4,142 research outputs found

    An X-ray Study of Two B+B Binaries: AH Cep and CW Cep

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    AH Cep and CW Cep are both early B-type binaries with short orbital periods of 1.8~d and 2.7~d, respectively. All four components are B0.5V types. The binaries are also double-lined spectroscopic and eclipsing. Consequently, solutions for orbital and stellar parameters make the pair of binaries ideal targets for a study of the colliding winds between two B~stars. {\em Chandra} ACIS-I observations were obtained to determine X-ray luminosities. AH~Cep was detected with an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity at a 90\% confidence interval of (933)×1030(9-33)\times 10^{30} erg s1^{-1}, or (0.51.7)×107LBol(0.5-1.7)\times 10^{-7} L_{\rm Bol}, relative to the combined Bolometric luminosities of the two components. While formally consistent with expectations for embedded wind shocks, or binary wind collision, the near-twin system of CW~Cep was a surprising non-detection. For CW~Cep, an upper limit was determined with LX/LBol<108L_X/L_{\rm Bol} < 10^{-8}, again for the combined components. One difference between these two systems is that AH~Cep is part of a multiple system. The X-rays from AH~Cep may not arise from standard wind shocks nor wind collision, but perhaps instead from magnetism in any one of the four components of the system. The possibility could be tested by searching for cyclic X-ray variability in AH~Cep on the short orbital period of the inner B~stars.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, accepte

    Whispering gallery modes in open quantum billiards

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    The poles of the S-matrix and the wave functions of open 2D quantum billiards with convex boundary of different shape are calculated by the method of complex scaling. Two leads are attached to the cavities. The conductance of the cavities is calculated at energies with one, two and three open channels in each lead. Bands of overlapping resonance states appear which are localized along the convex boundary of the cavities and contribute coherently to the conductance. These bands correspond to the whispering gallery modes appearing in the classical calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures in jpg and gif forma

    Conductance of Open Quantum Billiards and Classical Trajectories

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    We analyse the transport phenomena of 2D quantum billiards with convex boundary of different shape. The quantum mechanical analysis is performed by means of the poles of the S-matrix while the classical analysis is based on the motion of a free particle inside the cavity along trajectories with a different number of bounces at the boundary. The value of the conductance depends on the manner the leads are attached to the cavity. The Fourier transform of the transmission amplitudes is compared with the length of the classical paths. There is good agreement between classical and quantum mechanical results when the conductance is achieved mainly by special short-lived states such as whispering gallery modes (WGM) and bouncing ball modes (BBM). In these cases, also the localization of the wave functions agrees with the picture of the classical paths. The S-matrix is calculated classically and compared with the transmission coefficients of the quantum mechanical calculations for five modes in each lead. The number of modes coupled to the special states is effectively reduced.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures (jpg), 2 table

    The brachistochrone problem in open quantum systems

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    Recently, the quantum brachistochrone problem is discussed in the literature by using non-Hermitian Hamilton operators of different type. Here, it is demonstrated that the passage time is tunable in realistic open quantum systems due to the biorthogonality of the eigenfunctions of the non-Hermitian Hamilton operator. As an example, the numerical results obtained by Bulgakov et al. for the transmission through microwave cavities of different shape are analyzed from the point of view of the brachistochrone problem. The passage time is shortened in the crossover from the weak-coupling to the strong-coupling regime where the resonance states overlap and many branch points (exceptional points) in the complex plane exist. The effect can {\it not} be described in the framework of standard quantum mechanics with Hermitian Hamilton operator and consideration of SS matrix poles.Comment: 18 page

    Dynamics of open quantum systems

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    The coupling between the states of a system and the continuum into which it is embedded, induces correlations that are especially large in the short time scale. These correlations cannot be calculated by using a statistical or perturbational approach. They are, however, involved in an approach describing structure and reaction aspects in a unified manner. Such a model is the SMEC (shell model embedded in the continuum). Some characteristic results obtained from SMEC as well as some aspects of the correlations induced by the coupling to the continuum are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Effective Hamiltonian and unitarity of the S matrix

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    The properties of open quantum systems are described well by an effective Hamiltonian H{\cal H} that consists of two parts: the Hamiltonian HH of the closed system with discrete eigenstates and the coupling matrix WW between discrete states and continuum. The eigenvalues of H{\cal H} determine the poles of the SS matrix. The coupling matrix elements W~kcc\tilde W_k^{cc'} between the eigenstates kk of H{\cal H} and the continuum may be very different from the coupling matrix elements WkccW_k^{cc'} between the eigenstates of HH and the continuum. Due to the unitarity of the SS matrix, the \TW_k^{cc'} depend on energy in a non-trivial manner, that conflicts with the assumptions of some approaches to reactions in the overlapping regime. Explicit expressions for the wave functions of the resonance states and for their phases in the neighbourhood of, respectively, avoided level crossings in the complex plane and double poles of the SS matrix are given.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Nonlinear acousto-electric transport in a two-dimensional electron system

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    We study both theoretically and experimentally the nonlinear interaction between an intense surface acoustic wave and a two-dimensional electron plasma in semiconductor-piezocrystal hybrid structures. The experiments on hybrid systems exhibit strongly nonlinear acousto-electric effects. The plasma turns into moving electron stripes, the acousto-electric current reaches its maximum, and the sound absorption strongly decreases. To describe the nonlinear phenomena, we develop a coupled-amplitude method for a two-dimensional system in the strongly nonlinear regime of interaction. At low electron densities the absorption coefficient decreases with increasing sound intensity, whereas at high electron density the absorption coefficient is not a monotonous function of the sound intensity. High-harmonic generation coefficients as a function of the sound intensity have a nontrivial behavior. Theory and experiment are found to be in a good agreement.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Исследование активности хромо-оловянных катализаторов для окисления SO2 в SO3

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    Целью настоящей работы является исследование активности каталитической системы Cr[2]O[3]+SnO[2] в широких пределах соотношений между двумя ее исходными компонентами

    Nano-wires with surface disorder: Giant localization lengths and quantum-to-classical crossover

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    We investigate electronic quantum transport through nano-wires with one-sided surface roughness. A magnetic field perpendicular to the scattering region is shown to lead to exponentially diverging localization lengths in the quantum-to-classical crossover regime. This effect can be quantitatively accounted for by tunneling between the regular and the chaotic components of the underlying mixed classical phase space.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; final version (including added references

    Shot-noise limited monitoring and phase locking of the motion of a single trapped ion

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    We perform high-resolution real-time read-out of the motion of a single trapped and laser-cooled Ba ion. By using an interferometric setup we demonstrate shot-noise limited measurement of thermal oscillations with resolution of 4 times the standard quantum limit. We apply the real-time monitoring for phase control of the ion motion through a feedback loop, suppressing the photon recoil-induced phase diffusion. Due to the spectral narrowing in phase-locked mode, the coherent ion oscillation is measured with resolution of about 0.3 times the standard quantum limit