74 research outputs found

    Multi-scale failure of heterogeneous materials: A double kinematics enhancement for Embedded Finite Element Method

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    International audienceThis paper presents a Finite Element model for the modeling of the failure of heterogeneous material at the meso-scale. This model is cast into the framework of the Enhanced Finite Element Method (E-FEM). Two kinds of enhancement are performed: (1) in the displace-ment field (strong discontinuity approach) in order to take into account micro-cracks, (2) in the strain field (weak discontinuity) in order to take into account heterogeneities without any mesh adaptation. Mechanical applications (uniaxial tension and compression loading, non-proportional loading) are performed in the context of cementitious materials such as concrete. We show the capability of the model to represent some of the main features of such materials observed at macro-scale

    Multi-scale (FE2) analysis of material failure in cement/aggregate-type composite structures

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    The work propases a FP multiscale approach to computational modeling of material failure in concreteMlike structures, made of cement/aggregate-type composite materials. Keeping the approach in a classical homogenization setting, a multiscale model is proposed, which naturally provides a microscopic length-scale to be exported to the macrostructure. There, this length scale is used as regularization parameter in the context of the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach to material failure, and finite elements with embedded strong discontinuities (E~ FE M). The resulting technique allows robust modeling of crack propagation at the structural scale, accounting for the mesostructure morphology, supplies proper energy dissipation and solutions independent of the finite element and RVE sizes. Application toa number of examples, in the range from light-aggregate concrete to regular concrete, shows the potentiality of the method.Postprint (published version

    Reduced order modeling strategies for computational multiscale fracture

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    The paper proposes some new computational strategies for affordably solving multiscale fracture problems through a FE2 approach. To take into account the mechanical effects induced by fracture at the microstructure level the Representative Volume Element (RVE), assumed constituted by an elastic matrix and inclusions, is endowed with a large set of cohesive softening bands providing a good representation of the possible microstructure crack paths. The RVE response is then homogenized in accordance with a model previously developed by the authors and upscaled to the macro-scale level as a continuum stress–strain constitutive equation, which is then used in a conventional framework of a finite element modeling of propagating fracture. For reduced order modeling (ROM) purposes, the RVE boundary value problem is first formulated in displacement fluctuations and used, via the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), to find a low-dimension space for solving the reduced problem. A domain separation strategy is proposed as a first technique for model order reduction: unconventionally, the low-dimension space is spanned by a basis in terms of fluctuating strains, as primitive kinematic variables, instead of the conventional formulation in terms of displacement fluctuations. The RVE spatial domain is then decomposed into a regular domain (made of the matrix and the inclusions) and a singular domain (constituted by cohesive bands), the required RVE boundary conditions are rephrased in terms of strains and imposed via Lagrange multipliers in the corresponding variational problem. Specific low-dimensional strain basis is then derived, independently for each domain, via the POD of the corresponding strain snapshots. Next step consists of developing a hyper-reduced model (HPROM). It is based on a second proposed technique, the Reduced Optimal Quadrature (ROQ) which, again unconventionally, is determined through optimization of the numerical integration of the primitive saddle-point problem arising from the RVE problem, rather than its derived variational equations, and substitutes the conventional Gauss quadrature. The ROQ utilizes a very reduced number of, optimally placed, sampling points, the corresponding weights and placements being evaluated through a greedy algorithm. The resulting low-dimensional and reduced-quadrature variational problem translates into very relevant savings on the computational cost and high computational speed-ups. Particular attention is additionally given to numerical tests and performance evaluations of the new hyper-reduced methodology, by “a-priori” and “a-posteriori” error assessments. Moreover, for the purposes of validation of the present techniques, a real structural problem exhibiting propagating fracture at two-scales is modeled on the basis of the strain injection-based multiscale approach previously developed by the authors. The performance of the proposed strategy, in terms of speed-up vs. error, is deeply analyzed and reported.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Possible links between experimental and numerical analysis: application to cementicious material

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    Morphological modeling of the microstructure of geo-materials: current limitations of the excursion set theory

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    International audienceMorphological models, Excrusion sets, correlated Random Fields, meso-model

    Modélisation EF et morphologique de milieux hétérogènes à l'échelle mésoscopique : applications aux matériaux à matrice cimentaire

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    The present thesis is part of an approach that attempts to represent the quasi-brittle behavior of heterogeneous materials such as cementitious ones. The guideline followed fits in a sequenced multi-scale framework for which descriptions of the material are selected at a thin scale (mesoscopic or microscopic) and information is transferred to a larger scale (macroscopic). It shows how the explicit representation of heterogeneities offers interesting prospects on identification, understanding and modeling of macroscopic behaviors. In practice, from a simple description of each phases and interfaces behavior, a structural effect that leads to more complex macroscopic behavior is observed. This work is therefore focusing on two main axes. On the one hand, the morphological representation of the heterogeneities is handle using the excursion sets theory. Randomly shaped inclusions, which geometrical and topological characteristics are analytically controlled, are produced by applying a threshold on realizations of correlated Random Fields. On the other hand, the FE implementation of both heterogeneity and local degradation behavior (micro-cracking) are dealt with by a double kinematics enhancement (weak and strong discontinuity) using the Embedded Finite Element Method. Finally, combining both axes of the problematic, the resulting model is tested by modeling cementitious materials at the meso-scale under uniaxial loadings mainly. It reveals an emergent macroscopic response that exhibits several features such as asymmetry of the tension-compression stress-strain relationship, crack patterns or historical-dependency, which are typical of concrete-like materials.Le travail effectué tend à représenter le comportement quasi-fragile des matériaux hétérogènes (matériaux à matrice cimentaire). Le principe suivi s'inscrit dans le cadre des approches multi-échelles séquencées où la description des matériaux est faite à une échelle fine (mésoscopique) et l'information est transférée à une échelle plus grande (macroscopique). Les résultats montrent que la prise en compte explicite des hétérogénéités offre des perspectives intéressantes vis-à-vis de l'identification, la compréhension ainsi que la modélisation des comportements macroscopiques. En pratique : à partir d'une description simple de chaque phase ainsi que du comportement des interfaces, un effet structurel est observé, menant à des comportements macroscopiques compliqués. Le travail est donc axé autour de deux problématiques principales. D’un coté, la représentation morphologique des hétérogénéités est produite en utilisant la théorie des excursions de champs aléatoires corrélés, produisant des inclusions de forme aléatoires dont les caractéristiques géométriques et topologiques sont analytiquement contrôlées. D’un autre coté, dans un cadre Elément Fini, un double enrichissement cinématique permet de prendre en compte les hétérogénéités ainsi que le phénomène de dégradation local (microfissuration). En couplant ces deux aspects, le méso-modèle montre des réponses macroscopiques émergentes possédant d'intéressantes propriétés typiques des matériaux à matrice cimentaires telles que : asymétrie de la réponse en traction et en compression, profils de fissurations réalistes ou encore dépendance du comportement vis-à-vis de l’historique du chargement
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