634 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscope Evaluation of Drilling Damage and Acid Treatment using Uncoated Core

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    A novel SEM technique allows the observation of the same pore on a core face after each step in a series of dynamic flow tests. It requires no conductive coating and facilitates core flow using a one inch (25.4 mm) diameter plug. Three separate studies were undertaken in which the procedure was used to observe the effects of drilling mud invasion, waterflooding, and matrix acidization on individual grains and pores. In the drilling mud study it was found that 2% HF removed most of the siderite weighted mud, but that mud residue and etching of the framework grains resulted in a lowered overall permeability. When seawater replaced formation water during the laboratory waterflood, there was an increase in permeability due to ionic stabilization of clays and the washing out of other loose fines. In the matrix acidization study. 10% HCI created wormholes in a fractured dolomite at elevated temperature and pressure

    Reciprocity as a foundation of financial economics

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    This paper argues that the subsistence of the fundamental theorem of contemporary financial mathematics is the ethical concept ‘reciprocity’. The argument is based on identifying an equivalence between the contemporary, and ostensibly ‘value neutral’, Fundamental Theory of Asset Pricing with theories of mathematical probability that emerged in the seventeenth century in the context of the ethical assessment of commercial contracts in a framework of Aristotelian ethics. This observation, the main claim of the paper, is justified on the basis of results from the Ultimatum Game and is analysed within a framework of Pragmatic philosophy. The analysis leads to the explanatory hypothesis that markets are centres of communicative action with reciprocity as a rule of discourse. The purpose of the paper is to reorientate financial economics to emphasise the objectives of cooperation and social cohesion and to this end, we offer specific policy advice

    The Homeodomain Derived Peptide Penetratin Induces Curvature of Fluid Membrane Domains

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    BACKGROUND:Protein membrane transduction domains that are able to cross the plasma membrane are present in several transcription factors, such as the homeodomain proteins and the viral proteins such as Tat of HIV-1. Their discovery resulted in both new concepts on the cell communication during development, and the conception of cell penetrating peptide vectors for internalisation of active molecules into cells. A promising cell penetrating peptide is Penetratin, which crosses the cell membranes by a receptor and metabolic energy-independent mechanism. Recent works have claimed that Penetratin and similar peptides are internalized by endocytosis, but other endocytosis-independent mechanisms have been proposed. Endosomes or plasma membranes crossing mechanisms are not well understood. Previously, we have shown that basic peptides induce membrane invaginations suggesting a new mechanism for uptake, "physical endocytosis". METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Herein, we investigate the role of membrane lipid phases on Penetratin induced membrane deformations (liquid ordered such as in "raft" microdomains versus disordered fluid "non-raft" domains) in membrane models. Experimental data show that zwitterionic lipid headgroups take part in the interaction with Penetratin suggesting that the external leaflet lipids of cells plasma membrane are competent for peptide interaction in the absence of net negative charges. NMR and X-ray diffraction data show that the membrane perturbations (tubulation and vesiculation) are associated with an increase in membrane negative curvature. These effects on curvature were observed in the liquid disordered but not in the liquid ordered (raft-like) membrane domains. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The better understanding of the internalisation mechanisms of protein transduction domains will help both the understanding of the mechanisms of cell communication and the development of potential therapeutic molecular vectors. Here we showed that the membrane targets for these molecules are preferentially the fluid membrane domains and that the mechanism involves the induction of membrane negative curvature. Consequences on cellular uptake are discussed

    Induced ovulation, spawning, egg incubation, and hatching of the cyprinid fish Labeo victorianus in captivity

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    Ningu Lubeo victorianus is the only labeine fish within Lake Victoria and its catchment (Greenwood 1966; Reid 1985). This species, once widely distributed in the Lake Victoria basin and supporting a commercial fishery until the late 195Os, has declined due to overfishing (Cadwalladr 1965; Ogutu-Ohwayo 1990; Seehausen 1996). The L. victorianus fishery has not only collapsed but the species has also disappeared from some of its former habitats. Recent surveys in Uganda have only found two distant populations-one in the Sio River on the Uganda-Kenya border (0” I3’53”N, 34”00’30’E), and the second in the Kagera River on the Uganda-Tanzania border (0°56’28.1”S, 3 1’46’ 18”E) (Rutaisire 2003) (Fig. 1). Currently, there is growing interest to breed the fish for wild stock enhancement and culture as a food fish

    Mystify me: Coke, terror and the symbolic immortality boost

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    A panel on “Marketing as Mystification” convened at the 2011 Academy of Marketing conference in Liverpool. Ideas from the Liverpool event were supplemented by commentaries from selected other authors. Each commentary explores the aspects of “mystification” observable in marketing discourses and practices. In what follows, Laufer interprets marketing mystification as modern form of sophism, Dholakia and Firat discuss mystifying ways that inequality is marketed, Varman analyzes the perversion and mystification of “development” via neoliberal marketing of “social entrepreneurship,” Mikkonen explores mystifying marketing representations of gays and lesbians, and Freund and Jacobi present a fascinating interpretation of how Coca-Cola advertising mystically reassures us that our difficult, dangerous lifeworld is actually quite hunky-dory. </jats:p

    Linking Adult Reproduction and Larval Density of Invasive Carp in a Large River

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    Identifying how temporal variation in the environment affects reproductive success of invasive alien species will aid in predicting future establishment and tracking dynamics of established populations. Asian carp Hypophthalmichthys spp. have become a nuisance in recent years in the Mississippi River basin. Their populations are apparently expanding, indicating favorable conditions for reproduction. During 2004 and 2005, we quantified mean density of Asian carp larvae, mean monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) of adult males and females, and number of eggs within mature females in the lower Illinois River, a major tributary of the Mississippi River. A flood (water velocity ≥ 0.7 m/s) and drought (\u3c0.2 m/s) occurred during apparent spawning in 2004 and 2005, respectively. During 2004, Asian carp larvae were found during 32% of sampling weeks; mean GSI and fecundity were relatively low for adults, probably reflecting partially spawned individuals and perhaps low reproductive investment. During the drought of 2005, larval stages were present during only one (5%) of the sampling weeks, whereas mean GSI and fecundity of adults were high through summer. Females resorbed their eggs instead of spawning during this year. Spawning conditions during low water periods appear to be unsuitable for Asian carps, inhibiting adult spawning and yielding few larvae. Spawning conditions during 2004 were better but still yielded low densities of larvae relative to native fishes. Reproduction in the lower Illinois River appears to be linked to river flow and its impact on adult spawning decisions, but conditions for strong year-class production (i.e., high larval densities) may be rarer than previously expected

    Gaus on Coercion and Welfare-State Capitalism: A Critique

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    This article examines a novel line of argument in support of welfare-state capitalism proposed by Gerald Gaus. The novelty of Gaus’ argument lies in its contention that welfare-state capitalism can be justified on the basis of the contractualist mode of justification made famous by Rawls. Gaus argues that economic regimes, such as propertyowning democracy, are more coercive than welfare-state capitalism insofar as they require a greater degree of tax-imposed redistribution among citizens. Given the degree of coercion needed by these regimes, he contends that parties to a contract would not agree to them, whereas they would agree to welfare-state capitalism by virtue of the lesser degree of coercion it needs. It is argued in this article that Gaus fails to show that welfare-state capitalism is less coercive than property-owning democracy. Indeed, once one directs one’s attention towards those with the smallest range of valuable opportunities for action, there is reason to worry more about the coercion imposed by welfare-state capitalism than by property-owning democracy