260 research outputs found

    Arquivos da psicanálise: a construção do freudismo

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    The transferencial relation beyond the interpretation : reflections from the theory of Winnicott.

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    Este artigo reflete sobre a importância de pensar a relação transferencial na clínica psicanalítica para além da interpretação. Para isso, utiliza-se a concepção de Winnicott como referencial teórico, sendo ressaltadas a noção de holding, a regressão à dependência e a questão do uso de objetos e sua influência sobre a técnica da interpretação. Winnicott revela que na clínica com alguns pacientes, em especial os autistas e psicóticos, o objetivo da análise, antes de fornecer interpretações, é proporcionar um ambiente suficientemente bom a partir do qual o sujeito pode retomar o processo de constituição de si mesmo e da externalidade do mundo.This article reflects about the importance of thinking the transferencial relation in the psychoanalytic clinic beyond the interpretation. For this, the Winnicott’s concept is used as theoretical reference, highlighting the concept of holding, regression to dependence and the question of the use of objects and its influence on the technique of interpretation. Winnicott shows that in the clinic, with some patients, particularly autistic and psychotic, before providing interpretation, the objective of the analysis is to provide a good environment from which the subject can retake the constitution process of himself/herself and of the externality of the world

    Psicanálise e a escrita de emancipação: discussão entre Deleuze e Joel Birman

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    Debate-se a escrita de Deleuze em relação à escrita psicanalítica de Birman. Se o primeiro inventa uma "língua menor" na própria língua hegemônica, fissurando no sentir, ver, pensar, Birman, através do "feminino" e do "sujeito da diferença", cria Psicanálise estrangeira na Psicanálise vigente. Isto questiona tanto a ordem falocêntrica que reduz o feminino e o erótico à questão da maternidade, quanto enfrenta peculiarmente o desamparo e o desencantamento atual; sem seguir o canto de sereia das drogas, no mero uso de psicofármacos ou noutros pragmatismos, pensa um sujeito singular por estilística da existência

    Relationality in a time of surveillance: narcissism, melancholia, paranoia

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    This paper explores apparent shifts in the cultural use of psychoanalytic concepts, from narcissism, through melancholia, to paranoia. It tries to track these shifts, very loosely, in relation to changes in sociocultural and political atmospheres, noting that none of the shifts are complete, that each one leaves previous states of being and of mind at least partially in place. Narcissism was perhaps the term of choice for examining the problem of forging relationships that feel meaningful in a context of rapid change and neoliberal expansion; then melancholia was (and is) drawn on to conceptualise the challenge of confronting loss and colonial ‘theft’; and now the annexation of the polity – and of everyday life – by massively insidious surveillance produces a culture and subjecthood that is fundamentally, and understandably, paranoid

    ‘No memory, no desire’: psychoanalysis in Brazil during repressive times

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    Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in histories of psychoanalysis. Not only is this history long and rich in its professional and cultural dimensions, but there was an especially important ‘event’ – the so-called ‘Cabernite-Lobo affair’ – that took place during the period of the military dictatorship, which can be seen as dramatising some of the issues concerning the erasure of memory in psychoanalysis, especially in connection with political difficulties. In this paper, we provide an outline of the origins and dissemination of psychoanalysis in Brazil before looking again at the Cabernite-Lobo affair in order to examine in a situated way how psychoanalysis engages with political extremism, and particularly to explore the consequences of an unthinking generalisation of the idea of ‘neutrality’ from the consulting room to the institutional setting. We draw especially on Brazilian papers in Portuguese, which have not been accessible in the English-language psychoanalytic literature