase forms and analysed their interaction with IS911 ends using gel electrophoresis. Our results allow us to propose a model in which SCA is assembled with a dimeric form of the transposase. Furthermore, we present atomic force microscopy results showing that the terminal inverted repeat sequences are probably assembled in a parallel configuration within the SCA. These results represent the first step in the structural description of the IS911 transpososome, and are discussed in comparison with the very few other transpososome examples described in the literature

    Editorial dossier 8 : Méthodologies et pratiques territoriales de l'évaluation en matière de développement durable.

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    La publication dans la revue Développement Durable et Territoires d'un dossier sur l'évaluation du développement durable (DD) semble s'inscrire dans une actualité forte de cette thématique, tant du point de vue de la recherche académique que de celui des réflexions et expérimentations des praticiens. En témoignent les récents programmes de recherches finalisées,  colloques, journées d'études ou d'échanges et rencontres diverses organisés autour de cette thématique ou de celle des indicateurs ..

    Failure of hydrogenation in protecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from fragmentation

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    A recent study of soft X-ray absorption in native and hydrogenated coronene cations, C24_{24}H12+m+_{12+m}^+ m=0−7m=0-7, led to the conclusion that additional hydrogen atoms protect (interstellar) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules from fragmentation [Reitsma et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 053002 (2014)]. The present experiment with collisions between fast (30-200 eV) He atoms and pyrene (C16_{16}H10+m+_{10+m}^+, m=0m=0, 6, and 16) and simulations without reference to the excitation method suggests the opposite. We find that the absolute carbon-backbone fragmentation cross section does not decrease but increases with the degree of hydrogenation for pyrene molecules.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Emulation of Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks: From Real Neighbors to Imaginary Destination

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    International audienceThe ultimate test for many network layer protocols designed for wireless sensor networks would be to run on a large scale testbed. However, setting up a real-world large scale wireless sensor network (WSN) testbed requires access to a huge surface as well as extensive financial and human resources. Due to limited access to such infrastructures, the vast majority of existing theoretical and simulation studies in WSN are far from being validated in realistic environments. A more affordable approach is needed to provide preliminary insights on network protocol performances in large WSN. To replace large and expensive realistic testbeds, we introduce a novel approach to emulation. We propose a specifically designed experimental setup using a relatively small number of nodes forming a real one-hop neighborhood used to emulate any real WSN. The source node is a fixed sensor, and all other sensors are candidate forwarding neighbors towards a virtual destination. The source node achieves one forwarding step, then the virtual destination position and neighborhood are adjusted. The same source is used again to repeat the process. The main novelty is to spread available nodes regularly following a hexagonal pattern around the central node, used as the source, and selectively use subsets of the surrounding nodes at each step of the routing process to provide the desired density and achieve changes in configurations. Compared to real testbeds, our proposition has the advantages of emulating networks with any desired node distribution and densities, which may not be possible in a small scale implementation, and of unbounded scalability since we can emulate networks with an arbitrary number of nodes. Finally, our approach can emulate networks of various shapes, possibly with holes and obstacles. It can also emulate recovery mode in geographic routing, which appears impossible with any existing approach

    Emulation of large scale WSN: from real neighbors to imaginary destination

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    International audienceSetting up large experimental testbeds for wireless sensor networks (WSN) requires access to a huge surface as well as extensive financial and human resources. Due to limited access to such infrastructures, the vast majority of existing theoretical and simulation studies on georouting are not evaluated in real environments. A more affordable approach is needed to provide preliminary insights on network protocols performance. To overcome the need for a large number of sensors required to perform realistic experiments we introduce a novel approach to emulation. We propose to emulate large scale experiment by using a smaller number of core sensor nodes. These nodes are the 1-hop neighborhood of node S, currently holding the packet to forward, and are potential next hops. The destination position is virtual, outside of this real neighborhood. Emulation is performed as follows: (i) S transmits the packet over a real wireless channel to the selected forwarding node B, (ii) re-map the node B to S and its neighborhood to core nodes, (iii) adjust the position of the virtual destination by translating it by BS. We repeat these steps until the virtual destination falls into the 1-hop neighborhood of the node currently holding the packet. Compared to real testbeds, our emulation allows testing networks of very high densities and provides unlimited scalability
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