14 research outputs found

    Competition and Risk-taking in Banking Industry

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between competition and risk-taking in the banking industry. The paper provides a general theoretical model that incorporates the charter value models and models with contracting problems. In particular, the model contains a moral hazard problem and it enables investments into the risk-free asset. Competition on the loan side of the market is modeled as spatial competition. The model predicts that the relationship between competition and the probability of bank failure is non-monotonic and U shaped. The prediction of the model is verified by the empirical analysis conducted using the data from Czech banking sector. The Herfindahl-Hirschman index is used as a measurement of competition and the Z-score is used as measurement of the probability of bank failure

    Development of VAT Revenues in the Czech Republic in Selected Period

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    Import 02/11/2016Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na vývoj příjmů z DPH v České republice ve vybraném období. Hlavním cílem bakalářské práce je charakteristika daně z přidané hodnoty, vývoj její legislativy a vztah k výnosům. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část obsahuje základní daňové pojmy a popis české daňové soustavy. Druhá část je zaměřena na daň z přidané hodnoty a její vývoj, který je rozdělen na období podle změn sazby DPH. V poslední části jsou zkoumána data příjmů do státního rozpočtu.This bachelor thesis is focused on development of VAT revenues in the Czech Republic in selected period. The main objective of this bachelor thesis is characterization of value added tax, developement of it's legislative and it's relation to revenues. The bachelor thesis is divided into three parts. First part contains basic tax terms and description of czech tax system. Second part is focused on value added tax and it's developement which is divided into periods in relation to VAT tax rate changes. In last part there are data examinations of state budget income.117 - Katedra účetnictví a danídobř

    Do R&D Subsidies Support Innovation or Imitation? Evidence from Four EU Countries

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    This paper presents an empirical analysis of the effects of public R&D subsidies on the innovative activities of private firms in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Portugal. We investigate whether public R&D subsidies make firms’ activities more innovative. We measure these effects using firm-level data from the 2010 and 2012 Community Innovation Survey and estimated the effects by propensity score matching. We find that the subsidies do not fully crowd out private sources of R&D expenditure in any of these countries. However, there is a substantial heterogeneity in the impact of the subsidies on firms’ innovativeness. R&D subsidies do support true innovations in the Czech Republic and Germany, but they enhance only imitations in Bulgaria and Portugal.Tento příspěvek představuje empirickou analýzu dopadů veřejných dotací na výzkum a vývoj na inovační aktivity soukromých firem v Bulharsku, České republice, Německu a Portugalsku. Zkoumáme, zda veřejné dotace na výzkum a vývoj motivují firmy přicházet na trh s inovativnějšími produkty. Tyto efekty měříme pomocí dat z Community Innovation Survey za rok 2010 a 2012 a odhadujeme pomocí neparametrického matchingového estimátoru. Zjistili jsme, že dotace v žádné z těchto zemí zcela nevytěsňují soukromé zdroje výdajů na výzkum a vývoj. Existuje však značná heterogenita v dopadu dotací na inovativnost firem. Dotace v oblasti výzkumu a vývoje podporují skutečné inovace v České republice a Německu, ale financují pouze imitace v Bulharsku a Portugalsku

    Advanced optimization models for the location of charging stations in e-mobility

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    For a reduction in environmental pollution and dependency on petroleum, electric vehicles (EV) present an advantageous alternative to traditionally fossil-fuel powered automobiles. Rapid growth in the number of EVs requires an urgent need to develop an adequate charging station infrastructure to stimulate and facilitate their usage. Due to restricted investments in the development of a sufficient infrastructure, locations have to be chosen deliberately. In this paper, three extensions considering different objectives and various constraints to the deterministic flow refuelling location problem (DFRLP), described 2017 by de Vries and Duijzer, are introduced. In the first extension we ask how many charging stations (CS) are necessary to cover a pre-specified number of EVs and therefore exchange the original objective function for a minimizing cost function. Secondly, our research shows that, when considering location-dependent construction costs, results heavily depend on the relations of said cost differences. Tests for different cost scenarios are carried out and policy implications are discussed. In the last extension, we consider the capacity of a CS to be limited. The DFRLP assumes an unlimited capacity, meaning it is always possible to refuel all EVs at all CSs, where they stop. In our model the capacity is put into relation to the total sum of demands generated by all EVs, passing a particular CS, which means that our model determines the placement and the sizes of all CSs simultaneously. Finally, all extensions are evaluated using benchmarks instances based on test instances from the literature

    The role of generalised reciprocity and reciprocal tendencies in the emergence of cooperative group norms

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    Norms for cooperation are essential for groups to function effectively, yet there are often strong incentives for group members to behave selfishly. Direct and indirect reciprocity can help to discourage such uncooperative behaviour by punishing defectors and rewarding cooperators, but require explicit means for punishment and tally-keeping. What, then, encourages an individual to cooperate with their group when others cannot track the behaviour of others? We adapted the Bargaining Game to examine the emergence and maintenance of cooperation among 20 groups of six anonymous players (N = 120) who interacted amongst themselves over recursive bargaining exchanges. By estimating the expected utility that drives players’ demands in these interactions, we demonstrate that their behaviour on each exchange reflects the demands placed upon them previously. Thus, we highlight the role of generalised reciprocity in such situations; that is, when an individual passes on to another member of their group the behaviour they have received previously. Furthermore, we identify four distinct behavioural types that differ in their expressions of generalised reciprocity: Some players converge quickly on cooperative demands regardless of the behaviour they received from their co-players, and are therefore characterised by low expressions of reciprocity. In contrast, individuals with strong reciprocal tendencies decrease their demands over successive interactions in response to the behaviour of their group. By simulating groups with different compositions of these player types, we reveal the strong influence of individual differences in reciprocal tendencies on the emergence of cooperative group dynamics

    Logistics of the Supplies of Specific Products in TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s.

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    Import 26/06/2013Tato práce se zabývá skladováním a expedicí hotové výroby v Třineckých ţelezárnách, s cílem analyzovat dosavadní způsob a navrhnout zlepšení daných činností. Teoretická část se věnuje základním pojmům z oblasti podnikové logistiky, skladů a skladování, evidence skladových poloţek, dále jsou popsány logistické činnosti a jejich vazby na náklady, výhody či nevýhody outsourcingu v logistice a v neposlední řadě je v práci zmíněn přínos IT technologií pro logistiku. V praktické části se práce zaměřuje na analýzu současného stavu skladování a expedice kolejnic ve společnosti Třinecké ţelezárny, a.s. Na základě zjištěných skutečností jsou navrţena doporučení a řešení na zlepšení současného stavu skladování a expedice ve firmě. Závěrem je provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení navrţených doporučení.This dissertation deals with the product warehousing and dispatching of finished products in Třinecké ţelezárny in order to analyze the existing methods and suggest improvements of present activities. The theoretical part deals with basic concepts in the area of factory logistics, warehousing, storage and stock records. Furthermore, logistic activities are described as well as its relationship to the costs, benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing in logistics and at last but not at least, benefits of IT technologies. The practical part of this dissertation focuses on the analysis of the current state of rail and wire storing and shipping in Třinecké ţelezárny, a.s. The suggestions and solutions are made in order to improve the current state by the established reality. Finally, the economic evaluation of the proposed recommendation is made.Prezenční634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivýborn

    Determinants of Bank Efficiency: Evidence from Czech Banking Sector

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    The paper identifies bank-specific determinants of Czech commercial bank efficiency during the period 2000–2012. The paper employs a panel version of a stochastic efficiency frontier model with time variant efficiency to identify the impact of bank size and the structure of bank’s portfolio on the bank’s cost and profit efficiency. The results of the estimation show that bank size has no impact on cost efficiency but it negatively influences the bank’s ability to generate revenue. Cost efficiency increases with deposit-to-assets ratio and profit efficiency increases with loans-to-assets ratio. During the examined period average bank lost one fourth of its profit compared to best-practice bank

    Home bias in sport betting: Evidence from Czech betting market

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    In sport betting, bettors exhibit home bias when they tend to bet on their home team more often. The paper offers a straightforward method of empirical identification of the home bias in the real-world betting market. Using Czech betting data on the league and the national ice-hockey matches, the paper provides support for the existence of the home bias in the Czech betting market

    An Analysis of the European Market of Flat Bottom Railway Rails

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    Import 04/07/2011Cílem této bakalářské práce je seznámit s širokopatní železniční kolejnicí s jejími výrobci a na základě zjištěných údajů nastínit trend ve vývoji trhu. V teoretické části, jsou popsány použité marketingové nástroje. V druhé kapitole je charakterizován evropský trh a jsou stanoveny hlavní segmenty trhu. Třetí část představuje širokopatní kolejnice, to znamená jejich historii, vývoj, popis, použití, členění na typy a jsou naznačeny jejich nejběžnější výrobní délky. V čtvrté části jsou informace o společnostech, které se zabývají výrobou širokopatních železničních kolejnic na území Evropské Unie, a je provedena jejich analýza. Závěrem je shrnutí analyzovaných údajů a je naznačen trend vývoje evropského trhu s širokopatními železničními kolejnicemi.The aim of this thesis is to present a Flat Bottom Railway Rail, its producers and, based on the collected data, to outline the trend in the market. The theoretical part describes used marketing tools. The second part charakteristic of the European market and sets out the main segments of the market. The third part presents the Flat Bottom Railway Rails, e.g. their history, development, description, use, types and their common production lengths are indicated. In the fourth part there is information about the companies engaged in the production of Flat Bottom Railway Rails within the European Union and their analysis is carried out. Finally, there is a summary of the analyzed data, and a development trend of the European market of Flat Bottom Railway Rails is indicated.Prezenční634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivýborn