5,572 research outputs found

    Renewable Energy Resources Impact on Clean Electrical Power by developing the North-West England Hydro Resource Model.

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    This paper describes the development of a sequential decision support system to promote hydroelectric power in North-West England. The system, composed of integrated models, addresses barriers to the installation of hydroelectric power schemes. Information is linked through an economic assessment which identifies different turbine options, assesses their suitability for location and demand; and combines the different types of information in a way that supports decision making. The system is structured into five components: the hydrological resource is modelled using Low Flows 2000, the turbine options are identified from hydrological, environmental and demand requirements; and the consequences of different solutions will be fed into other components so that the environmental impacts and public acceptability can be assessed and valued. A preliminary case study is presented on an old gunpowder works to illustrate how the resource model may be employed. Historical architectural structures, power uptake and educational instruction of hydro power technology are considered

    The effect of dust scattering on the timing properties of black holes

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    It has been known that sources with high absorption column density also have high dust column density along the line of sight. The differential delays caused by small angle scattering of X rays by dust may have important effects on the power spectra of Galactic black holes at low energies, and impact studies that use the relation between the rms amplitude of variability and energy to determine the origin of QPOs from these sources. We observed the high absorption column density (NH ˜1023 cm-2 ) GBH 1E1740.7-2942 for 20 ks simultaneously with XMM-Newton and RXTE. By comparing the power spectra from the events in the core of the point spread function (PSF) of XMM-Newton EPIC-PN (using imaging and excluding the scattering halo) and the RXTE data, we quantified the effects of small angle scattering on the timing properties of this source. The rms amplitude of variability in ˜2-6 keV band obtained from the XMM-Newton data is higher than that of the RXTE as expected from the a scattering halo contribution in the RXTE

    State transitions and jet formation in black hole binaries

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    The daily monitoring observations of black hole transients with RXTE provided important clues on the conditions of the state transitions, both in terms of spectra and timing. The recent addition of monitoring in the optical-infrared and the radio band significantly extended our knowledge of the relation between the jets and the spectral states. However, there are still very important unanswered questions, most importantly, whether the formation of the jet triggers any change in the spectral and temporal properties of the source. The answer to this question is also intrinsically related to the origin of the hard X-ray emission. In this work, the relation between the jet and the state transitions is discussed, using the data from GX 339-4, 4U 1543-47, H 1743-322, and GRO J1655-40, concentrating on the evolution of spectral and temporal parameters before, during and after the formation of the jet

    Placement of Prolactin on Pig Chromosome 7 by Linkage and Physical Mapping

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    The study of genes which code for functional protein products have important implications in comparative genetic mapping and perhaps to the swine industry. The identification of a polymorphism, or change at the DNA level, is used to assign these genes to their corresponding chromosomes by the statistical method of two-point linkage analysis. A polymorphism was detected in the Prolactin gene (PRL) and was used to linkage map PRL to pig chromosome 7. To confirm this location, PRL also was genetically physically mapped using a pig x rodent somatic cell hybrid panel. These results confirm that the short arm of pig 7 contains another of the genes on human chromosome 6

    An Analysis of Tone Quality of Orchestral Instruments

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    Sound waves from the instruments of the orchestra were phonophotographed, and by means of the Henrici Harmonic Analyzer the tone quality of each instrument was determined. Three notes covering the range of their registers, were taken of the wind instruments. An intensive series was taken from the string instruments to determine some of the differences in quality due to use of the mute, varied pressure in bowing, differences in fingering, and differences in structure of the instrument

    Tonal Quality of Orchestral Instruments

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    By means of a high speed oscillograph, sound waves were recorded of the principal orchestral instruments. The harmonic contents of the orchestral tones were determined by means of the Henrici harmonic analyzer. Two main problems were suggested for solution. First, as we increase the fundamental pitch, what is the resulting qualitative change in the structure of the tone? In the second place, what changes are evident as the intensity of the tones is varied

    Rapid Communication: Myogenin (MYOG) Physically Maps to Porcine Chromosome 9q2.1-q2.6

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    Species and Locus. Pig Myogenin (MYOG). Source and Description of Primers. Oligonucleotide primers designed from pig cDNA sequence (GenBank accession no. U14331) were used to amplify a 1,644-bp fragment of the porcine MYOG gene. Primer Sequences. Forward primer: 5¢-TCT ATG ACG GGG AAA ACT AC-3¢; reverse primer: 5¢-TGG AGC CAG AGT GGT GTA TC-3¢

    Further development of an algorithm for the nonlinear stability analysis of the orbiting astronomical observatory paired-tracker control system Final report

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    Algorithm development for estimating domain of attraction of OAO paired-tracker equilibrium state with Liapunov function

    Rapid Communication: Genetic Linkage Mapping of the Porcine Fibroblast Growth Factor 7 (FGF7) Gene

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    Source and Description of Primers. The forward primer was developed from a human fibroblast growth factor ( FGF7) cDNA sequence (GenBank accession no. L06243), and the reverse primer was a published primer (Kelley et al., 1992). These primers were used to amplify a 1.3-kb fragment from porcine genomic DNA. This fragment included regions corresponding to exon 2, exon 3, and the intron flanked by these two exons. Sequences were obtained from both ends of the PCR fragment and compared with a human sequence showing 95.9% identity at the amino acid level in a 73-amino acid overlap. Sequences produced in this experiment have been submitted to GenBank (accession no. AF052657)