200 research outputs found

    Does Mobile Payment Technology Mnet Attract Potential Consumers? The Case of Kuwait

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    Drawing on the technology acceptance model, gratification research and theory of reasoned action, this study examines the factors and barriers to the adoption of mobile payment – Mnet technology- through the moderation effect of gender and experience. Of the two research methods employed, the first is a quantitative field study of students. The instrument measures the impact of six variables (social norm, enjoyment, ease of use, usefulness, trust and privacy) on the intention to use Mnet. Using regression analysis on a sample of 175 respondents, findings show that gender and experience are two important factors on Mnet acceptance. The study reveals that intention to use is perceived usefulness and enjoyment driven for experienced and inexperienced male users, while it is enjoyment driven for female users. Perceived trust affect intention to use Mnet, regardless of users\u27 experience, perceived trust affects intention to use Mnet only of female users, and social norm and privacy play the weakest effect on intention to use Mnet. The second method is a qualitative analysis of respondents\u27 free format comments. These findings reinforce the quantitative findings and highlight additional encouraging and discouraging factors to the Mnet acceptance that still need to be studied

    Trust Factors Influencing Intention to Adopt Online Payment in Kuwait

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    While there is a large body of research that studied trust in e-commerce, this study investigates causes and consequences of customer trust in online payment system within an Arab culture. The paper develops a theoretical model that exhibits the impact of five exogenous variables namely (internet experience, personal innovativeness, familiarity, propensity to trust, and presence of third party seal) on intention to use online payment via the mediation of three endogenous variables (perceived enjoyment, perceived risk and perceived trust). Data was collected via on online questionnaire (150) and paper-based questionnaire (200), and the analysis provides validation of the proposed model. Findings shed light on the role of customer trust and perceived enjoyment to mediate the effect of external variables (personal innovativeness, familiarity, propensity to trust, and presence of third party seal). This could assist in enhancing online payment websites acceptance by potential consumers in Arab countries

    Aplicación del enfoque multi-índice con imágenes Sentinel-2 para obtener áreas urbanas en la estación seca (Zonas semiáridas en el noreste de Argelia)

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    [EN] The mapping of urban areas mostly presents a big difficulty, particularly, in arid and semi-arid environments. For that reason, in this research, we expect to increase built up accuracy mapping for Bordj Bou Arreridj city in semi-arid regions (North-East Algeria) by focusing on the identification of appropriate combination of the remotely sensed spectral indices. The study applies the ‘k–means’ classifier. In this regard, four spectral indexes were selected, namely normalized difference tillage index (NDTI) for built-up, and both bare soil index (BSI) and dry bare-soil index (DBSI), which are related to bare soil, as well as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). All previous spectral indices mentioned were derived from Sentinel-2 data acquired during the dry season. Two combinations of them were generated using layer stack process, keeping both of NDTI and NDVI index constant in both combinations so that the multi-index NDTI/BSI/NDVI was the first single dataset combination, and the multi-index NDTI/DBSI/NDVI as the second component. The results show that BSI index works better with NDTI index compared to the use of DBSI index. Therefore, BSI index provides improvements: bare soil classes and built-up were better discriminated, where the overall accuracy increased by 5.67% and the kappa coefficient increased by 12.05%. The use of k-means as unsupervised classifier provides an automatic and a rapid urban area detection. Therefore, the multi-index dataset NDTI/ BSI / NDVI was suitable for mapping the cities in dry climate, and could provide a better urban management and future remote sensing applications in semi-arid areas particularly.[ES] La cartografía de las zonas urbanas presenta una gran dificultad, especialmente en los entornos áridos y semiáridos. Por esa razón, en esta investigación esperamos aumentar la precisión de la cartografía de la ciudad de Bordj Bou Arreridj en las regiones semiáridas (noreste de Argelia) centrándose en la identificación de la combinación adecuada de los índices espectrales obtenidos por teledetección. El estudio aplica el clasificador ‘k-means’. A este respecto, se seleccionaron cuatro índices espectrales, a saber, el índice de labranza de diferencia normalizada (NDTI) para el área construida, el índice de suelo desnudo (BSI) y el índice de suelo desnudo seco (DBSI), que están relacionados con el suelo desnudo, así como el índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada (NDVI). Todos los índices espectrales anteriores mencionados se derivaron de datos Sentinel-2 adquiridos durante la estación seca (agosto). Se generaron dos combinaciones de ellas utilizando el proceso de superposición de capas, manteniendo constante tanto el índice NDTI como el índice NDVI en ambas combinaciones, de modo que el multi-índice NDTI/BSI/NDVI fue la primera combinación de conjuntos de datos, y el multi-índice NDTI/DBSI/NDVI fue el segundo componente. Los resultados muestran que el índice BSI funciona mejor con NDTI en comparación con el uso de DBSI. Por lo tanto, BSI proporciona mejoras: las clases de suelo desnudo y la de construcciones fueron mejor discriminadas, aumentando la precisión global en un 5,67%, y el coeficiente kappa un 12,05%. El uso de k-means como clasificador no supervisado proporciona una detección del área urbana automática y rápida. Por lo tanto, el conjunto de datos de varios índices NDTI/ BSI/ NDVI fue adecuado para cartografiar las ciudades en clima seco, y podría proporcionar una mejor gestión urbana y futuras aplicaciones de teledetección en zonas semiáridas en particular.Rouibah, K.; Belabbas, M. (2020). Applying Multi-Index approach from Sentinel-2 Imagery to Extract Urban Area in dry season (Semi-Arid Land in North East Algeria). Revista de Teledetección. 0(56):89-101. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2020.13787OJS89101056Al-Quraishi, A. ( 2011). Drought mapping using Geoinformation technology for some sites in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. International Journal of Digital Earth, 4, 239-257. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2010.489971Becerril-Piña, R., Mastachi-Loza, C. A., González-Sosa, E., Díaz-Delgado, C., Bâ, K. M. ( 2015). Assessing desertification risk in the semi-arid highlands of central Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments, 120, 4-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.04.006Bouzekri, S., Aziz Lasbet, A., Lachehab, A. ( 2015). A New Spectral Index for Extraction of Built-Up Area Using Landsat-8 Data. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 43. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12524-015-0460-6Bramhe, V., Ghosh, S., Garg, P. ( 2018). EXTRACTION OF BUILT-UP AREA BY COMBINING TEXTURAL FEATURES AND SPECTRAL INDICES FROM LANDSAT-8 MULTISPECTRAL IMAGE. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-5, 727-733. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-5-727-2018Chen, W., Liu, L., Zhang, C., Wang, J., Wang, J., Pan, Y. ( 2004). Monitoring the seasonal bare soil areas in Beijing using multitemporal TM images. Paper presented at the IGARSS 2004. 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. (Vol. 5, pp. 3379-3382). https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2004.1370429Congalton, R. ( 1991). A Review of Assessing the Accuracy of Classifications of Remotely Sensed Data (Vol. 37). https://doi.org/10.1016/0034-4257(91)90048-BCongedo, L. (2016). Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin Documentation. Releaseôte, M. ( 1996). L'algerie espace er societe paris: masson.Daughtry, C. S. T., Serbin, G., Reeves, J. B., Doraiswamy, P. C., Hunt, E. R. ( 2010). Spectral Reflectance of Wheat Residue during Decomposition and Remotely Sensed Estimates of Residue Cover. Remote Sensing, 2(2), 416-431. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs2020416Deng, C., Wu, C. ( 2012). BCI: A biophysical composition index for remote sensing of urban environments. 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Evaluating spectral indices for determining conservation and conventional tillage systems in a vetch-wheat rotation. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 4(2), 93-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2016.04.002Ettehadi Osgouei, P., Kaya, S., Sertel, E., Alganci, U. ( 2019). Separating Built-Up Areas from Bare Land in Mediterranean Cities Using Sentinel-2A Imagery. Remote Sensing, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11030345Foody, G. M. ( 2002). Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80(1), 185-201. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0034-4257(01)00295-4Gašparović, M., Zrinjski, M., Gudelj, M. ( 2019). Automatic cost-effective method for land cover classification (ALCC). Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 76, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.03.001Gllavata, J., Ewerth, R., Freisleben, B. (2004). Text detection in images based on unsupervised classification of high-frequency wavelet coefficients. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004. ICPR 2004. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICPR.2004.1334146Gupta, G., Singh, J., Pandey, P., Tomar, V., Rani, M., Kumar, P. ( 2014). Geospatial Strategy for Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon in Tropical Wildlife Reserve. pp. 69-83. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-05906-8_5.Jamalabad, M. ( 2004). Forest canopy density monitoring using satellite images. Paper presented at the Geo-Imagery Bridging Continents XXth ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004.Jieli, C. M., L.; Yongxue, L.; Chenglei, S.; Wei, H. ( 2010). Extract residential areas automatically by New Built-up Index. . Paper presented at the In Proceedings of the 2010 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Beijing, China. https://doi.org/10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567823Lee, J., Acharya, T., Lee, D. ( 2018). Exploring Land Cover Classification Accuracy of Landsat 8 Image using Spectral Indices Layer Stacking in Hilly Region of South Korea. Sensors and Materials, 30(12), 2927-2941. https://doi.org/2910.18494/SAM.12018.11934.Leroux, L., Congedo, L., Bellón, B., Gaetano, R., Bégué, A. ( 2018). Land Cover Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Images and the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin: A Northern Burkina Faso Case Study (pp. 131-165). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119457107.ch4Li, H., Wang, C., Zhong, C., Su, A., Xiong, C., Wang, J., Liu, J. ( 2017). Mapping Urban Bare Land Automatically from Landsat Imagery with a Simple Index. Remote Sensing, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9030249Liu, Y., Chen, J., Cheng, W., Sun, C., Zhao, S., Yingxia, P. ( 2014). Spatiotemporal dynamics of the urban sprawl in a typical urban agglomeration: a case study on Southern Jiangsu, China (1983-2007).Frontiers of Earth Science, 8, 490-504. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-014-0423-1Loi, D., Chou, T.-Y., Fang, Y.-M. ( 2017). Integration of GIS and Remote Sensing for Evaluating Forest Canopy Density Index in Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 8, 539-542. https://doi.org/10.18178/ijesd.2017.8.8.1012Louis, J., Debaecker, V., Pflug, B., Main-Knorn, M., Bieniarz, J., Müller-Wilm, U., . . . Gascon, F. ( 2016). SENTINEL-2 SEN2COR: L2A Processor for Users.Lynch, P., Blesius, L. ( 2019). Urban Remote Sensing: Feature Extraction.MacQueen, J. ( 1967). Some Methods for Classification and Analysis of Multivariate Observations. Paper presented at the In L. M. Le Cam & J. Neyman (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, USA.Muna, E., Walker, S. ( 2010). Environmental Degradation of Natural Resources in Butana Area of Sudan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8657-0_13.Nur Hidayati, I., Suharyadi, R., Danoedoro, P. ( 2018). Developing an Extraction Method of Urban Built-Up Area Based on Remote Sensing Imagery Transformation Index. Forum Geografi, 32. https://doi.org/10.23917/forgeo.v32i1.5907Pal, M., Antil, K. ( 2017). Comparison of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 data for Accurate Mapping of Built-Up Area and Bare Soil. Paper presented at the The 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, New Delhi, India.Patel, N., Mukherjee, R. ( 2014). Extraction of impervious features from spectral indices using artificial neural network. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-014-1492-xRasul, A., Balzter, H., Ibrahim, G. R. F., Hameed, H. M., Wheeler, J., Adamu, B., . . . Najmaddin, P. M. ( 2018). Applying Built-Up and Bare-Soil Indices from Landsat 8 to Cities in Dry Climates. Land, 7(3), 81. https://doi.org/10.3390/land7030081Rikimaru, A., Miyatake, S. ( 1997). Development of Forest Canopy Density Mapping and Monitoring Model using Indices of Vegetation, Bare soil and Shadow. . 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    Suboptimal familiar faces exposure and alectrodermal reactions

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    The hypothesis that the suboptimal mere exposure to familiar faces should generate greater electrodermal reactions than the same exposure to unknown faces, is formulated in this study. Such differences, in number, time, and amplitude, should be smaller when stimulus exposure is optimal. The results of two experiments, in which 60 students participated, allowed to confirm this hypothesis. Indeed, in Experiment 1, electrodemal reactions were more numerous, longer, and of greater amplitude when subjects were exposed in a suboptimal manner (50 msec) to familiar faces than to unknown faces. Those effects were also observed with optimal exposure (400 msec), but they were smaller. Experiment 2 showed that although the stimulus recognition level was 82.83% with optimal exposure, this level was only 51.74% when subjects were placed in the suboptimal exposure condition. Taken together these data lead to conclude that implicit recognition is not entirely determined by explicit recognition.En este estudio se plantea la hipótesis de que la simple exposición sub-óptima a caras conocidas producirá mayor reacción electrodérmica que la misma exposición a caras desconocidas. Tales diferencias en número, tiempo y amplitud, deben ser menores cuando la exposición al estímulo es óptima. Los resultados de dos experimentos, en los que participaron 60 estudiantes, permiten confirmar esta hipótesis. En efecto, en el Experimento 1 las reacciones electrodérmicas fueron más numerosas, de mayor amplitud y duración cuando los sujetos fueron expuestos en forma sub-óptimu (50 mseg) a caras conocidas que a caras desconocidas. Estos efectos se observaron también con exposición óptima (400 mseg), pero fueron menores. El Experimento 2 mostró que aunque el nivel de reconocimiento del estimulo fue de 82.83% con exposición óptima, el nivel fue sólo de 51.74% cuando los sujetos fueron situados en la condición de exposición sub-óptima. Estos datos, en conjunta, nos llevan a concluir que el reconocimiento implicito no está del todo determinado por el reconocimiento explicito

    Suboptimal familiar faces exposure and alectrodermal reactions

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    The hypothesis that the suboptimal mere exposure to familiar faces should generate greater electrodermal reactions than the same exposure to unknown faces, is formulated in this study. Such differences, in number, time, and amplitude, should be smaller when stimulus exposure is optimal. The results of two experiments, in which 60 students participated, allowed to confirm this hypothesis. Indeed, in Experiment 1, electrodemal reactions were more numerous, longer, and of greater amplitude when subjects were exposed in a suboptimal manner (50 msec) to familiar faces than to unknown faces. Those effects were also observed with optimal exposure (400 msec), but they were smaller. Experiment 2 showed that although the stimulus recognition level was 82.83% with optimal exposure, this level was only 51.74% when subjects were placed in the suboptimal exposure condition. Taken together these data lead to conclude that implicit recognition is not entirely determined by explicit recognition.En este estudio se plantea la hipótesis de que la simple exposición sub-óptima a caras conocidas producirá mayor reacción electrodérmica que la misma exposición a caras desconocidas. Tales diferencias en número, tiempo y amplitud, deben ser menores cuando la exposición al estímulo es óptima. Los resultados de dos experimentos, en los que participaron 60 estudiantes, permiten confirmar esta hipótesis. En efecto, en el Experimento 1 las reacciones electrodérmicas fueron más numerosas, de mayor amplitud y duración cuando los sujetos fueron expuestos en forma sub-óptimu (50 mseg) a caras conocidas que a caras desconocidas. Estos efectos se observaron también con exposición óptima (400 mseg), pero fueron menores. El Experimento 2 mostró que aunque el nivel de reconocimiento del estimulo fue de 82.83% con exposición óptima, el nivel fue sólo de 51.74% cuando los sujetos fueron situados en la condición de exposición sub-óptima. Estos datos, en conjunta, nos llevan a concluir que el reconocimiento implicito no está del todo determinado por el reconocimiento explicito

    RFID For Document Management: Assessment of Scenarios Implementation: An Arab case study

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are used in a variety of applications to uniquely identify physical objects. The operation of RFID systems often involves a situation in which numerous tags are present in the interrogation zone of a single reader at the same time. Although RFID is currently a hot topic, many organizations are slow in adopting RFID to conduct more effective and efficient business processes. This study presents an analysis toward understanding the evaluation of business value and introducing RFID at a public ministry in an Arab country. This study propose a framework based of three phases for the assessment of RFID technology, hoping that a better understanding of the business value of RFID will encourage more organizations to implement it

    A Modified Technology Acceptance Model for Camera Mobile Phone Adoption: Development and validation

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    This study develops an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to assess the user acceptance and voluntary usage of the camera mobile phone technology. While there has been considerable research on the extension of TAM (Venkatesh and Davis 2000; Yi et al. 2006), limitations include the omission of an important privacy-based construct in the context of mobile devices. To fill in this gap, this study introduces a model that describes Camera Mobile Phone (CMP) adoption in the Arab world. Data collected from 241 users in Kuwait were tested against the extended TAM. Results reveal perceived enjoyment is the most direct determinant of CMP usage, followed second by personal innovativeness and third by perceived usefulness. However, results show privacy exerts the weakest effect on CMP usage

    Perspective on Information Requirement Determination Practices in Kuwait: Familiarity, Usage and Perceived Value

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    Few studies have examined how Information Requirement Determination (IRD) is practiced in the Arab world. To lessen the gap, this empirical study reports on the perception of 19 IRD methods in Kuwait, an Arab country. Based on a sample of 87 software stakeholders, this study reports on the most known, widely used and highly valued IRD methods. Results show that Arab culture influences perception of IRD techniques in that: (i) the most used is the traditional technique (interview), followed by the formal analysis technique (DFD), and group elicitation technique (brainstorming); (ii) the most valued techniques from past projecst are external representation techniques (Decision trees), followed by unstructured elicitation techniques (goal oriented elicitation), and observation technique (prototyping); and (iii) the least known, used and valued techniques are UML, Ishikawa and cognitive technique (KJ- methods). In addition, the study reveals some additional factors that affect IRD practices such as the existence of a correlation between past IS project problems and the usage of three techniques (QFD, DFD and role playing), the existence of a correlation between two techniques (prototyping and decision trees) and the statement obtaining the right requirements is essential to successful system development . Other correlations were also found between some IRD techniques and specific used information system development methodologies. This paper discusses findings which are relevant to theory and practice

    Effect by Contact and Ingestion of Essential Oils of Pennyroyal: Mentha pulegium L.(Lamiaceae) on Juvenile of Calliptamus barbrus (Orthoptera: Calliptaminae)

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    This work is a study on the action of essential oils (EOs)of Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium against two larvaeL2 and L3 of Calliptamus barbarus (Orthoptera: Acrididae). The EOsare extracted by hydrodistillation protocol based on the use of a Clevenger. It should be noted that the yield of EOs obtained at the flowering stage (2.2%) is almost double that obtained at the foliage stage (1.2%).Gas Chromatography coupled to a mass spectrophometerGC-MS analysis revealed the presence of p-Menth-4 (8) -en-3-one, as the most frequently constituents of Mint, better known as Pulegone. We performed two ways of treatments: by contact and by alimentation (the duration of treatment is 3and 6 days respectively). By contact we have acquired a total mortality (100%) using the highest dose (48μl/ml) with a LD50 of 12.58 μl/ ml. In the opposite, by ingestion, the mortality rate obtained for the same dose was 80%while the LD50 was23.98 μl/ ml. Using the letal doses, the comparative effect of contact and ingestion between the essential oils show that the action by contact is stronger and faster to enter in the insect via the cuticulethan that byingestion. Finally authors concluded that the results were very satisfactory