33,347 research outputs found
Space cabin atmospheres
Space cabin atmospheres - physical and physiological variable
Multichannel spectroscopy guide
System makes use of diverging duct walls for conducting the light from entrance slips to the conductors by means of multiple reflectors. This system simultaneously records, photoelectrically, the intensities of several closely spaceed narrow wavelengths in the ultraviolet and infrared areas of the spectrum
Microwave radiation
Physiological effects of microwave radiation on animals and humans and establishment of human tolerance limit
Repugnance as a Constraint on Markets
This essay examines how repugnance sometimes constrains what transactions and markets we see. When my colleagues and I have helped design markets and allocation procedures, we have often found that distaste for certain kinds of transactions is a real constraint, every bit as real as the constraints imposed by technology or by the requirements of incentives and efficiency. I'll first consider a range of examples, from slavery and indentured servitude (which once were not as repugnant as they now are) to lending money for interest (which used to be widely repugnant and is now not), and from bans on eating horse meat in California to bans on dwarf tossing in France. An example of special interest will be the widespread laws against the buying and selling of organs for transplantation. The historical record suggests that while repugnance can change over time, change can be quite slow.
Water requirements for manned space flight in relation to water balance and purit
Philanthropically Funded Heroism Awards for Kidney Donors?
Denna rapport är den andra av två delarbeten (det tidigare publicerades i samma rapportserie 2004) som är ett resultat av ett samarbete mellan Centrum för utvärdering av medicinsk teknologi och Landstinget i Östergötland. Målet har varit att utveckla beslutsunderlaget för öppna horisontella prioriteringar inom landstinget i Östergötland genom att fördela alla kostnader för sjukdom och ohälsa på olika sjukdomsgrupper. Vi som har arbetat med denna rapport är Andrea Schmidt, hälsoekonom vid CMT, Institutionen för medicin och hälsa (IMH) samt Agneta Andersson, Fil Dr, forskare vid Socialmedicin och folkhälsovetenskap (IMH) samt FoU-handledare vid FoU-enheten för Närsjukvård vid Landstinget i Östergötland. Vi vill rikta ett stort tack till Lars Svensson, Rolf Wiklund samt Bengt Grip, KPP-gruppen vid Landstinget i Östergötland. Utan er hjälp och bistånd med data hade detta projekt inte varit genomförbart. Linköping 2007 Andrea Schmidt Agneta Andersso
Cloudphysical Parameters in Dependence on Height above Cloud Base in Different Clouds.
On flights with the DLR icing research aircraft the dependence of aircraft icing on cloudphysical parameters was determined; both for aircraft-referred icing and for normalized icing, as well as for various clouds and locations in clouds. This is done with an improvement of icing predicitons in mind. The species of the cloud and the distance from cloud base are called here cloud parameters; while under cloudphysical parameters are understood liquid water content, temperature, particle size distribution and particle phase. Results from four icing flights are discussed, selected from a total of forty vertical soundings. —The results are arranged in four classes: Stratus/cumulus mixed, stratus; with and without precipitation at the ground
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