328 research outputs found

    Spacecraft instrument calibration and stability

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    The following topics are covered: instrument degradation; the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) Experiment; the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS); the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 1 (SAGE-1) and SAGE-2 instruments; the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) UV ozone and near infrared airglow instruments; and the Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS)

    Temperature Dependence of Facet Ridges in Crystal Surfaces

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    The equilibrium crystal shape of a body-centered solid-on-solid (BCSOS) model on a honeycomb lattice is studied numerically. We focus on the facet ridge endpoints (FRE). These points are equivalent to one dimensional KPZ-type growth in the exactly soluble square lattice BCSOS model. In our more general context the transfer matrix is not stochastic at the FRE points, and a more complex structure develops. We observe ridge lines sticking into the rough phase where thesurface orientation jumps inside the rounded part of the crystal. Moreover, the rough-to-faceted edges become first-order with a jump in surface orientation, between the FRE point and Pokrovsky-Talapov (PT) type critical endpoints. The latter display anisotropic scaling with exponent z=3z=3 instead of familiar PT value z=2z=2.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Surface Growth Simulations

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    We introduce an algorithm for treating growth on surfaces which combines important features of continuum methods (such as the level-set method) and Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. We treat the motion of adatoms in continuum theory, but attach them to islands one atom at a time. The technique is borrowed from the Dielectric Breakdown Model. Our method allows us to give a realistic account of fluctuations in island shape, which is lacking in deterministic continuum treatments and which is an important physical effect. Our method should be most important for problems close to equilibrium where KMC becomes impractically slow.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Unsteady undular bores in fully nonlinear shallow-water theory

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    We consider unsteady undular bores for a pair of coupled equations of Boussinesq-type which contain the familiar fully nonlinear dissipationless shallow-water dynamics and the leading-order fully nonlinear dispersive terms. This system contains one horizontal space dimension and time and can be systematically derived from the full Euler equations for irrotational flows with a free surface using a standard long-wave asymptotic expansion. In this context the system was first derived by Su and Gardner. It coincides with the one-dimensional flat-bottom reduction of the Green-Naghdi system and, additionally, has recently found a number of fluid dynamics applications other than the present context of shallow-water gravity waves. We then use the Whitham modulation theory for a one-phase periodic travelling wave to obtain an asymptotic analytical description of an undular bore in the Su-Gardner system for a full range of "depth" ratios across the bore. The positions of the leading and trailing edges of the undular bore and the amplitude of the leading solitary wave of the bore are found as functions of this "depth ratio". The formation of a partial undular bore with a rapidly-varying finite-amplitude trailing wave front is predicted for ``depth ratios'' across the bore exceeding 1.43. The analytical results from the modulation theory are shown to be in excellent agreement with full numerical solutions for the development of an undular bore in the Su-Gardner system.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Fluids, 51 pages, 9 figure

    Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars II. Restricted NLTE Calculations for a Solar-Like Atmosphere

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    We test our knowledge of the atomic opacity in the solar UV spectrum. Using the atomic data compiled in Paper I from modern, publicly available, databases, we perform calculations that are confronted with space-based observations of the Sun. At wavelengths longer than about 260 nm, LTE modeling can reproduce quite closely the observed fluxes; uncertainties in the atomic line data account fully for the differences between calculated and observed fluxes. At shorter wavelengths, departures from LTE appear to be important, as our LTE and restricted NLTE calculations differ. Analysis of visible-near infrared Na I and O I lines, two species that produce a negligible absorption in the UV, shows that observed departures from LTE for theses species can be reproduced very accurately with restricted (fixed atmospheric structure) NLTE calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Ap

    Colligative properties of solutions: I. Fixed concentrations

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    Using the formalism of rigorous statistical mechanics, we study the phenomena of phase separation and freezing-point depression upon freezing of solutions. Specifically, we devise an Ising-based model of a solvent-solute system and show that, in the ensemble with a fixed amount of solute, a macroscopic phase separation occurs in an interval of values of the chemical potential of the solvent. The boundaries of the phase separation domain in the phase diagram are characterized and shown to asymptotically agree with the formulas used in heuristic analyses of freezing point depression. The limit of infinitesimal concentrations is described in a subsequent paper.Comment: 28 pages, 1 fig; see also math-ph/0407035 (both to appear in JSP

    The phase diagram of the lattice Calogero-Sutherland model

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    We introduce a {\it lattice} version of the Calogero Sutherland model adapted to describe 1/d21/d^2 pairwise interacting steps with discrete positions on a vicinal surface. The configurational free energy is obtained within a transfer matrix method. The full phase diagram for attractive and for repulsive interaction is deduced. For attraction, critical temperatures of faceting transitions are found to depend on step density.Comment: latex PRBCalogSuth.tex, 6 files, 4 pages [SPEC-S00/900

    Rigorous Probabilistic Analysis of Equilibrium Crystal Shapes

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    The rigorous microscopic theory of equilibrium crystal shapes has made enormous progress during the last decade. We review here the main results which have been obtained, both in two and higher dimensions. In particular, we describe how the phenomenological Wulff and Winterbottom constructions can be derived from the microscopic description provided by the equilibrium statistical mechanics of lattice gases. We focus on the main conceptual issues and describe the central ideas of the existing approaches.Comment: To appear in the March 2000 special issue of Journal of Mathematical Physics on Probabilistic Methods in Statistical Physic

    Phase Separation of Crystal Surfaces: A Lattice Gas Approach

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    We consider both equilibrium and kinetic aspects of the phase separation (``thermal faceting") of thermodynamically unstable crystal surfaces into a hill--valley structure. The model we study is an Ising lattice gas for a simple cubic crystal with nearest--neighbor attractive interactions and weak next--nearest--neighbor repulsive interactions. It is likely applicable to alkali halides with the sodium chloride structure. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the equilibrium crystal shape can be interpreted as a phase diagram and that the details of its structure tell us into which surface orientations an unstable surface will decompose. We find that, depending on the temperature and growth conditions, a number of interesting behaviors are expected. For a crystal in equilibrium with its vapor, these include a low temperature regime with logarithmically--slow separation into three symmetrically--equivalent facets, and a higher temperature regime where separation proceeds as a power law in time into an entire one--parameter family of surface orientations. For a crystal slightly out of equilibrium with its vapor (slow crystal growth or etching), power--law growth should be the rule at late enough times. However, in the low temperature regime, the rate of separation rapidly decreases as the chemical potential difference between crystal and vapor phases goes to zero.Comment: 16 pages (RevTex 3.0); 12 postscript figures available on request ([email protected]). Submitted to Physical Review E. SFU-JDSDJB-94-0

    Finite-size scaling and the toroidal partition function of the critical asymmetric six-vertex model

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    Finite-size corrections to the energy levels of the asymmetric six-vertex model transfer matrix are considered using the Bethe ansatz solution for the critical region. The non-universal complex anisotropy factor is related to the bulk susceptibilities. The universal Gaussian coupling constant gg is also related to the bulk susceptibilities as g=2H1/2/πg=2H^{-1/2}/\pi, HH being the Hessian of the bulk free energy surface viewed as a function of the two fields. The modular covariant toroidal partition function is derived in the form of the modified Coulombic partition function which embodies the effect of incommensurability through two mismatch parameters. The effect of twisted boundary conditions is also considered.Comment: 19 pages, 5 Postscript figure files in the form of uuencoded compressed tar fil