1,111 research outputs found

    Crossing boundaries: the translation and cultural adaptation of folk narratives

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    Ab Initio Description of Open-Shell Nuclei: Merging No-Core Shell Model and In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group

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    We merge two successful ab initio nuclear-structure methods, the no-core shell model (NCSM) and the multi-reference in-medium similarity renormalization group (IM-SRG) to define a new many-body approach for the comprehensive description of ground and excited states of closed and open-shell nuclei. Building on the key advantages of the two methods---the decoupling of excitations at the many-body level in the IM-SRG and the access to arbitrary nuclei, eigenstates, and observables in the NCSM---their combination enables fully converged no-core calculations for an unprecedented range of nuclei and observables at moderate computational cost. We present applications in the carbon and oxygen isotopic chains, where conventional NCSM calculations are still feasible and provide an important benchmark. The efficiency and rapid convergence of the new approach make it ideally suited for ab initio studies of the complete spectroscopy of nuclei up into the medium-mass regime.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, v2: update to published versio

    Knowledge modelling with the open source tool myCBR

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    Building knowledge intensive Case-Based Reasoning applications requires tools that support this on-going process between domain experts and knowledge engineers. In this paper we will introduce how the open source tool myCBR 3 allows for flexible knowledge elicitation and formalisation form CBR and non CBR experts. We detail on myCBR 3 's versatile approach to similarity modelling and will give an overview of the Knowledge Engineering workbench, providing the tools for the modelling process. We underline our presentation with three case studies of knowledge modelling for technical diagnosis and recommendation systems using myCBR 3

    Zur Einführung

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    Nach wie vor findet Eduard Mörike (1804-1875) nicht die Aufmerksamkeit, die ihm eigentlich zukäme - wohl auch, weil er sich nicht leicht den großen Tendenzen des 19. Jahrhunderts zuordnen läßt: Er ist kein Intellektueller wie Heine. Er mischt sich nicht in die großen politischen Debatten ein. Er thematisiert nicht die wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Umwälzungen. Er begehrt nicht gegen die Dominanz der deutschen Klassik auf; er ist kein Denkmalstürzer. Das Nebensächliche bekommt bei ihm besondere Bedeutung; es wird in einen ästhetischen Reflexionsprozeß hineingezogen, der mit lebensweltlichen Konkretisierungen einhergeht, so daß sich 'Ästhetik' und 'Geselligkeit' gegenseitig hervorbringen und spiegeln

    The non-geometric ̄P S wave in high-resolution seismic data: observations and modelling

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    In data from a high-resolution seismic survey conducted over a near-surface environment consisting of homogeneous soft clay, we consistently observe a distinct seismic phase arriving between the direct compressional wave and the Rayleigh wave. This phase is characterized by high amplitudes at near offsets and a phase velocity corresponding to about twice the shear wave velocity. Based on analytical and numerical analyses, this signal could be unambiguously identified as a non-geometric wave, which is excited if the source is located near the Earth's surface and the Poisson's ratio in the vicinity of the source is unusually high. To date there are only a few speculative observations of this particular non-geometric seismic wave phenomenon. However, given the commonly very high Poisson's ratio of surficial materials, we expect this phase to be present, albeit unidentified, in many near-surface seismic surveys. The presence of this non-geometric wave increases the complexity of the seismic record, and failure to identify it may result in misinterpretations, particularly of high-resolution seismic reflection data as well as of shear wave and surface wave data. Potential applications of this seismic phase may arise from its high sensitivity to the shear wave velocity in the immediate source regio

    The College Admissions problem with lower and common quotas

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    We study two generalised stable matching problems motivated by the current matching scheme used in the higher education sector in Hungary. The first problem is an extension of the College Admissions problem in which the colleges have lower quotas as well as the normal upper quotas. Here, we show that a stable matching may not exist and we prove that the problem of determining whether one does is NP-complete in general. The second problem is a different extension in which, as usual, individual colleges have upper quotas, but, in addition, certain bounded subsets of colleges have common quotas smaller than the sum of their individual quotas. Again, we show that a stable matching may not exist and the related decision problem is NP-complete. On the other hand, we prove that, when the bounded sets form a nested set system, a stable matching can be found by generalising, in non-trivial ways, both the applicant-oriented and college-oriented versions of the classical Gale–Shapley algorithm. Finally, we present an alternative view of this nested case using the concept of choice functions, and with the aid of a matroid model we establish some interesting structural results for this case

    Enhancing Situation Awareness in Real Time Geospatial Visualization

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    Today’s hardware and software infrastructure enables large-scale visualization of (near) real-time data in a geospatial context, which is attractive in a variety of application areas ranging from military applications to disaster management and incident response. The drawback on the other hand is that combined visualizations might lead to an overload of human processing capacity, for instance if multiple dynamic aspects must be observed in parallel. The objective for our research is to develop a solution which enhances the situation awareness of the user by identifying the appropriate means of visualizing information based on the user’s task and a given situation. In this paper, we propose an approach and associated system architecture how this objective can be reached. The primary ingredient of our approach is the combination of a GIS system and logic-based ontology representation and reasoning system

    ScanDy: Simulating Realistic Human Scanpaths in Dynamic Real-World Scenes

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    Članak razmatra procese "europeizacije" i "modernizacije" u zemljama južne, istočne i jugoistočne europske periferije od sredine 19. st. pa do početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Rašlanjuju se i komentiraju utjecaji druge kulture, u ovom primjeru zapadnoeuropske, te procesi koji prate prijelaz od patrijarhalnog agrarnog društva prema pluralističkom i racionalno organiziranom industrijskom društvu. Političko, gospodarsko i društveno djelovanje ljudi bitno je određeno sustavom njihovih kulturnih vrednota, normi, načinima ponašanja i institucijama. Svaka promjena u sustavu kulture izaziva posljedice i u gospodarskom i u društvenom sustavu i obratno, te time društvene, gospodarske i kulturne promjene postaju međusobno veoma ovisne. Promjene u bugarskom društvu promatraju se i intepretiraju brojnim primjerima iz popularne i trivijalne bugarske književnosti, koja je upravo u to doba doživjela svoj procvat. Upravo po toj svojoj okrenutosti aktualnim, recentnim društvenim događanjima, a ne davnim gotovo mitskim razdobljima bugarske povijesti, nastojanjem da književnost odigra važnu ulogu u stvaranju građanske klase te gotovo realističnim opisivanjem promjena u kojima se prepleću i prelamaju stare i nove vrednote bitno se razlikuje onodobna bugarska popularna književnost od europske.Die bulgarische Popularliteratur der Zeit 187 8 bis 191 4 ist in dreifacher Weise mit dem Prozeß der Modernisierung Bulgarines verbunden. Zum einen ist sie durch den Realismus ihrer Darstellung des Alltagslebens ein Spiegel des kulturellen Wandels jener Zeit. Zweitens beteiligte sie sich sehr dezidiert an der allgemeinen Diskussion Uber die Modernisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die bulgarische Gesellschaft und ist damit auch Reflex damaliger Einstellungen und Sichtweisen. Durch ihre aktuelle und genau beobachtende Darstellung sowie durch ihre als vorbildlich dargestellten Verhaltensweisen und Werte haben die Trivialromane, drittens, eine nicht unerhebliche Wirkung auf ein großes Lesepublikum ausgeübt und damit den Modernisierungsproze ß unterstützt


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    Članak razmatra procese "europeizacije" i "modernizacije" u zemljama južne, istočne i jugoistočne europske periferije od sredine 19. st. pa do početka Prvog svjetskog rata. Rašlanjuju se i komentiraju utjecaji druge kulture, u ovom primjeru zapadnoeuropske, te procesi koji prate prijelaz od patrijarhalnog agrarnog društva prema pluralističkom i racionalno organiziranom industrijskom društvu. Političko, gospodarsko i društveno djelovanje ljudi bitno je određeno sustavom njihovih kulturnih vrednota, normi, načinima ponašanja i institucijama. Svaka promjena u sustavu kulture izaziva posljedice i u gospodarskom i u društvenom sustavu i obratno, te time društvene, gospodarske i kulturne promjene postaju međusobno veoma ovisne. Promjene u bugarskom društvu promatraju se i intepretiraju brojnim primjerima iz popularne i trivijalne bugarske književnosti, koja je upravo u to doba doživjela svoj procvat. Upravo po toj svojoj okrenutosti aktualnim, recentnim društvenim događanjima, a ne davnim gotovo mitskim razdobljima bugarske povijesti, nastojanjem da književnost odigra važnu ulogu u stvaranju građanske klase te gotovo realističnim opisivanjem promjena u kojima se prepleću i prelamaju stare i nove vrednote bitno se razlikuje onodobna bugarska popularna književnost od europske.Die bulgarische Popularliteratur der Zeit 187 8 bis 191 4 ist in dreifacher Weise mit dem Prozeß der Modernisierung Bulgarines verbunden. Zum einen ist sie durch den Realismus ihrer Darstellung des Alltagslebens ein Spiegel des kulturellen Wandels jener Zeit. Zweitens beteiligte sie sich sehr dezidiert an der allgemeinen Diskussion Uber die Modernisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die bulgarische Gesellschaft und ist damit auch Reflex damaliger Einstellungen und Sichtweisen. Durch ihre aktuelle und genau beobachtende Darstellung sowie durch ihre als vorbildlich dargestellten Verhaltensweisen und Werte haben die Trivialromane, drittens, eine nicht unerhebliche Wirkung auf ein großes Lesepublikum ausgeübt und damit den Modernisierungsproze ß unterstützt