161 research outputs found

    Exploring the impact of varying definitions of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in routinely collected electronic medical records

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    Background: Validity of exposure and outcome measures in electronic medical records is vital to ensure robust, comparable study findings however, despite validation studies, definitions of variables used often differ. Using exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as an example, we investigated the impact of potential misclassification of different definitions commonly used in publications on study findings. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed. English primary care data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink Aurum database with linked secondary care data were used to define a population of COPD patients ≥40 years old registered at a general practice. Index date was the date eligibility criteria were met and end of follow-up was 30/12/19, death or end of data collection. Exacerbations were defined using 6 algorithms based on definitions commonly used in the literature, including one validated definition. For each algorithm, the proportion of frequent exacerbators (≥2 exacerbations/year) and exacerbation rates were described. Cox proportional hazard regression was used to investigate each algorithm on the association between heart failure and risk of COPD exacerbation. Findings: A total of 315,184 patients were included. Baseline proportion of frequent exacerbators varied from 2.7% to 15.3% depending on the algorithm. Rates of exacerbations over follow-up varied from 19.3 to 66.6 events/100 person-years. The adjusted hazard ratio for the association between heart failure and exacerbation varied from 1.45, 95% confidence intervals 1.42–1.49, to 1.01, 0.98–1.04. Interpretation: The use of high validity definitions and standardisation of definitions in electronic medical records is crucial to generating high quality, robust evidence

    Structure and function of membrane proteins encapsulated in a polymer-bound lipid bilayer

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    New technologies for the purification of stable membrane proteins have emerged in recent years, in particular methods that allow the preparation of membrane proteins with their native lipid environment. Here, we look at the progress achieved with the use of styrene-maleic acid copolymers (SMA) which are able to insert into biological membranes forming nanoparticles containing membrane proteins and lipids. This technology can be applied to membrane proteins from any host source, and, uniquely, allows purification without the protein ever being removed from a lipid bilayer. Not only do these SMA lipid particles (SMALPs) stabilise membrane proteins, allowing structural and functional studies, but they also offer opportunities to understand the local lipid environment of the host membrane. With any new or different method, questions inevitably arise about the integrity of the protein purified: does it retain its activity; its native structure; and ability to perform its function? How do membrane proteins within SMALPS perform in existing assays and lend themselves to analysis by established methods? We outline here recent work on the structure and function of membrane proteins that have been encapsulated like this in a polymer-bound lipid bilayer, and the potential for the future with this approach

    Predicting mortality after acute coronary syndromes in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Objective To assess the accuracy of Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) scores in predicting mortality at 6 months for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to investigate how it might be improved. Methods Data were obtained on 481 849 patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted to UK hospitals between January 2003 and June 2013 from the Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project (MINAP) database. We compared risk of death between patients with COPD and those without COPD at 6 months, adjusting for predicted risk of death. We then assessed whether several modifications improved the accuracy of the GRACE score for people with COPD. Results The risk of death after adjusting for GRACE score predicted that risk of death was higher for patients with COPD than that for other patients (RR 1.29, 95% CI 1.28 to 1.33). Adding smoking into the GRACE score model did not improve accuracy for patients with COPD. Either adding COPD into the model (relative risk (RR) 1.00, 0.94 to 1.02) or multiplying the GRACE score by 1.3 resulted in better performance (RR 0.99, 0.96 to 1.01). Conclusions GRACE scores underestimate risk of death for people with COPD. A more accurate prediction of risk of death can be obtained by adding COPD into the GRACE score equation, or by multiplying the GRACE score predicted risk of death by 1.3 for people with COPD. This means that one third of patients with COPD currently classified as low risk should be classified as moderate risk, and could be considered for more aggressive early treatment after non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina

    Biophysical analysis of lipidic nanoparticles

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    Biological nanoparticles include liposomes, extracellular vesicle and lipid-based discoidal systems. When studying such particles, there are several key parameters of interest, including particle size and concentration. Measuring these characteristics can be of particular importance in the research laboratory or when producing such particles as biotherapeutics. This article briefly describes the major types of lipid-containing nanoparticles and the techniques that can be used to study them. Such methodologies include electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis, flow cytometry, tunable resistive pulse sensing and microfluidic resistive pulse sensing. Whilst no technique is perfect for the analysis of all nanoparticles, this article provides advantages and disadvantages of each, highlighting the latest developments in the field. Finally, we demonstrate the use of microfluidic resistive pulse sensing for the analysis of biological nanoparticles

    Systematic review of the effectiveness of preventing and treating Staphylococcus aureus carriage in reducing peritoneal catheter-related infections

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    Objectives: To determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of (1) alternative strategies for the prevention of Staphylococcus aureus carriage in patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and (2) alternative strategies for the eradication of S. aureus carriage in patients on PD. Data sources: Major electronic databases were searched up to December 2005 (MEDLINE Extra up to 6 January 2006). Review methods: Electronic searches were undertaken to identify published and unpublished reports of randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness of preventing and treating S. aureus carriage on peritoneal catheterrelated infections. The quality of the included studies was assessed and data synthesised. Where data were not sufficient for formal meta-analysis, a qualitative narrative review looking for consistency between studies was performed. Results: Twenty-two relevant trials were found. These fell into several groups: the first split is between prophylactic trials, aiming to prevent carriage, and trials which aimed to eradicate carriage in those who already had it; the second split is between antiseptics and antibiotics; and the third split is between those that included patients having the catheter inserted before dialysis started and people already on dialysis. Many of the trials were small or short-term. The quality was often not good by today’s standards. The body of evidence suggested a reduction in exit-site infections, but this did not seem to lead to a significant reduction in peritonitis, although to some extent this reflected insufficient power in the studies and a low incidence of peritonitis in them. The costs of interventions to prevent or treat S. aureus carriage are relatively modest. For example, the annual cost of antibiotic treatment of S. aureus carriage per identified carrier of S. aureus was estimated at £179 (£73 screening and £106 cost of antibiotic). However, without better data on the effectiveness of the interventions, it is not clear whether such costs are offset by the cost of treating infections and averting changes from peritoneal dialysis to haemodialysis. Although treatment is not expensive, the lack of convincing evidence of clinical effectiveness made cost-effectiveness analysis unrewarding at present. However, consideration was given to the factors needed in a hypothetical model describing patient pathways from methods to prevent S. aureus carriage, its detection and treatment and the detection and treatment of the consequences of S. aureus (e.g. catheter infections and peritonitis). Had data been available, the model would have compared the costeffectiveness of alternative interventions from the perspective of the UK NHS, but as such it helped identify what future research would be needed to fill the gaps. Conclusions: The importance of peritonitis isnot in doubt. It is the main cause of people having to switch from peritoneal dialysis to haemodialysis, which then leads to reduced quality of life for patients and increased costs to the NHS. Unfortunately, the present evidence base for the prevention of peritonitis is disappointing; it suggests that the interventions reduce exit-site infections, but not peritonitis, although this may be due to trials being in too small numbers for too short periods. Trials are needed with larger numbers of patients for longer durations.No peer reviewPublisher PD

    Examining the stability of membrane proteins within SMALPs

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    Amphipathic co-polymers such as styrene-maleic acid (SMA) have gained popularity over the last few years due to their ability and ease of use in solubilising and purifying membrane proteins in comparison to conventional methods of extraction such as detergents. SMA2000 is widely used for membrane protein studies and is considered as the optimal polymer for this technique. In this study a side-by-side comparison of SMA2000 with the polymer SZ30010 was carried out as both these polymers have similar styrene:maleic acid ratios and average molecular weights. Ability to solubilise, purify and stabilise membrane proteins was tested using three structurally different membrane proteins. Our results show that both polymers can be used to extract membrane proteins at a comparable efficiency to conventional detergent dodecylmaltoside (DDM). SZ30010 was found to give a similar protein yield and, SMALP disc size as SMA2000, and both polymers offered an increased purity and increased thermostability compared to DDM. Further investigation was conducted to investigate SMALP sensitivity to divalent cations. It was found that the sensitivity is polymer specific and not dependent on the protein encapsulated. Neither is it affected by the concentration of SMALPs. Larger divalent cations such as Co2+ and Zn2+ resulted in an increased sensitivity

    Assessing the healthcare resource use associated with inappropriate prescribing of inhaled corticosteroids for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in GOLD groups A or B:an observational study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)

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    Abstract Background Recent recommendations from the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) position inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) for use in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients experiencing exacerbations (≥ 2 or ≥ 1 requiring hospitalisation); i.e. GOLD groups C and D. However, it is known that ICS is frequently prescribed for patients with less severe COPD. Potential drivers of inappropriate ICS use may be historical clinical guidance or a belief among physicians that intervening early with ICS would improve outcomes and reduce resource use. The objective of this study was to compare healthcare resource use in the UK for COPD patients in GOLD groups A and B (0 or 1 exacerbation not resulting in hospitalisation) who have either been prescribed an ICS-containing regimen or a non-ICS-containing regimen. Methods Linked data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database were used. For the study period (1 July 2005 to 30 June 2015) a total 4009 patients met the inclusion criteria; 1745 receiving ICS-containing therapy and 2264 receiving non-ICS therapy. Treatment groups were propensity score-matched to account for potential confounders in the decision to prescribe ICS, leaving 1739 patients in both treatment arms. Resource use was assessed in terms of frequency of healthcare practitioner (HCP) interactions and rescue therapy prescribing. Treatment acquisition costs were not assessed. Results Results showed no benefit associated with the addition of ICS, with numerically higher all-cause HCP interactions (72,802 versus 69,136; adjusted relative rate: 1.07 [p = 0.061]) and rescue therapy prescriptions (24,063 versus 21,163; adjusted relative rate: 1.05 [p = 0.212]) for the ICS-containing group compared to the non-ICS group. Rate ratios favoured the non-ICS group for eight of nine outcomes assessed. Outcomes were similar for subgroup analyses surrounding potential influential parameters, including patients with poorer lung function (FEV1 <  50% predicted), one prior exacerbation or elevated blood eosinophils. Conclusions These data suggest that ICS use in GOLD A and B COPD patients is not associated with a benefit in terms of healthcare resource use compared to non-ICS bronchodilator-based therapy; using ICS according to GOLD recommendations may offer an opportunity for improving patient care and reducing resource use

    Membrane protein extraction and purification using styrene-maleic acid (SMA) co-polymer:effect of variations in polymer structure

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    The use of styrene maleic acid (SMA) co-polymers to extract and purify transmembrane proteins, whilst retaining their native bilayer environment, overcomes many of the disadvantages associated with conventional detergent based procedures. This approach has huge potential for the future of membrane protein structural and functional studies. In this investigation we have systematically tested a range of commercially available SMA polymers, varying in both the ratio of styrene to maleic acid and in total size, for the ability to extract, purify and stabilise transmembrane proteins. Three different membrane proteins (BmrA, LeuT and ZipA) which vary in size and shape were used. Our results show that several polymers can be used to extract membrane proteins comparably to conventional detergents. A styrene:maleic acid ratio of either 2:1 or 3:1, combined with a relatively small average molecular weight (7.5-10 kDa) is optimal for membrane extraction, and this appears to be independent of the protein size, shape or expression system. A subset of polymers were taken forward for purification, functional and stability tests. Following a one-step affinity purification SMA 2000 was found to be the best choice for yield, purity and function. However the other polymers offer subtle differences in size and sensitivity to divalent cations that may be useful for a variety of downstream applications

    Two distinct nanovirus species infecting faba bean in Morocco

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    Using monoclonal antibodies raised against a Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) isolate from Egypt and a Faba bean necrotic stunt virus (FBNSV) isolate from Ethiopia, a striking serological variability among nanovirus isolates from faba bean in Morocco was revealed. To obtain a better understanding of this nanovirus variability in Morocco, the entire genomes of two serologically contrasting isolates referred to as Mor5 and Mor23 were sequenced. The eight circular ssDNA components, each identified from Mor5- and Mor23-infected tissues and thought to form the complete nanovirus genome, ranged in size from 952 to 1,005 nt for Mor5 and from 980 to 1,004 nt for Mor23 and were structurally similar to previously described nanovirus DNAs. However, Mor5 and Mor23 differed from each other in overall nucleotide and amino acid sequences by 25 and 26%, respectively. Mor23 was most closely related to typical FBNYV isolates described earlier from Egypt and Syria, with which it shared a mean amino acid sequence identity of about 94%. On the other hand, Mor5 most closely resembled a FBNSV isolate from Ethiopia, with which it shared a mean amino acid sequence identity of approximately 89%. The serological and genetic differences observed for Mor5 and Mor23 were comparable to those observed earlier for FBNYV, FBNSV, and Milk vetch dwarf virus. Following the guidelines on nanovirus species demarcation, this suggests that Mor23 and Mor5 represent isolates of FBNYV and FBNSV, respectively. This is the first report not only on the presence of FBNSV in a country other than Ethiopia but also on the occurrence and complete genome sequences of members of two nanovirus species in the same country, thus providing evidence for faba bean crops being infected by members of two distinct nanovirus species in a restricted geographic area