101 research outputs found

    Cerebellar infarction complicated with acute hydrocephalus

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    Acute hydrocephalus is a rare manifestation of posterior circulation strokes. Clinical worsening and coma may occur in addition to these symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction. Timely and careful approach will certainly prove to be life saving when deciding for a shunt procedure in a patient developing obstructive hydrocephalus following cerebellar infarct. The case presented here is a reminder for both this rare complication, and the treatment approach. We present a patient with cerebellar infarct and secondary obstructive hydrocephalus. Forty three year old male patient was brought to the emergency room in our hospital with unconsciousness, before that patient with suddenly developing dizziness, loss of balance and vomiting. His neurological examination showed that he was coma. The patient's brain computed tomography scan showed severe third and lateral ventricular dilation suggestive of obstructive hydrocephalus. Following shunt placement and suboccipital decompression, the patient recovered and was able to walk without assistance. Cerebellar infarcts may cause death as a result of pressure increase in the posterior fossa and pressure on the brain stem due to edema. Moreover, the aquaductus or the fourth ventricle may close because of edema and cause obstructive hydrocephalus and acute intracranial pressure increase. Temporary external ventricular drainage or permanent shunt systems and surgical decompression of the posterior fossa may be considered to prevent progressive neurologic worsening. In conclusion, we wished to point out that a timely surgical procedure in a cerebellar infarct case where acute hydrocephalus developed could be life saving

    Meningkatkan Kualitas Hasil Belajar IPA Melalui Alternatif Model Pembelajaran

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    The purpose of this research is to know the influence of certain teaching method in increasing the quality of the students\u27 achievement of open SLTP viewed from the kind of tests. Besides, it is directed to get the most effective teaching method which can be applied as the positive alternative in increasing the quality of the SLTP student\u27 achievement. The kind of research used is an experimental comparative research using two ways Anava. Here statistical formulas were three levels comparative from one variable namely teaching method with module; teaching method with videocassette (electronic media); and teaching method with problem solving approach, and their influence to the tied variable based on other factor whether the test is objective or essay. The result of the research shows that teaching method with electronic media is the most appropriate to increase the quality of studying biology; the second was teaching by module completed with creative problems solving, and the last was teaching method with module. Besides, it revealed that subjective test model is better than objective test. There was no interaction between certain teaching methods with the kind of the test

    Development of Mangrove Revegetation in Increasing the Availability of Food Materials from the Existence of Association Biota in Central Lombok

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    Mangrove forest is an ecosystem that functions as a habitat for various animals and biota, but mangrove damage has a negative impact on the diversity of associated biota and the availability of food materials. This study aims to determine the development of mangrove revegetation in increasing the availability of food materials from the presence of associated biota in Central Lombok. Primary data collected from quadratic sampling along the line transects were further analyzed to determine mangrove diversity and dispersion indices as well as macrofauna diversity, uniformity, dominance and abundance indices. The results of the analysis of mangroves, the highest diversity index was in Dondon Beach at 1.52, Tanjung Batutiang at 1.49 and Gili Perigi at 1.42, while the highest dispersion index at Gili Perigi at 0.61, Tanjung Batutiang at 0.55 and Dondon Beach at 0.51. Furthermore, the results of macrofauna analysis showed that the highest diversity index was in Tanjung Batutiang at 2.59, Dondon Beach at 2.51 and Gili Perigi at 2.49, the highest uniformity index at Tanjung Batutiang at 0.82, Dondon Beach at 0.80 and Gili Perigi at 0.79, the highest dominance index at Tanjung Batutiang at 0.91, on Gili Perigi and Dondon Beach of 0.89, the highest abundance index on Dondon Beach of 3.05, on Gili Perigi and Dondon Beach of 2.71. The conclusion of this study is that mangrove revegetation has succeeded in increasing the availability of food material in terms of the presence of macrofauna in Central Lombok

    Vertical Deformation and Ballast Abrasion Characteristics of Asphalt-Scrap Rubber Track Bed

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    Innovations in the field of railroad construction need to be improved, especially in the ballast layer which is an essential structure in conventional railways. The purpose of this study was to analyse the characteristics of vertical deformation and ballast material abrasion with 10% of scrap rubber in two types of sizes (uniform and graded) and with 3% of asphalt. This study uses a compressive test method with six types of samples modeled with ballast boxes measuring 400 x 300 x 200 mm. The test results present that the use of 10% scrap rubber can increase the vertical deformation value significantly to 84%. On the other hand, the use of 3% asphalt can minimize vertical deformation to only 14% because asphalt can increase the ballast layer stiffness. Furthermore, it can also be concluded that in general, the use of 10% scrap rubber and 3% asphalt can reduce the percentage of material abrasion up to 80%. Besides, it also can be known that the use of graded sized scrap rubber material is the most effective in increasing material durability. Scrap rubber and asphalt have the potential to be used together on ballast layers which are expected to be a solution of the problems related to the service-life and ballast maintenance work

    Using Sasak Language: Am I Too Old-Fashioned?

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    The language shift and maintenance are two phenomena which take place in tandem and inseparable. The language shift represents a cumulative result of language choice. This study will reveal several causes that make Sasak language start to be left aside by youth’s generation and the related effects towards Sasak language as a local wisdom of Sasak tribe. The study pries the primarily concerned issue using ethnography study in order to reveal the perspective owned by the subjects. The data which are gained through this study comprise both linguistic and non-linguistic data. The data in the form of comments, perspectives, or shared paradigm are analyzed using match method. Furthermore, ones in the kind of dialogue are analyzed using communicative components. This study concludes that the domination of Indonesian language use tends to decrease the domain where Sasak language is commonly used. Such this situation foreshadows that diglossic situation has threatened

    Early tracheostomy in patient with severe traumatic brain injury clinical experiences in rural and remote areas

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    Background: Brain injury accounts for most of the causes of death from trauma. Brain injury is defined as a change in brain function, or brain pathology, caused by external forces. Patients with severe brain injury usually required rapid evacuation and special care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room for respiratory control, mechanical ventilation, neurosurgical evaluation, and intracranial pressure monitoring (ICP). During admission to ICU, patients using tracheostomy, because it requires analgesia, sedation, and prolonged ventilation.Methods: Descriptive retrospective study conducted in February and March 2018 at Medical Record Installation of General Hospital Province of West Nusa Tenggara. The sample size is determined by consecutive sampling method.Results: Sample size were 60 people from medical record. Male patient more common than female (90 %). Based on Age more patients are 40 years old (43.3%). More Patient with early tracheostomy was survived (68,33%), and the rest died (31,67%).Conclusions: Severe head injury patients with tracheostomy are common at 40 years. Patients with Severe brain injury who get early tracheostomy have more good outcomes, and have relatively short duration of ICU care

    Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Buku ini membahas tentang pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional daerah Nusa Tenggara Barat serta dengan gambaran umum lokasi dan analisa pola pengasuhan anak dalam keluarga

    The Relationship Among Biological Learning Difficulties Wtth Affectm Competence and Cogmtiye Competence Towari) Student of Smun 8 Surakarta in Academic Year of 2oo4/2005

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    The aims of this research were to know the relationship among biologicol learning dfficulties with affective competence ond cognitive compelence and each contribution to that dfficulties toward student of SMUN 8 Surikarta. This research was carried out during academic year of 2004/2005. This was the descriptive quantitative research with ex post faclo. The threated student was sampled in amount of 40 students by simplerandom sampling. The data obtained was\u27then analized by multivariate-linear regression analysisThe results showed that there was significant dffirence between biological learning dfficulties with cognitive comrytence and afective comrylence. The dominant contributor to the difficulties was the affective competence (52, 29%o). This reasearch alsofound that lhere was correlation between those two competence

    Peningkatan Keaktifan Diskusi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Biologi melalui Penerapan Prinsip Arcs pada Kelas RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Berstandar Internasional)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Meningkatkan keaktifan diskusi siswa dalam pembelajaran biologi melalui penerapan prinsip Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction ARCS di kelas RSBI sebagai sebuah bentuk inovasi pembelajaran.Penelitian merupakan Classroom Action Research dilakukan di dua lokasi dengan dua inovasi pembelajran berbeda tetapi masing-masing menerapkan prinsip ARCS dalam komponen-komponennya. Kedua lokasi yaitu 1)kelas RSBI SMA Negeri 1 Surakarata melalui penerapan prinsip ARCS dalam pembelajaran aktif tipe cardsort dan 2)kelas RSBI SMA MTA Surakarta dengan penerapan ARCS disertai LKS. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Data berupa hasil observasi, wawancara, angket keaktifan diskusi siswa dan angket performance guru. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik triangulasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip ARCS di kelas RSBI dpat meningkatkan keaktifan diskusi siswa. Besar peningkatan rata-rata 3.19% dari siklus I 73.12% ke siklus II 76.41%
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