453 research outputs found

    An appraisal of horticultural plant morpho-physiological and molecular responses to variable salt stress agents

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    In the coming years, the scientific community, extension specialists and horticulturists will have to deal with growing agronomic and horticultural crops under sub-optimal conditions dictated by a global change scenarios. Salinity which is a water or soil quality concern is one of the most serious threats limiting the productivity of vegetables which are highly susceptible to soil and/or water salinity. In vegetable crops, soil and/or water salinity have been reported to disturb biochemical, morpho-physiological, and molecular processes leading to stunted growth and yield reduction. This article gives an overview of the recent literature on salinity response of vegetable crops (in which sodium chloride, NaCl, is the predominant salt) as well as the physiological and molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance. The physiological mechanisms behind the response of vegetable crops to Na+ and Cl- and the functions that directly and/or indirectly affect the produce quality in terms of nutritional and functional quality will be elucidated. In addition, the effects of different salinity sources coming from other ions such as Mg2+, SO42-, HCO3- and Ca2+ are also discussed. Finally, the review paper identifies trendy research areas relevant to salinity as a eustressor for boosting quality of vegetables without compromising yield

    Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Ornamental Plants Adaptation to Deficit Irrigation

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    There is increasing concern regarding global warming and its severe impact on the farming sector and food security. Incidences of extreme weather conditions are becoming more and more frequent, posing plants to stressful conditions, such as flooding, drought, heat, or frost etc. Especially for arid lands, there is a tug-of-war between keeping high crop yields and increasing water use efficiency of limited water resources. This difficult task can be achieved through the selection of tolerant water stress species or by increasing the tolerance of sensitive species. In this scenario, it is important to understand the response of plants to water stress. So far, the response of staple foods and vegetable crops to deficit irrigation is well studied. However, there is lack of literature regarding the responses of ornamental plants to water stress conditions. Considering the importance of this ever-growing sector for the agricultural sector, this review aims to reveal the defense mechanisms and the involved morpho-physiological, biochemical, and molecular changes in ornamental plant’s responses to deficit irrigation

    The Effects of the Microbial Biostimulants Approved by EU Regulation 2019/1009 on Yield and Quality of Vegetable Crops

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    The use of microbial biostimulants such as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPB) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) has gained popularity in recent years as a sustainable approach to boost yield as well as the quality of produce. The beneficial effects of microbial biostimulants have been reported numerous times. However, information is missing concerning quantitative assessment of the overall impact of microbial biostimulants on the yield and quality of vegetable crops. Here we provide for the first time a comprehensive, semi-systematic review of the effects of microbial biostimulants allowed by Regulation (EU) 2019/1009, including microorganisms belonging to the AMF (phylum Glomeromycota), or to Azospirillum, Azotobacter and Rhizobium genera, on vegetable crops’ quality and yield, with rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria based on the PRISMA method. We identified, selected and critically evaluated all the relevant research studies from 2010 onward in order to provide a critical appraisal of the most recent findings related to these EU-allowed microbial biostimulants and their effects on vegetable crops’ quality and yield. Moreover, we highlighted which vegetable crops received more beneficial effects from specific microbial biostimulants and the protocols employed for plant inoculation. Our study is intended to draw more attention from the scientific community to this important instrument to produce nutrient-dense vegetables in a sustainable manner. Finally, our semi-systematic review provides important microbial biostimulant application guidelines and gives extension specialists and vegetable growers insights into achieving an additional benefit from microbial biostimulant application

    Effects of vegetal- versus animal-derived protein hydrolysate on sweet basil morpho-physiological and metabolic traits

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    Despite scientific evidence supporting the biostimulant activity of protein hydrolysates (PHs) derived from vegetal or animal sources, the morpho-physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the biostimulant action of PHs from plant biomass or animal by-products are still poorly explored. Accordingly, we performed a greenhouse experiment for assessing the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) to three nitrogen equivalent rates (0.05, 0.15, and 0.25 g N/kg) of an animal-derived protein hydrolysate (A-PH) and a vegetal-derived protein hydrolysate (V-PH). The V-PH and A-PH applications determined a quadratic-dose response regarding the number and area of leaves and the shoot fresh and dry weight, with the best results obtained using V-PH at the N equivalent rates of 0.05 and 0.15 g N/kg. Improvement of shoot fresh weight with V-PH foliar application at the rate of 0.15 g N/kg was associated with a higher leaf CO2 assimilation and water use efficiency, with a concomitant higher uptake and translocation of K, Mg, and S in leaf tissue. The excessive accumulation of Na, Cl, and some amino acids (e.g., proline) under A-PH applications above 0.05 g N/kg induced a rapid decrease in plant photosynthetic performance, growth, and biomass production. The plants treated with A-PH at a higher dosage appeared to activate an alternative pathway involving the synthesis of alanine and GABA for storing excess ammonia, buffering cytoplasmic acidosis, and counteracting the negative effects of Na and Cl at toxic levels. The above findings demonstrated the potential benefits of protein hydrolysate application in agriculture, especially of vegetal-derived PHs, and highlighted the need to understand dose-dependent effects in order to optimize crop response

    Advances in irrigation management in greenhouse cultivation

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    The advantages of greenhouse include the ability to secure better conditions than outdoor environment for crop growth and development, increased off-season production and autonomy from external weather conditions. This chapter provides an up-to-date critical overview of scientific advances in irrigation management for greenhouse vegetables and ornamentals. The chapter presents a technical design of a typical greenhouse irrigation system, before covering water balance and crop evapotranspiration techniques as well as the use of high-tech moisture sensors for irrigation scheduling. In the context of enhancing the water use efficiency of greenhouse crops, the chapter also discusses innovative management practices such as biostimulants and grafting. Finally, the chapter concludes by looking ahead to future prospects and research breakthroughs

    Ameliorating a Complex Urban Ecosystem Through Instrumental Use of Softscape Buffers: Proposal for a Green Infrastructure Network in the Metropolitan Area of Naples

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    Green Infrastructure (GI) definition, deriving from the United States green infrastructure for hydro-geological rebalancing through imitating the nature stormwater management, was consolidated in Europe by GI Planning Guide. Nowadays GI can be considered a valid and meaningful approach for ameliorating urban complex ecosystems, and could also be considered as mitigation action of land consumption, according to the guidelines on the soil sealing of the European Commission (2012). The metropolitan area of Naples located in south Italy is characterized by an unauthorized and chaotic urban development. The land-use map reported an average of 30% of urbanization in the metropolitan area, rising up to 50–60% and as high as 98% in the north core area of the city. This high level of urbanization is directly related to the habitat fragmentation. The National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy defines several challenges and targets to counteract the biodiversity loss in Italy, identifying urban areas as places exposed to the greatest pressures on ecosystems. Therefore, the integration of different policies limiting habitat fragmentation, heat island effect and natural soil hydro-geological degradation into spatial planning, especially through green corridors and ecosystem enhancement in urban areas is an urgent need for the society. Spatial planning has to be renewed in metropolitan areas, where threats and weaknesses to biodiversity conservation are stronger than in any other place, according to the Law n. 56/2014, (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, 2014) committing metropolitan cities to the enactment of General Territorial Plan. In the current paper, we aim at designing an ecological network for the metropolitan area of Naples one of the biggest city of southern Italy. The analyses include the adopted methodological procedure, i.e., ecological network analysis and design, and the introductory elements of a spatial analysis on a pilot ecological network of several patches. Finally, the paper illustrates the network analysis conceived as a monitoring system and also in future perspective, as a planning support system

    Enhancing Sustainability by Improving Plant Salt Tolerance through Macro- and Micro-Algal Biostimulants

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    Algal biomass, extracts, or derivatives have long been considered a valuable material to bring benefits to humans and cultivated plants. In the last decades, it became evident that algal formulations can induce multiple effects on crops (including an increase in biomass, yield, and quality), and that algal extracts contain a series of bioactive compounds and signaling molecules, in addition to mineral and organic nutrients. The need to reduce the non-renewable chemical input in agriculture has recently prompted an increase in the use of algal extracts as a plant biostimulant, also because of their ability to promote plant growth in suboptimal conditions such as saline environments is beneficial. In this article, we discuss some research areas that are critical for the implementation in agriculture of macro- and microalgae extracts as plant biostimulants. Specifically, we provide an overview of current knowledge and achievements about extraction methods, compositions, and action mechanisms of algal extracts, focusing on salt-stress tolerance. We also outline current limitations and possible research avenues. We conclude that the comparison and the integration of knowledge on the molecular and physiological response of plants to salt and to algal extracts should also guide the extraction procedures and application methods. The effects of algal biostimulants have been mainly investigated from an applied perspective, and the exploitation of different scientific disciplines is still much needed for the development of new sustainable strategies to increase crop tolerance to salt stress
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