7,738 research outputs found

    A Phase Space Approach to Gravitational Enropy

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    We examine the definition S = ln Omega as a candidate "gravitational entropy" function. We calculate its behavior for gravitationl and density perturbations in closed, open and flat cosmologies and find that in all cases it increases monotonically. Using the formalism to calculate the gravitational entropy produced during inflation gives the canonical answer. We compare the behavior of S with the behavior of the square of the Weyl tensor. Applying the formalism to black holes has proven more problematical.Comment: Talk delivered at South African Relativistic Cosmology Symposium, Feb 1999. Some new results over Rothman and Anninos 97. To appear in GRG, 17 page

    "Quantum Interference with Slits" Revisited

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    Marcella [arXiv:quant-ph/0703126] has presented a straightforward technique employing the Dirac formalism to calculate single- and double-slit interference patterns. He claims that no reference is made to classical optics or scattering theory and that his method therefore provides a purely quantum mechanical description of these experiments. He also presents his calculation as if no approximations are employed. We show that he implicitly makes the same approximations found in classical treatments of interference and that no new physics has been introduced. At the same time, some of the quantum mechanical arguments Marcella gives are, at best, misleading.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Instability of Extremal Relativistic Charged Spheres

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    With the question, ``Can relativistic charged spheres form extremal black holes?" in mind, we investigate the properties of such spheres from a classical point of view. The investigation is carried out numerically by integrating the Oppenheimer-Volkov equation for relativistic charged fluid spheres and finding interior Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions for these objects. We consider both constant density and adiabatic equations of state, as well as several possible charge distributions, and examine stability by both a normal mode and an energy analysis. In all cases, the stability limit for these spheres lies between the extremal (Q=MQ = M) limit and the black hole limit (R=R+R = R_+). That is, we find that charged spheres undergo gravitational collapse before they reach Q=MQ = M, suggesting that extremal Reissner-Nordtr\"om black holes produced by collapse are ruled out. A general proof of this statement would support a strong form of the cosmic censorship hypothesis, excluding not only stable naked singularities, but stable extremal black holes. The numerical results also indicate that although the interior mass-energy m(R)m(R) obeys the usual m/R<4/9m/R < 4/9 stability limit for the Schwarzschild interior solution, the gravitational mass MM does not. Indeed, the stability limit approaches R+R_+ as Q→MQ \to M. In the Appendix we also argue that Hawking radiation will not lead to an extremal Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole. All our results are consistent with the third law of black hole dynamics, as currently understood

    Effects of contaminants of emerging concern on Megaselia scalaris (Lowe, Diptera: Phoridae) and its microbial community.

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    Drought, rising temperatures, and expanding human populations are increasing water demands. Many countries are extending potable water supplies by irrigating crops with wastewater. Unfortunately, wastewater contains biologically active, long-lived pharmaceuticals, even after treatment. Run-off from farms and wastewater treatment plant overflows contribute high concentrations of pharmaceuticals to the environment. This study assessed the effects of common pharmaceuticals on a cosmopolitan saprophagous insect, Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae). Larvae were reared on artificial diets spiked with contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) at environmentally relevant concentrations. Female flies showed no oviposition preference for treated or untreated diets. Larvae exposed to caffeine in diets showed increased mortality, and larvae fed antibiotics and hormones showed signs of slowed development, especially in females. The normal sex ratio observed in M. scalaris from control diets was affected by exposure to caffeine and pharmaceutical mixture treatments. There was an overall effect of treatment on the flies' microbial communities; notably, caffeine fed insects displayed higher microbial variability. Eight bacterial families accounted for approximately 95% of the total microbes in diet and insects. Our results suggest that CECs at environmentally relevant concentrations can affect the biology and microbial communities of an insect of ecological and medical importance

    Statistics of Mars' topography from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter: Slopes, correlations, and physical Models

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    Data obtained recently by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) were used to study the statistical properties of the topography and slopes on Mars. We find that the hemispheric dichotomy, manifested as an elevation difference, can be described by long baseline tilts but in places is expressed as steeper slopes. The bimodal hypsometry of elevations on Mars becomes unimodal when referenced to the center of figure, contrary to the Earth, for which the bimodality is retained. However, ruling out a model in which the elevation difference is expressed in a narrow equatorial topographic step cannot be done by the hypsometry alone. Mars' slope distribution is longer tailed than those of Earth and Venus, indicating a lower efficiency of planation processes relative to relief-building tectonics and volcanics. We define and compute global maps of statistical estimators, including the interquartile scale, RMS and median slope, and characteristic decorrelation length of the surface. A correspondence between these parameters and geologic units on Mars is inferred. Surface smoothness is distinctive in the vast northern hemisphere plains, where slopes are typically <0.5°. Amazonis Planitia exhibits a variation in topography of <1 m over 35-km baselines. The region of hematite mineralization in Sinus Meridiani is also smooth, with median slopes lower than 0.4°, but does not form a closed basin. The shallower long-wavelength portion of the lowlands' topographic power spectrum relative to the highlands' can be accounted for by a simple model of sedimentation such as might be expected at an ocean's floor. The addition of another process such as cratering is necessary to explain the spectral slope in short wavelengths. Among their application, these MOLA-derived roughness measurements can help characterize sites for landing missions

    Interface Roughening in a Hydrodynamic Lattice-Gas Model with Surfactant

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    Using a hydrodynamic lattice-gas model, we study interface growth in a binary fluid with various concentrations of surfactant. We find that the interface is smoothed by small concentrations of surfactant, while microemulsion droplets form for large surfactant concentrations. To assist in determining the stability limits of the interface, we calculate the change in the roughness and growth exponents α\alpha and β\beta as a function of surfactant concentration along the interface.Comment: 4 pages with 4 embedded ps figures. Requires psfig.tex. Will appear in PRL 14 Oct 199
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