131 research outputs found

    Poblamiento americano y otras hipĂłtesis del Abate Molina

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    MEMORIA Sobre la propagación sucesiva del género humano1por el Abate Juan Ignacio Molina  

    Modeling, Observing and Controlling a Cable-Suspended Aerial Manipulator as a Constrained System

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    The cable-suspended aerial manipulator is a robot consisting of a platform that is fully actuated with a system of 8 propellers, to which a 7-degrees of freedom manipulator is attached. It can be used for manipulation tasks at locations that are in great height or otherwise difficult to access from the ground. The system can be modeled in different ways, four of which are sketched in this thesis, before their equivalence is demonstrated. In particular, modeling it as a collection of rigid bodies subject to Pfaffian constraints is further developed. Different models of the cable-suspended aerial manipulator providing a variety in complexity and accuracy is presented. Subsequently, experimental data is used to validate two selected models and show their respective benefits and drawbacks. Furthermore, the data is used to identify some parameters defining the system's behavior. The full state of the system can not be measured using proprioceptive sensors. Therefore, an observer is extended to be applicable to the system. It runs on exterioceptive sensors' pose and velocity measurements and provides estimate of the full absolute pose. In addition to the observer, a position controller is proposed. The observer and the controller are extensively analyzed using simulations. Finally, the observers is applied to experimental data to show their applicability to the cable- suspended aerial manipulator

    Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der LebensqualitÀt von Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom: Die ambulante und stationÀre Betreuung im Vergleich

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    Bei zunehmend lĂ€ngeren Überlebensraten von Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom und einer stetig wachsenden Bedeutung der ambulanten Behandlung rĂŒckt die LebensqualitĂ€t von Patienten mit Lungenkarzinom weiter in den Mittelpunkt der Forschung. Die große Relevanz der LebensqualitĂ€t im klinischen und therapeutischen Verlauf des Lungenkarzinoms macht den diesbezĂŒglichen Vergleich der ambulanten und stationĂ€ren Behandlung interessant. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Querschnittstudie war es, die LebensqualitĂ€t von Patienten mit Lungenkrebs im Hinblick auf Genderaspekte zu untersuchen. Um die bisherigen Erkenntnisse dahingehend weiter zu spezifizieren, wurde neben dem Geschlecht das Behandlungssetting herausgegriffen. Es werden Unterschiede in der LebensqualitĂ€t von Erkrankten mit ambulant und stationĂ€r erfolgter Therapie betrachtet sowie Frauen und MĂ€nner innerhalb der ambulanten und stationĂ€ren Behandlung auf genderspezifische Aspekte in der LebensqualitĂ€t untersucht. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte mittels der Fragebögen EORTC QLQ-C30 sowie QLQ-LC29. Das Studienkollektiv umfasst 198 Patienten (weiblich/ambulant: 40, weiblich/stationĂ€r: 33, mĂ€nnlich/ambulant: 45, mĂ€nnlich/stationĂ€r 80; medianes Alter: 64,5 Jahre). Im Vergleich von ambulant und stationĂ€r behandelten Patienten ergeben sich fĂŒr den Summenscore (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 74,6 und stationĂ€r 65,4, p = 0,002) des QLQ-C30 sowie auf den Skalen physische Funktion (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 76,9 und stationĂ€r 62,3, p < 0,001), Rollenfunktion (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 66,8 und stationĂ€r 51,9, p = 0,004), Global Health Score (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 65,3 und stationĂ€r 51,8, p < 0,001), Fatigue (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 41,1 und stationĂ€r 51,1, p = 0,023), Schmerz (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 21,0 und stationĂ€r 32,3, p = 0,027), Appetitverlust (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 17,4 und stationĂ€r 33,7, p = 0,004), Diarrhoe (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 7,8 und stationĂ€r 16,5, p = 0,034), Husten (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 28,4 und stationĂ€r 37,5, p = 0,050), Sprechprobleme (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant -0,5 und stationĂ€r 12,1, p = 0,002) und Gewichtsverlust (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 17,2 und stationĂ€r 32,8, p = 0,008) signifikante Resultate. Auf den Skalen Haarverlust (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 41,0 und stationĂ€r 30,9, p = 0,054) sowie entzĂŒndete Augen (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: ambulant 22,7 und stationĂ€r 14,2, p= 0,040) ergeben sich signifikant schlechtere Ergebnisse fĂŒr die ambulanten Patienten. Innerhalb der ambulanten Patienten resultiert aus erhobenen Daten nur auf der Skala wunder Mund (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: mĂ€nnlich/ambulant 13,5 und weiblich/ambulant 1,2, p= 0,012) eine signifikant höhere Symptomlast des mĂ€nnlichen Geschlechts. StationĂ€r ergibt sich eine signifikant höhere Symptomlast des weiblichen Geschlechts auf den Skalen Übelkeit/Erbrechen (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: mĂ€nnlich/stationĂ€r 9,3 und weiblich/stationĂ€r 17,6, p= 0,037), Haarverlust (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: mĂ€nnlich/stationĂ€r 21,7 und weiblich/stationĂ€r 40,0, p= 0,010) sowie Schwindel (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: mĂ€nnlich/stationĂ€r 17,5 und weiblich/stationĂ€r 32,4, P = 0,014). Dem gegenĂŒber liegt im stationĂ€ren Bereich zwischen Frauen und MĂ€nnern ein signifikanter Unterschied des Global Health Scores (geschĂ€tzter Randmittelwert: mĂ€nnlich/stationĂ€r 46,1 und weiblich/stationĂ€r 57,5, p= 0,016) vor, der fĂŒr MĂ€nner deutlich ungĂŒnstiger ausfĂ€llt als fĂŒr Frauen. Der Unterschied der LebensqualitĂ€t von ambulanten und stationĂ€ren Patienten lĂ€sst sich anhand der Ergebnisse eindeutig belegen. Es zeigt sich homogen, dass ambulante Patienten auf den Funktions- sowie Symptomskalen eine gĂŒnstigere LebensqualitĂ€t und eine geringere Symptomlast aufweisen. Im ambulanten Bereich ergeben sich auf den Skalen fĂŒr die Subgruppen der Geschlechter weitgehend Ă€hnliche Werte oder lediglich Tendenzen fĂŒr eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Symptomlast des weiblichen Geschlechts. Damit werden Beschwerden durch unterschiedliche Copingstrategien weniger konkret und machen genderspezifische Unterschiede im ambulanten Bereich weniger prĂ€sent. Mit Blick auf die stationĂ€ren Subgruppen ist die Symptomlast der MĂ€nner geringer und die LebensqualitĂ€t besser als bei Frauen, was aber im Vergleich nicht derart beurteilt wird. Die subjektive LebensqualitĂ€t wird von MĂ€nnern schlechter eingeschĂ€tzt als von Frauen. Die Daten dieser Studie zeigen, dass die Therapie bei Frauen im stationĂ€ren Alltag ausgeprĂ€gteren Symptomen als bei MĂ€nnern begegnen muss. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Symptomlast der MĂ€nner und der mĂ€nnlichen EinschĂ€tzung gibt Anlass das mĂ€nnliche Selbstbild, einen psychosozialen Betreuungsbedarf sowie eine geringere Akzeptanz des stationĂ€ren Aufenthalts zu diskutieren. Dagegen kann das weibliche Geschlecht eine stationĂ€re Behandlung in diesem Kontext subjektiv besser kompensieren

    Bovine polledness

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    The persistent horns are an important trait of speciation for the family Bovidae with complex morphogenesis taking place briefly after birth. The polledness is highly favourable in modern cattle breeding systems but serious animal welfare issues urge for a solution in the production of hornless cattle other than dehorning. Although the dominant inhibition of horn morphogenesis was discovered more than 70 years ago, and the causative mutation was mapped almost 20 years ago, its molecular nature remained unknown. Here, we report allelic heterogeneity of the POLLED locus. First, we mapped the POLLED locus to a ∌381-kb interval in a multi-breed case-control design. Targeted re-sequencing of an enlarged candidate interval (547 kb) in 16 sires with known POLLED genotype did not detect a common allele associated with polled status. In eight sires of Alpine and Scottish origin (four polled versus four horned), we identified a single candidate mutation, a complex 202 bp insertion-deletion event that showed perfect association to the polled phenotype in various European cattle breeds, except Holstein-Friesian. The analysis of the same candidate interval in eight Holsteins identified five candidate variants which segregate as a 260 kb haplotype also perfectly associated with the POLLED gene without recombination or interference with the 202 bp insertion-deletion. We further identified bulls which are progeny tested as homozygous polled but bearing both, 202 bp insertion-deletion and Friesian haplotype. The distribution of genotypes of the two putative POLLED alleles in large semi-random sample (1,261 animals) supports the hypothesis of two independent mutations

    Utilizing the sensitization effect for direct laser writing in a novel photoresist based on the chitin monomer N-acetyl-D-glucosamine

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    The great flexibility of direct laser writing arises from the possibility to fabricate precise three-dimensional structures on very small scales as well as the broad range of applicable materials. However, there is still a vast number of promising materials which are currently inaccessible requiring the continuous development of novel photoresists. Here, a new bio-sourced resist is reported which relies on the monomeric unit of chitin, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, expanding the existing plant-based biopolymer resists by a bio-based monomer from the animal kingdom. In addition it is shown that combined use of two photoinitiators is advantageous over the use of a single one. In our approach, the first photoinitator is a good two-photon absorber at the applied wavelength, while the second photoinitiator exhibits poor two-photon absorbtion abilities, but is better suited for crosslinking of the monomer. The first photoinitiator absorbs the light acting as a sensitizer and transfers the energy to the second initiator, which subsequently forms a radical and initializes the polymerization. This sensitization effect enables a new route to utilize reactive photointiators with a small two-photon absorption cross-section for direct laser writing without changing their chemical structure

    Initiator-free photo-crosslinkable cellulose-based resists for fabricating submicron patterns via direct laser writing

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    Novel bifunctional cellulose diacetate derivatives were synthesized in order to achieve bio-based photoresists, which can be structured by two-photon absorption via direct laser writing (DLW) without the need to use a photoinitiator. Therefore, cellulose diacetate is functionalized with thiol moieties and olefinic or methacrylic side groups enabling thiol-conjugated crosslinking. These cellulose derivatives are also photo-crosslinkable via UV irradiation (λ\lambda = 254 nm and 365 nm) without using an initiator

    The 80-kb DNA duplication on BTA1 is the only remaining candidate mutation for the polled phenotype of Friesian origin

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    Background: The absence of horns, called polled phenotype, is the favored trait in modern cattle husbandry. To date, polled cattle are obtained primarily by dehorning calves. Dehorning is a practice that raises animal welfare issues, which can be addressed by selecting for genetically hornless cattle. In the past 20 years, there have been many studies worldwide to identify unique genetic markers in complete association with the polled trait in cattle and recently, two different alleles at the POLLED locus, both resulting in the absence of horns, were reported: (1) the Celtic allele, which is responsible for the polled phenotype in most breeds and for which a single candidate mutation was detected and (2) the Friesian allele, which is responsible for the polled phenotype predominantly in the Holstein-Friesian breed and in a few other breeds, but for which five candidate mutations were identified in a 260-kb haplotype. Further studies based on genome-wide sequencing and high-density SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) genotyping confirmed the existence of the Celtic and Friesian variants and narrowed down the causal Friesian haplotype to an interval of 145 kb. Results: Almost 6000 animals were genetically tested for the polled trait and we detected a recombinant animal which enabled us to reduce the Friesian POLLED haplotype to a single causal mutation, namely a 80 kb duplication. Moreover, our results clearly disagree with the recently reported perfect co-segregation of the POLLED mutation and a SNP at position 1 390 292 bp on bovine chromosome 1 in the Holstein-Friesian population. Conclusion: We conclude that the 80-kb duplication, as the only remaining variant within the shortened Friesian haplotype, represents the most likely causal mutation for the polled phenotype of Friesian origin

    Remapping of the belted phenotype in cattle on BTA3 identifies a multiplication event as the candidate causal mutation

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    Background: It has been known for almost a century that the belted phenotype in cattle follows a pattern of dominant inheritance. In 2009, the approximate position of the belt locus in Brown Swiss cattle was mapped to a 922-kb interval on bovine chromosome 3 and, subsequently, assigned to a 336-kb haplotype block based on an animal set that included, Brown Swiss, Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder) and Belted Galloway individuals. A possible candidate gene in this region i.e. HES6 was investigated but the causal mutation remains unknown. Thus, to elucidate the causal mutation of this prominent coat color phenotype, we decided to remap the belted phenotype in an independent animal set of several European bovine breeds, i.e. Gurtenvieh (belted Brown Swiss), Dutch Belted and Belted Galloway and to systematically scan the candidate region. We also checked the presence of the detected causal mutation in the genome of belted individuals from a Siberian cattle breed. Results: A combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis based on 110 belted and non-belted animals identified a candidate interval of 2.5 Mb. Manual inspection of the haplotypes in this region identified four candidate haplotypes that consisted of five to eight consecutive SNPs. One of these haplotypes overlapped with the initial 922-kb interval, whereas two were positioned proximal and one was positioned distal to this region. Next-generation sequencing of one heterozygous and two homozygous belted animals identified only one private belted candidate allele, i.e. a multiplication event that is located between 118,608,000 and 118,614,000 bp. Targeted locus amplification and quantitative real-time PCR confirmed an increase in copy number of this region in the genomes of both European (Belted Galloway, Dutch Belted and Gurtenvieh) and Siberian (Yakutian cattle) breeds. Finally, using nanopore sequencing, the exact breakpoints were determined at 118,608,362 and 118,614,132 bp. The closest gene to the candidate causal mutation (16 kb distal) is TWIST2. Conclusions: Based on our findings and those of a previously published study that identified the same multiplication event, a quadruplication on bovine chromosome 3 between positions 118,608,362 and 118,614,132 bp is the most likely candidate causal mutation for the belted phenotype in cattle
