29 research outputs found

    Effects of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesion on motor habit and performance assessed with manual grasping and control of force in macaque monkeys.

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    In the context of an autologous adult neural cell ecosystem (ANCE) transplantation study, four intact adult female macaque monkeys underwent a unilateral biopsy of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) to provide the cellular material needed to obtain the ANCE. Monkeys were previously trained to perform quantitative motor (manual dexterity) tasks, namely, the "modified-Brinkman board" task and the "reach and grasp drawer" task. The aim of the present study was to extend preliminary data on the role of the prefrontal cortex in motor habit and test the hypothesis that dlPFC contributes to predict the grip force required when a precise level of force to be generated is known beforehand. As expected for a small dlPFC biopsy, neither the motor performance (score) nor the spatiotemporal motor sequences were affected in the "modified-Brinkman board" task, whereas significant changes (mainly decreases) in the maximal grip force (force applied on the drawer knob) were observed in the "reach and grasp drawer" task. The present data in the macaque monkey related to the prediction of grip force are well in line with the previous fMRI data reported for human subjects. Moreover, the ANCE transplantation strategy (in the case of stroke or Parkinson's disease) based on biopsy in dlPFC does not generate unwanted motor consequences, at least as far as motor habit and motor performance are concerned in the context of a sequential grasping a small objects, which does not require the development of significant force levels

    Changes of motor corticobulbar projections following different lesion types affecting the central nervous system in adult macaque monkeys.

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    Functional recovery from central nervous system injury is likely to be partly due to a rearrangement of neural circuits. In this context, the corticobulbar (corticoreticular) motor projections onto different nuclei of the ponto-medullary reticular formation (PMRF) were investigated in 13 adult macaque monkeys after either, primary motor cortex injury (MCI) in the hand area, or spinal cord injury (SCI) or Parkinson's disease-like lesions of the nigro-striatal dopaminergic system (PD). A subgroup of animals in both MCI and SCI groups was treated with neurite growth promoting anti-Nogo-A antibodies, whereas all PD animals were treated with autologous neural cell ecosystems (ANCE). The anterograde tracer BDA was injected either in the premotor cortex (PM) or in the primary motor cortex (M1) to label and quantify corticobulbar axonal boutons terminaux and en passant in PMRF. As compared to intact animals, after MCI the density of corticobulbar projections from PM was strongly reduced but maintained their laterality dominance (ipsilateral), both in the presence or absence of anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment. In contrast, the density of corticobulbar projections from M1 was increased following opposite hemi-section of the cervical cord (at C7 level) and anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment, with maintenance of contralateral laterality bias. In PD monkeys, the density of corticobulbar projections from PM was strongly reduced, as well as that from M1, but to a lesser extent. In conclusion, the densities of corticobulbar projections from PM or M1 were affected in a variable manner, depending on the type of lesion/pathology and the treatment aimed to enhance functional recovery


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    The basic characteristics (both anatomical and functional) of the primary auditory neurons, whose axons constitute the auditory nerve, are related to their mode of coding of the acoustic information, in response to pure tones and speech-like acoustic stimuli. The progressive transformation of this information along the auditory pathways (up to the auditory cortex) is discussed in the context of the organization of the auditory system in parallel functional channels, possibly contributing to the processing of distinct aspects of the acoustic information. The segregated parallel functional channels, reaching finally distinct auditory cortical fields, can be distinguished from each other by their connectional properties, as well as their response characteristics to simple acoustic stimuli. The auditory system, in particular at thalamic and cortical levels, presents a general pattern of organization comparable to that reported for the visual system, consisting of a combination of functional modules, arranged in parallel as well as hierarchically, and specialized for various visual tasks. However, the functional specialization of the various modules of the auditory system remains to be elucidated

    Multisensory anatomical pathways.

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    In order to interact with the multisensory world that surrounds us, we must integrate various sources of sensory information (vision, hearing, touch...). A fundamental question is thus how the brain integrates the separate elements of an object defined by several sensory components to form a unified percept. The superior colliculus was the main model for studying multisensory integration. At the cortical level, until recently, multisensory integration appeared to be a characteristic attributed to high-level association regions. First, we describe recently observed direct cortico-cortical connections between different sensory cortical areas in the non-human primate and discuss the potential role of these connections. Then, we show that the projections between different sensory and motor cortical areas and the thalamus enabled us to highlight the existence of thalamic nuclei that, by their connections, may represent an alternative pathway for information transfer between different sensory and/or motor cortical areas. The thalamus is in position to allow a faster transfer and even an integration of information across modalities. Finally, we discuss the role of these non-specific connections regarding behavioral evidence in the monkey and recent electrophysiological evidence in the primary cortical sensory areas

    Discharge properties of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the rat.

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    The aim of the present study was to characterize the discharge properties of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the rat. In the absence of acoustic stimulation, two types of spontaneous discharge patterns were observed: units tended to fire in a bursting or in a nonbursting mode. The distribution of units in the DNLL based on spontaneous firing rate followed a rostrocaudal gradient: units with high spontaneous rates were most commonly located in the rostral part of the DNLL, whereas in the caudal part units had lower spontaneous discharge rates. The most common response pattern of DNLL units to 200 ms binaural noise bursts contained a prominent onset response followed by a lower but steady-state response and an inhibitory response in the early-off period. Thresholds of response to noise bursts were on average higher for DNLL units than for units recorded in the inferior colliculus under the same experimental conditions. The DNLL units were arranged according to a mediolateral sensitivity gradient with the lowest threshold units in the most lateral part of the nucleus. In the rat, as in other mammals, the most common DNLL binaural input type was an excitatory response to contralateral ear stimulation and inhibitory response to ipsilateral ear stimulation (EI type). Pure tone bursts were in general a more effective stimulus compared to noise bursts. Best frequency (BF) was established for 97 DNLL units and plotted according to their spatial location. The DNLL exhibits a loose tonotopic organization, where there is a concentric pattern with high BF units located in the most dorsal and ventral parts of the DNLL and lower BF units in the middle part of the nucleus

    Several neuronal and axonal types form long intrinsic connections in the cat primary auditory cortical field (AI).

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    Intrinsic connections in the cat primary auditory field (AI) as revealed by injections of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) or biocytin, had an anisotropic and patchy distribution. Neurons, labelled retrogradely with PHA-L were concentrated along a dorsoventral stripe through the injection site and rostral to it; the spread of rostrally located neurons was greater after injections into regions of low rather than high characteristic frequencies. The intensity of retrograde labelling varied from weak and granular to very strong and Golgi-like. Out of 313 Golgi like retrogradely labelled neurons 79.6% were pyramidal, 17.2% multipolar, 2.6% bipolar, and 0.6% bitufted; 13.4% were putatively inhibitory, i.e. aspiny or sparsely spiny multipolar, or bitufted. Individual anterogradely labelled intrinsic axons were reconstructed for distances of 2 to 7 mm. Five main types were distinguished on the basis of the branching pattern and the location of synaptic specialisations. Type 1 axons travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and sent collaterals at regular intervals; boutons were only present in the terminal arborizations of these collaterals. Type 2 axons also travelled horizontally within layers II to VI and had rather short and thin collateral branches; boutons or spine-like protrusions occurred in most parts of the axon. Type 3 axons travelled obliquely through the cortex and formed a single terminal arborization, the only site where boutons were found. Type 4 axons travelled for some distance in layer I; they formed a heterogeneous group as to their collaterals and synaptic specializations. Type 5 axons travelled at the interface between layer VI and the white matter; boutons en passant, spine-like protrusions, and thin short branches with boutons en passant were frequent all along their trajectory. Thus, only some axonal types sustain the patchy pattern of intrinsic connectivity, whereas others are involved in a more diffuse connectivity

    The auditory pathway in cat corpus callosum.

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    The cortical auditory fields of the two hemispheres are interconnected via the corpus callosum. We have investigated the topographical arrangement of auditory callosal axons in the cat. Following circumscribed biocytin injections in the primary (AI), secondary (AII), anterior (AAF) and posterior (PAF) auditory fields, labelled axons have been found in the posterior two-thirds of the corpus callosum. Callosal axons labelled by small individual cortical injections did not form a tight bundle at the callosal midsagittal plane but spread over as much as one-third of the corpus callosum. Axons originating from different auditory fields were roughly topographically ordered, reflecting to some extent the rostro-caudal position of the field of origin. Axons from AAF crossed on average more rostrally than axons from AI; the latter crossed more rostrally than axons from PAF and AII. Callosal axons originating in a discrete part of the cortex travelled first in a relatively tight bundle to the telo-diencephalic junction and then dispersed progressively. In conclusion, the cat corpus callosum does not contain a sector reserved for auditory axons, nor a strictly topographically ordered auditory pathway. This observation is of relevance to neuropsychological and neuropathological observations in man

    Cortical Projection From the Premotor or Primary Motor Cortex to the Subthalamic Nucleus in Intact and Parkinsonian Adult Macaque Monkeys: A Pilot Tracing Study.

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    Besides the main cortical inputs to the basal ganglia, via the corticostriatal projection, there is another input via the corticosubthalamic projection (CSTP), terminating in the subthalamic nucleus (STN). The present study investigated and compared the CSTPs originating from the premotor cortex (PM) or the primary motor cortex (M1) in two groups of adult macaque monkeys. The first group includes six intact monkeys, whereas the second group was made up of four monkeys subjected to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) intoxication producing Parkinson's disease (PD)-like symptoms and subsequently treated with an autologous neural cell ecosystem (ANCE) therapy. The CSTPs were labeled with the anterograde tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA), injected either in PM or in M1. BDA-labeled axonal terminal boutons in STN were charted, counted, and then normalized based on the number of labeled corticospinal axons in each monkey. In intact monkeys, the CSTP from PM was denser than that originating from M1. In two PD monkeys, the CSTP originating from PM or M1 were substantially increased, as compared to intact monkeys. In one other PD monkey, there was no obvious change, whereas the last PD monkey showed a decrease of the CSTP originating from M1. Interestingly, the linear relationship between CSTP density and PD symptoms yielded a possible dependence of the CSTP re-organization with the severity of the MPTP lesion. The higher the PD symptoms, the larger the CSTP densities, irrespective of the origin (from both M1 or PM). Plasticity of the CSTP in PD monkeys may be related to PD itself and/or to the ANCE treatment

    Combined with anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment, BDNF did not compensate the extra deleterious motor effect caused by large size cervical cord hemisection in adult macaques.

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    In spinal cord injured adult mammals, neutralizing the neurite growth inhibitor Nogo-A with antibodies promotes axonal regeneration and functional recovery, although axonal regeneration is limited in length. Neurotrophic factors such as BDNF stimulate neurite outgrowth and protect axotomized neurons. Can the effects obtained by neutralizing Nogo-A, inducing an environment favorable for axonal sprouting, be strengthened by adding BDNF? A unilateral incomplete hemicord lesion at C7 level interrupted the main corticospinal component in three groups of adult macaque monkeys: control monkeys (n = 6), anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys (n = 7), and anti-Nogo-A antibody and BDNF-treated monkeys (n = 5). The functional recovery of manual dexterity was significantly different between the 3 groups of monkeys, the lowest in the control group. Whereas the anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated animals returned to manual dexterity performances close to prelesion ones, irrespective of lesion size, both the control and the anti-Nogo-A/BDNF animals presented a limited functional recovery. In the control group, the limited spontaneous functional recovery depended on lesion size, a dependence absent in the combined treatment group (anti-Nogo-A antibody and BDNF). The functional recovery in the latter group was significantly lower than in anti-Nogo-A antibody-treated monkeys, although the lesion was larger in three out of the five monkeys in the combined treatment group