11,447 research outputs found

    The role of avatars in e-government interfaces

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    This paper investigates the use of avatars to communicate live message in e-government interfaces. A comparative study is presented that evaluates the contribution of multimodal metaphors (including avatars) to the usability of interfaces for e-government and user trust. The communication metaphors evaluated included text, earcons, recorded speech and avatars. The experimental platform used for the experiment involved two interface versions with a sample of 30 users. The results demonstrated that the use of multimodal metaphors in an e-government interface can significantly contribute to enhancing the usability and increase trust of users to the e-government interface. A set of design guidelines, for the use of multimodal metaphors in e-government interfaces, was also produced

    Interacting spin-1 bosons in a two-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study, using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations, the ground state properties of spin-1 bosons trapped in a square optical lattice. The phase diagram is characterized by the mobility of the particles (Mott insulating or superfluid phase) and by their magnetic properties. For ferromagnetic on-site interactions, the whole phase diagram is ferromagnetic and the Mott insulators-superfluid phase transitions are second order. For antiferromagnetic on-site interactions, spin nematic order is found in the odd Mott lobes and in the superfluid phase. Furthermore, the superfluid-insulator phase transition is first or second order depending on whether the density in the Mott is even or odd. Inside the even Mott lobes, we observe a singlet-to-nematic transition for certain values of the interactions. This transition appears to be first order

    Two-photon Rabi-Hubbard and Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard models: photon pair superradiance, Mott insulator and normal phases

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    We study the ground state phase diagrams of two-photon Dicke, the one-dimensional Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH), and Rabi-Hubbard (RH) models using mean field, perturbation, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods. We first compare mean field predictions for the phase diagram of the Dicke model with exact QMC results and find excellent agreement. The phase diagram of the JCH model is then shown to exhibit a single Mott insulator lobe with two excitons per site, a superfluid (SF, superradiant) phase and a large region of instability where the Hamiltonian becomes unbounded. Unlike the one-photon model, there are no higher Mott lobes. Also unlike the one-photon case, the SF phases above and below the Mott are surprisingly different: Below the Mott, the SF is that of photon {\it pairs} as opposed to above the Mott where it is SF of simple photons. The mean field phase diagram of the RH model predicts a transition from a normal to a superradiant phase but none is found with QMC.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Comparison of energy consumption and costs of different HEVs and PHEVs in European and American context

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    This paper will analyse on the one hand the potential of Plug in Hybrid electric Vehicles to significantly reduce fuel consumption and displace it torward various primary energies thanks to the electricity sector. On the other hand the total cost of ownership of two different PHEV architectures will be compared to a conventional cehicle and a HEV without external charging

    Exotic phases of interacting p-band bosons

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    We study a model of interacting bosons that occupy the first excited p-band states of a two-dimensional optical lattice. In contrast to the much studied single band Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, this more complex model allows for non-trivial superfluid phases associated with condensation at non-zero momentum and staggered order of the orbital angular momentum in addition to the superfluid-Mott insulator transition. More specifically, we observe staggered orbital angular momentum order in the Mott phase at commensurate filling and superfluidity at all densities. We also observe a transition between the staggered angular momentum superfluid phase and a striped superfluid, with an alternation of the phase of the superfluid along one direction. The transition between these two phases was observed in a recent experiment, which is then qualitatively well described by our model.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Raising the noise to improve performance in optimal processing

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    We formulate, in general terms, the classical theory of optimal detection and optimal estimation of signal in noise. In this framework, we exhibit specific examples of optimal detectors and optimal estimators endowed with a performance which can be improved by injecting more noise. From this proof of feasibility by examples, we suggest a general mechanism by which noise improvement of optimal processing, although seemingly paradoxical, may indeed occur. Beyond specific examples, this leads us to the formulation of open problems concerning the general characterization, including the conditions of formal feasibility and of practical realizability, of such situations of optimal processing improved by noise

    The minimum description length principle for probability density estimation by regular histograms

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    The minimum description length principle is a general methodology for statistical modeling and inference that selects the best explanation for observed data as the one allowing the shortest description of them. Application of this principle to the important task of probability density estimation by histograms was previously proposed. We review this approach and provide additional illustrative examples and an application to real-world data, with a presentation emphasizing intuition and concrete arguments. We also consider alternative ways of measuring the description lengths, that can be found to be more suited in this context. We explicitly exhibit, analyze and compare, the complete forms of the description lengths with formulas involving the information entropy and redundancy of the data, and not given elsewhere. Histogram estimation as performed here naturally extends to multidimensional data, and offers for them flexible and optimal subquantization schemes. The framework can be very useful for modeling and reduction of complexity of observed data, based on a general principle from statistical information theory, and placed within a unifying informational perspective

    Exact Study of the 1D Boson Hubbard Model with a Superlattice Potential

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    We use Quantum Monte Carlo simulations and exact diagonalization to explore the phase diagram of the Bose-Hubbard model with an additional superlattice potential. We first analyze the properties of superfluid and insulating phases present in the hard-core limit where an exact analytic treatment is possible via the Jordan-Wigner transformation. The extension to finite on-site interaction is achieved by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We determine insulator/superfluid phase diagrams as functions of the on-site repulsive interaction, superlattice potential strength, and filling, finding that insulators with fractional occupation numbers, which are present in the hard-core case, extend deep into the soft-core region. Furthermore, at integer fillings, we find that the competition between the on-site repulsion and the superlattice potential can produce a phase transition between a Mott insulator and a charge density wave insulator, with an intermediate superfluid phase. Our results are relevant to the behavior of ultracold atoms in optical superlattices which are beginning to be studied experimentally.Comment: 13 pages, 23 figure
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