7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Susu Skim pada Kadar Prealbumin Anak Balita yang Mengikuti Rehabilitasi Gizi Rawat Jalan di Puskesmas

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    Children who suffering protein and energy deficiency have low blood protein, particularly prealbumin and transferin. The consequencies of a very low level prealbumin may impact immune system, increase morbidity and mortality. This study aimed assess impact of skim milk supplementation on prealbumin status of malnourished children under five attending out patient community health center( Puskesmas). The research design is before and after for 38 children. The duration of nutrition rehabilitation and supplementation was three months. During the nutrition rehabilitation, the children were treated for infectious diseases, given 200 gram skim milk per week as additional protein rich food, nutrition counseling and child health care. The result of study showed that children consumed low intakes of energy and protein (below minimum level of RDA). Prealbumin concentration before intervention 10,3±5,0 mg/dL and 10,6±3,4 mg/dL. after intervention for 3 months Prealbumin changes was not significant (p=0,695). Supplementary of skim milk 200 gram per week during 3 months in the nutrition rehabilitation outpatients failed to improved prealbumin concentration among malnourished children

    Suplementasi Daun Torbangun (Coleus Amboinicus Lour) Untuk Menurunkan Keluhan Sindrom Pramenstruasi Pada Remaja Putri (Supplementation of Torbangun Leaves [Coleus Amboinicus Lour] in Reducing the Complainst of Pre-menstrual Syndrome [Pms] Among Teenage G

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    Background: Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus Lour) is one of type of species from Labiatae family which contains a lot of micronutrient and active element which have been examined as beneficial for human health and quality of life. The plants containing iridoid and flavonoid as well as phytochemical which deal with reproduction hormone is applicable to traditional medication toward PMS cases. Methods: The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of CAL leaves in the management of PMS. An experimental clinical trial was conducted in 35 teenagers with PMS. Three intervention groups were defined: CAL leaves; commercial preparation; and placebo. Participants were followed-up individually for 1 month. Result: The results showed average menarche occurred around age 13 years, with menstruation lasting 5 days. During each successive treatment cycle, participants experienced a lower pain intensity score. Chi Square test, after adjusting each cycle for baseline pain, treatment compliance and other variables, showed that the group receiving CAL extract had significantly reduced pain intensity (p<0.05) compared with commercial preparation and placebo. Conclusion: The torbangun leaves supplement can be used as treatment to relief symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2):180-194


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    ABSTRACTChildren who suffering protein and energy deficiency have low blood protein, particularly prealbumin and transferin. The consequencies of a very low level prealbumin may impact immune system, increase morbidity and mortality. This study aimed assess impact of skim milk supplementation on prealbumin status of malnourished children under five attending out patient community health center( Puskesmas). The research design is before and after for 38 children. The duration of nutrition rehabilitation and supplementation was three months. During the nutrition rehabilitation, the children were treated for infectious diseases, given 200 gram skim milk per week as additional protein rich food, nutrition counseling and child health care. The result of study showed that children consumed low intakes of energy and protein (below minimum level of RDA). Prealbumin concentration before intervention 10,3±5,0 mg/dL and 10,6±3,4 mg/dL. after intervention for 3 months Prealbumin changes was not significant (p=0,695). Supplementary of skim milk 200 gram per week during 3 months in the nutrition rehabilitation outpatients failed to improved prealbumin concentration among malnourished children.Keywords: skim milk supplementation, underweight, out-patient, prealbumin concentrationABSTRAKAnak kurang energy protein (KEP) mengalami penurunan kadar protein, terutama prealbumin dan transferin dalam darah. Konsekuensi kadar prealbumin dan transferin rendah antara lain daya tahan tubuh menurun, risiko kesakitan meningkat dan kematian. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan susu skim terhadap kadar prealbumin anak berusia di bawah lima tahun (balita) yang mengikuti rehabilitasi rawat jalan di Puskesmas. Desain penelitian before-after study. Rehabilitasi gizi rawat jalan pada anak balita dengan berat badan kurang dilakukan di Puskesmas Sukaraja selama 3 bulan. Selama mengikuti rehabilitasi gizi, anak balita mendapat pengobatan penyakit infeksi, pemberian susu skim 200 g per minggu sebagai tambahan asupan protein, penyuluhan gizi dan perawatan kesehatan anak. Jumlah responden sebanyak 38 anak balita. Asupan energi dan protein anak balita sangat rendah (di bawah AKG). Kadar prealbumin sebelum mengikuti rehabilitasi 10,3±5,0 mg/dL dan meningkat menjadi 10,6±3,4 mg/dL setelah mengikuti rehabilitasi rawat jalan. Prealbumin secara statistik tidak signifikan (p=0,695). Pemberian susu skim sebanyak 200 g per minggu selama 3 bulan belum dapat meningkatkan kadar prealbumin darah anak balita KEP yang mengikuti paket rehabilitasi rawat jalan. [Penel Gizi Makan 2013, 36(2): 157-164]Kata kunci: pemberian susu skim tambahan, anak kurang gizi, rawat jalan, kadar prealbumin


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    ABSTRACT Background: Nutrition extension is one of the approach efforts to increase knowledge in order to gain good behavior. Through this extension, we expected mother of under five years child would understood and comprehended as well as had a willing and could implement what she was advised, so that she could took care of under five years child with underweight nutrition to become better nutrition. Purpose: To study about the changing of knowledge and attitude of mother with undernourished of under-five years child after got intervention of extension for 3 months of between two groups got leaflet and didn't get leaflet. Methods: This applied research applied quasi experiment research design. Population is mother having undernourished of under five years child and mother age ranges from 18-45 years, totally 176 samples. Group of treatment got extension package for 3 months and given leaflet to be studied in house. Group of control was participated extension package for 3 months, but they weren’t given leaflet, and leaflet was given after this research completed. Results: After followed extension package during 3 months, samples showed improvement for mother’s knowledge as 11.4% in group of treatment and 10.4% in group of control. Statististically by using Chi quadrate test, there were a significance difference (p=0.00) for mother’s knowledge before and after research in both group of research. There is a changing for mother’s attitude in group of treatment as 28.1% and 16.1% in group of control. By using chi square test we found significance difference (p=0,021) on mother’s attitude in group of treatment before and after extension for 3 month, while in group of control there was no significance difference ( p=0.187). Conclusions: Leaflet is one of the supporting facilities which applicable to change knowledge and attitude of mother. There is no difference of mother’s motivation in participating this research. The role of husband and parents were big enough in two groups of research in the treatment of nutrition undernourished child, especially in parenting and decision making in child recovery from sickness. Recommendation: This research need to be continued to study about extension impact to on mother’s behavior while taking care child. Extension for husbands needs to be done to involve them in child parenting and treatment process to quicken the improvement of nutrition of under-five years child. [Penel Gizi Makan 2009, 32(2): 119-128]   Key word: Leaflet, extension, undernourished, knowledge, attitude

    Peran Penyuluhan Dengan Menggunakan Leaflet Terhadap Perubahan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Balita Gizi Kurang

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    Background: Nutrition extension is one of the approach efforts to increase knowledge in order to gain good behavior. Through this extension, we expected mother of under five years child would understood and comprehended as well as had a willing and could implement what she was advised, so that she could took care of under five years child with underweight nutrition to become better nutrition. Purpose: To study about the changing of knowledge and attitude of mother with undernourished of under-five years child after got intervention of extension for 3 months of between two groups got leaflet and didn't get leaflet. Methods: This applied research applied quasi experiment research design. Population is mother having undernourished of under five years child and mother age ranges from 18-45 years, totally 176 samples. Group of treatment got extension package for 3 months and given leaflet to be studied in house. Group of control was participated extension package for 3 months, but they weren't given leaflet, and leaflet was given after this research completed. Results: After followed extension package during 3 months, samples showed improvement for mother's knowledge as 11.4% in group of treatment and 10.4% in group of control. Statististically by using Chi quadrate test, there were a significance difference (p=0.00) for mother's knowledge before and after research in both group of research. There is a changing for mother's attitude in group of treatment as 28.1% and 16.1% in group of control. By using chi square test we found significance difference (p=0,021) on mother's attitude in group of treatment before and after extension for 3 month, while in group of control there was no significance difference ( p=0.187). Conclusions: Leaflet is one of the supporting facilities which applicable to change knowledge and attitude of mother. There is no difference of mother's motivation in participating this research. The role of husband and parents were big enough in two groups of research in the treatment of nutrition undernourished child, especially in parenting and decision making in child recovery from sickness. Recommendation: This research need to be continued to study about extension impact to on mother's behavior while taking care child. Extension for husbands needs to be done to involve them in child parenting and treatment process to quicken the improvement of nutrition of under-five years child. [Penel Gizi Makan 2009, 32(2): 119-128


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    ABSTRACT Background: Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus Lour) is one of type of species from Labiatae family which contains a lot of micronutrient and active element which have been examined as beneficial for human health and quality of life. The plants containing iridoid and flavonoid as well as phytochemical which deal with reproduction hormone is applicable to traditional medication toward PMS cases. Methods: The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of CAL leaves in the management of PMS. An experimental clinical trial was conducted in 35 teenagers with PMS. Three intervention groups were defined: CAL leaves; commercial preparation; and placebo. Participants were followed-up individually for 1 month. Result: The results showed average menarche occurred around age 13 years, with menstruation lasting 5 days. During each successive treatment cycle, participants experienced a lower pain intensity score. Chi Square test, after adjusting each cycle for baseline pain, treatment compliance and other variables, showed that the group receiving CAL extract had significantly reduced pain intensity (p&lt;0.05) compared with commercial preparation and placebo. Conclusion: The torbangun leaves supplement can be used as treatment to relief symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2):180-194]   Keywords: Torbangun leaves (Coleus amboinicus Lour), pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), teenage girls</p


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    ABSTRACT Background: Torbangun leaves (Coleus ambonicus Lour) is one of type of species from Labiatae family which contains a lot of micronutrient and active element which have been examined as beneficial for human health and quality of life. The plants containing iridoid and flavonoid as well as phytochemical which deal with reproduction hormone is applicable to traditional medication toward PMS cases. Methods: The present study was aimed to assess the efficacy of CAL leaves in the management of PMS. An experimental clinical trial was conducted in 35 teenagers with PMS. Three intervention groups were defined: CAL leaves; commercial preparation; and placebo. Participants were followed-up individually for 1 month. Result: The results showed average menarche occurred around age 13 years, with menstruation lasting 5 days. During each successive treatment cycle, participants experienced a lower pain intensity score. Chi Square test, after adjusting each cycle for baseline pain, treatment compliance and other variables, showed that the group receiving CAL extract had significantly reduced pain intensity (p&lt;0.05) compared with commercial preparation and placebo. Conclusion: The torbangun leaves supplement can be used as treatment to relief symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2):180-194]   Keywords: Torbangun leaves (Coleus amboinicus Lour), pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), teenage girl