792 research outputs found

    Disabled People

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    In Defence of Welfare was published in early 2011 and brings together responses from social policy experts to a range of different aspects of the Coalition government's planned reforms of - and cuts to - to welfare provision

    Present Tense

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    Present Tense is a 2 person exhibition exploring temporality, painting and photography. The exhibition presents of a series of paintings and painted over photographs which explore the codes of painting and photography, their intersections and possible disruptions. The exhibition’s curatorial aims are to offer an original engagement with an understanding of the way in which temporal frames might be explored and disrupted through the application of paint

    Investigating the role of language in children's early educational outcomes

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    Most children develop speech and language skills effortlessly, but some are slow to develop these skills and then go on to struggle with literacy and academic skills throughout their schooling. It is the first few years of life that are critical to their subsequent performance.\ud This project looks at what we know about the early communication environment in a child’s first two years of life, and the role this plays in preparing children for school using data from a large longitudinal survey of young people (ALSPAC - the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children).\ud It examines the characteristics of the environment in which children learn to communicate (such as activities undertaken with children, the mother’s attitude towards her baby, and the wider support available to the family) and the extent to which this affects a child’s readiness for school entry (defined as their early language, reading, writing, and maths skills that they need in school).\ud \ud Key Findings:\ud •\ud There is a strong association between a child’s social background and their readiness for school as measured by their scores on school entry assessments covering language, reading, maths and writing.\ud •\ud Language development at the age of 2 years predicts children’s performance on entry to primary school. Children’s understanding and use of vocabulary and their use of two or three word sentences at 2 years is very strongly associated with their performance on entering primary school.\ud •\ud The children’s communication environment influences language development. The number of books available to the child, the frequency of visits to the library, parents teaching a range of activities, the number of toys available, and attendance at pre-school, are all important predictors of the child’s expressive vocabulary at 2 years. The amount of television on in the home is also a predictor; as this time increased, so the child’s score at school entry decreased.\ud •\ud The communication environment is a more dominant predictor of early language than social background. In the early stages of language development, it is the particular aspects of a child’s communication environment that are associated with language acquisition rather than the broader socio-economic context of the family.\ud •\ud The child’s language and their communication environment influence the child’s performance at school entry in addition to their social background. Children’s success at school is governed not only by their social background; the child’s communication environment\ud before their second birthday and their language at the age of two years also have a strong influence

    Stepping outside normative neoliberal discourse: youth and disability meet – the case of Jody McIntyre

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    In May 2010, amidst the ‘global financial crisis’ a Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government succeeded a 12-year reign of New Labour in the United Kingdom, and ushered in massive welfare cuts. Although New Labour tabled major welfare and disability benefit reform, they arguably did not activate the harshest of these. This paper focuses on the backlash of youth and disability in the form of demonstrations; two groups that are being hit hard by the political shift to work-first welfare in an era of employment scarcity. The case of young disabled activist Jody McIntyre is used to explore parallels and divergences in neoliberal and ‘populist’ discourses of ‘risky’, troubling’ youth and disability


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    The methodology aims to demonstrate that absence is not reducible to one approach or another but plays on the incommensurabilities, commensurabilities and gaps between the different concepts presented. The 'motions of absence', which are textual insertions interspersed between the sections, directly articulate the methodology of the thesis by responding to and exploring the thinking in each section. The methodology therefore both produces and addresses the tensions and gaps available in visual and theoretical discourses to demonstrate absence. lt thereby allows for the possibility of a re-inscription of signification for absence to occur