1,057 research outputs found

    A finite-temperature liquid-quasicrystal transition in a lattice model

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    We consider a tiling model of the two-dimensional square-lattice, where each site is tiled with one of the sixteen Wang tiles. The ground states of this model are all quasi-periodic. The systems undergoes a disorder to quasi-periodicity phase transition at finite temperature. Introducing a proper order-parameter, we study the system at criticality, and extract the critical exponents characterizing the transition. The exponents obtained are consistent with hyper-scaling

    A study of the effect of practice upon motor skills of the mentally retarded

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    Thesis (Ed.D.)--Boston Universit

    Handcrafts productions, identity construction and power dynamics in mapuche communities in Neuquen (Argentina)

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    Abordamos en este artículo determinados procesos productivos artesanales de comunidades mapuches de la Provincia de Neuquén (Argentina), haciendo una referencia también a la instancia de la comercialización, considerando la actividad en su doble y fluctuante dimensión simbólica y económica y en vinculación con procesos de construcción identitaria étnica. Planteamos las condiciones contextuales en las cuales se inscribe la existencia de las agrupaciones y algunas características generales —demográficas, jurídicas, económicas— que refieren a su situación actual. Analizamos luego el ámbito artesanal, examinando sus particularidades y su dinámica, entendiendo que éste se ha instituido en uno de los espacios donde se dirime la conformación y legitimación de la identidad étnica de los productores mapuches. Damos cuenta asimismo de la intervención de agencias estatales e instituciones no gubernamentales en tales procesos, entendiendo que los mismos se inscriben en un marco de relaciones interétnicas signadas por una asimetría histórica.In this article we deal with certain handcrafts production processes of the mapuche communities in the Province of Neuquen, Argentina, making reference to an instance of commercialization, taking into consideration such activity in its double changing symbolic and economic dimension, and in connection with the processes of ethnic identity construction. We firstly present the contextual conditions in which the existence of these groups is inscribed, as well as general characteristics —such as demographical, legal, economic— that refer to the situation of these communities at present. We then analyze the handcrafts production process, examining the special features and dynamics of such, considering that this field has been instituted in one of the spaces where the conformation and legitimacy of the ethnic identity of mapuche producers is discussed. Furthermore, we explain the intervention of state agencies and non-governmental institutions in these processes, understanding that such are inscribed in a frame of inter-ethnic relationships marked by a historical asymmetry

    A note on the Schur multiplier of a nilpotent Lie algebra

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    For a nilpotent Lie algebra LL of dimension nn and dim(L2)=m(L^2)=m, we find the upper bound dim(M(L))1/2(n+m2)(nm1)+1(M(L))\leq {1/2}(n+m-2)(n-m-1)+1, where M(L)M(L) denotes the Schur multiplier of LL. In case m=1m=1 the equality holds if and only if LH(1)AL\cong H(1)\oplus A, where AA is an abelian Lie algebra of dimension n3n-3 and H(1) is the Heisenberg algebra of dimension 3.Comment: Paper in press in Comm. Algebra with small revision

    Psychopathic Personality: Some Social and Psychiatric Aspects

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    Bound on the multiplicity of almost complete intersections

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    Let RR be a polynomial ring over a field of characteristic zero and let IRI \subset R be a graded ideal of height NN which is minimally generated by N+1N+1 homogeneous polynomials. If I=(f1,...,fN+1)I=(f_1,...,f_{N+1}) where fif_i has degree did_i and (f1,...,fN)(f_1,...,f_N) has height NN, then the multiplicity of R/IR/I is bounded above by i=1Ndimax{1,i=1N(di1)(dN+11)}\prod_{i=1}^N d_i - \max\{1, \sum_{i=1}^N (d_i-1) - (d_{N+1}-1) \}.Comment: 7 pages; to appear in Communications in Algebr

    Lie algebras of triangular polynomial derivations and an isomorphism criterion for their Lie factor algebras

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    The ideals of the Lie algebras of unitriangular polynomial derivations are classified. An isomorphism criterion is given for the Lie factor algebras of the Lie algebras of unitriangular polynomial derivations.Comment: 33 page

    Artesanos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: perfil sociodemográfico, capital educativo e inserción en la actividad

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    Las Ferias artesanales se instalan en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires hacia fines de la década del 60. Allí se exhiben y expenden artículos donde prima la tradición urbana constituida mayoritariamente por elementos de origen europeo, y en la cual los factores étnicos e indígenas no resultan significativos. Son objetos elaborados en forma predominantemente manual, que aúnan diseño y funcionalidad, donde el productor “domina” su oficio, controla y ejerce generalmente todo el proceso productivo. Nos interesa delinear el perfil de los artesanos que conforman dicho ámbito; Establecer algunas de sus características socio-demográficas (Sexo, edad, lugar de procedencia, y escolaridad), conocer las formas de aprendizaje del oficio, y analizar las causas de inserción en la actividad, así como su situación laboral previa.The Artisan Markets were set up in the city of Buenos Aires towards the end of the 1960s. Most important in the articles exhibited and sold there is the urban tradition, constituted mainly by elements of European origin and in which ethnic or native factors are not significant. The articles are made predominantly by hand, combining design and functionality; the producer masters his trade, controls and generally carries out the entire production process. We are interested in outlining the profile of the craftsmen who make up this sphere, in determining some of their socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, place of origin, and schooling) in knowing the ways in which they learn their trade, and in analyzing the causes of their settling into this activity, as well as their previous labor conditions.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí