4 research outputs found

    Characterization of the non-functional Fas ligand of gld mice

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    Mice homozygous for either the gld or Ipr mutation develop autoimmune diseases and progressive lymphadenopathy. The Ipr mutation Is characterized by the absence of unctional Fas, whereas gld mice exhibit an inactive FasL due to a point mutation proximal to the extracellular C-terminus. The structural repercussions of this amino acid substitution remain unknown. Here we report that FasL Is expressed at similar levels on the surface of activated T lymphocytes from gld and wild-type mice. Using a polyclonal anti-FasL antibody, Indistinguishable amounts of a 40 kDa protein are detected In both gld and wild-type splenocytes. The molecular model of FasL, based on the known structure of TNF-α, predicts that the Phe→Leu gld mutation is located at the protomer interface which Is close to the FasR Interaction site. We conclude that the gld mutation allows normal FasL biosynthesis, surface expression and ollgomerlzatlon, but induces structural alterations to the Fas binding region leading to the phenotypic changes observe

    Two non-consecutive 24 h recalls using EPIC-Soft software are sufficiently valid for comparing protein and potassium intake between five European centres: results from the European Food Consumption Validation (EFCOVAL) study

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    The use of two non-consecutive 24 h recalls using EPIC-Soft for standardised dietary monitoring in European countries has previously been proposed in the European Food Consumption Survey Method consortium. Whether this methodology is sufficiently valid to assess nutrient intake in a comparable way, among populations with different food patterns in Europe, is the subject of study in the European Food Consumption Validation consortium. The objective of the study was to compare the validity of usual protein and K intake estimated from two non-consecutive standardised 24 h recalls using EPIC-Soft between five selected centres in Europe. A total of 600 adults, aged 45-65 years, were recruited in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, The Netherlands and Norway. From each participant, two 24 h recalls and two 24 h urines were collected. The mean and distribution of usual protein and K intake, as well as the ranking of intake, were compared with protein and K excretions within and between centres. Underestimation of protein (range 2-13%) and K (range 4-17 %) intake was seen in all centres, except in the Czech Republic. We found a fair agreement between prevalences estimated based on the intake and excretion data at the lower end of the usual intake distribution (<10% difference), but larger differences at other points. Protein and K intake was moderately correlated with excretion within the centres (ranges = 0.39-0.67 and 0.37-0.69, respectively). These were comparable across centres. In conclusion, two standardised 24 h recalls (EPIC-Soft) appear to be sufficiently valid for assessing and comparing the mean and distribution of protein and K intake across five centres in Europe as well as for ranking individuals