3,068 research outputs found

    Postbuckling behavior of graphite-epoxy panels

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    Structurally efficient fuselage panels are often designed to allow buckling to occur at applied loads below ultimate. Interest in applying graphite-epoxy materials to fuselage primary structure led to several studies of the post-buckling behavior of graphite-epoxy structural components. Studies of the postbuckling behavior of flat and curved, unstiffened and stiffened graphite-epoxy panels loaded in compression and shear were summarized. The response and failure characteristics of specimens studied experimentally were described, and analytical and experimental results were compared. The specimens tested in the studies described were fabricated from commercially available 0.005-inch-thick unidirectional graphite-fiber tapes preimpregnated with 350 F cure thermosetting epoxy resins

    Infrared detection of concrete deterioration

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    Infrared detection of concrete deterioratio

    Monitoring vegetation conditions from LANDSAT for use in range management

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    A summary of the LANDSAT Great Plains Corridor projects and the principal results are presented. Emphasis is given to the use of satellite acquired phenological data for range management and agri-business activities. A convenient method of reducing LANDSAT MSS data to provide quantitative estimates of green biomass on rangelands in the Great Plains is explained. Suggestions for the use of this approach for evaluating range feed conditions are presented. A LANDSAT Follow-on project has been initiated which will employ the green biomass estimation method in a quasi-operational monitoring of range readiness and range feed conditions on a regional scale

    Monitoring the vernal advancement and retrogradation (green wave effect) of natural vegetation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project utilizes natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. A method has been developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions over broad regions using ERTS-1 MSS data. Radiance values recorded in ERTS-1 spectral bands 5 and 7, corrected for sun angle, are used to compute a band ratio parameter which is shown to be correlated with green biomass and vegetation moisture content. This report details the progress being made toward determining factors associated with the transformed vegetation index (TVI) and limitations on the method. During the first year of ERTS-1 operation (cycles 1-20), an average of 50% usable ERTS-1 data was obtained for the ten Great Plains Corridor test sites

    Monitoring vegetation systems in the Great Plains with ERTS

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    The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project utilizes natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. A method has been developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions over broad regions using ERTS-1 MSS data. Radiance values recorded in ERTS-1 spectral bands 5 and 7, corrected for sun angle, are used to compute a band ratio parameter which is shown to be correlated with aboveground green biomass on rangelands

    Monitoring the Vernal Advancement and Retrogradation (Green Wave Effect) of Natural Vegetation

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The Great Plains Corridor rangeland project successfully utilized natural vegetation systems as phenological indicators of seasonal development and climatic effects upon regional growth conditions. An effective method was developed for quantitative measurement of vegetation conditions, including green biomass estimates, recorded in bands 5 and 6, corrected for sun angle, were used to compute a ratio parameter (TV16) which is shown to be highly correlated with green biomass and vegatation moisture content. Analyses results of ERTS-1 digital data and correlated ground data are summarized. Attention was given to analyzing weather influences and test site variables on vegetation condition measurements with ERTS-1 data

    Three examples of applied remote sensing of vegetation

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    Cause studies in which remote sensing techniques were adapted to assist in the solution of particular problem situations in Texas involving vegetation are described. In each case, the final sensing technique developed for operational use by the concerned organizations employed photographic sensors which were optimized through studies of the spectral reflectance characteristics of the vegetation species and background conditions unique to the problem being considered. The three examples described are: (1) Assisting Aquatic Plant Monitoring and Control; (2) Improving Vegetation Utilization in Urban Planning; and (3) Enforcing the Quarantine of Diseased Crops

    Applied regional monitoring of the vernal advancement and retrogradation (Green wave effect) of natural vegetation in the Great Plains corridor

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT 2 has shown that digital data products can be effectively employed on a regional basis to monitor changes in vegetation conditions. The TV16 was successfully applied to an extended test site and the Great Plains Corridor in tests of the ability to assess green forage biomass on rangelands as an index to vegetation condition. A strategy for using TV16 on a regional basis was developed and tested. These studies have shown that: (1) for rangelands with good vegetative cover, such as most of the Great Plains, and which are not heavily infested with brush or undesirable weed species, the LANDSAT digital data can provide a good estimate (within 250 kg/ha) of the quantity of green forage biomass, and (2) at least five levels of pasture and range feed conditions can be adequately mapped for extended regions

    Applications of aerospace technology in biology and medicine

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    Utilization of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) technology in medicine is discussed. The objective is best obtained by stimulation of the introduction of new or improved commercially available medical products incorporating aerospace technology. A bipolar donor/recipient model of medical technology transfer is presented to provide a basis for the team's methodology. That methodology is designed to: (1) identify medical problems and NASA technology that, in combination, constitute opportunities for successful medical products; (2) obtain the early participation of industry in the transfer process; and (3) obtain acceptance by the medical community of new medical products based on NASA technology. Two commercial transfers were completed: the Stowaway, a lightweight wheelchair that provides mobility for the disabled and elderly in the cabin of commercial aircraft, and Micromed, a portable medication infusion pump for the reliable, continuous infusion of medications such as heparin or insulin. The marketing and manufacturing factors critical to the commercialization of the lightweight walker incorporating composite materials were studied. Progress was made in the development and commercialization of each of the 18 currently active projects

    Poor specificity of National Early Warning Score (NEWS) in spinal cord injuries (SCI) population: a retrospective cohort study

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    Study design: Retrospective chart audit. Objectives: The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) is based on seven physiological parameters which can be altered in some individuals with spinal cord injuries (SCI). The aim was to start the development of adapted NEWS suitable for SCI population. The objective was to determine the SBP NEWS specificity based on neurological level of injury (NLI) and completeness of injury. Setting: Tertiary centre in the UK. Methods: Adult patients admitted for the first time to the National Spinal Injuries Centre between 1st January 2015 and 31st December 2016 were included if they were > 6 months post-injury. Data were extracted retrospectively including the last ten consecutive BP and heart rate readings before discharge. Data were analysed based on different AIS grades, completeness of injury and NLI. Results: 191 patients were admitted in 2015 and 2016 and 142 patients were included in the primary analysis. The mean SBP ranged between 92 and 151 mmHg. Patients with the NLI of T6 and above (≥ T6) motor complete lesions had a significantly lower SBP than motor incomplete lesions. The specificity of the SBP NEWS was 35.3% in ≥ T6 motor complete individuals versus 80.3 % in ≥ T6 motor incomplete individuals. Conclusion: The baseline BP is significantly lower in the ≥ T6 motor complete SCI individuals (> 6 months post-injury) resulting in a very low specificity of 35.3 % to SBP NEWS which could lead to mismatch between clinical deterioration and NEWS resulting in lack of timely clinical response
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