20 research outputs found

    Lie Methods in Growth of Groups and Groups of Finite Width

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    In the first, mostly expository, part of this paper, a graded Lie algebra is associated to every group G given with an N-series of subgroups. The asymptotics of the Poincare series of this algebra give estimates on the growth of the group G. This establishes the existence of a gap between polynomial growth and growth of type ene^{\sqrt n} in the class of residually-p groups, and gives examples of finitely generated p-groups of uniformly exponential growth. In the second part, we produce two examples of groups of finite width and describe their Lie algebras, introducing a notion of Cayley graph for graded Lie algebras. We compute explicitly their lower central and dimensional series, and outline a general method applicable to some other groups from the class of branch groups. These examples produce counterexamples to a conjecture on the structure of just-infinite groups of finite width.Comment: to appear in volume 275 of the London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes serie

    On Parabolic Subgroups and Hecke Algebras of Some Fractal Groups

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    We study the subgroup structure, Hecke algebras, quasi-regular representations, and asymptotic properties of some fractal groups of branch type. We introduce parabolic subgroups, show that they are weakly maximal, and that the corresponding quasi-regular representations are irreducible. These (infinite-dimensional) representations are approximated by finite-dimensional quasi-regular representations. The Hecke algebras associated to these parabolic subgroups are commutative, so the decomposition in irreducible components of the finite quasi-regular representations is given by the double cosets of the parabolic subgroup. Since our results derive from considerations on finite-index subgroups, they also hold for the profinite completions G^\hat G of the groups G. The representations involved have interesting spectral properties investigated in math.GR/9910102. This paper serves as a group-theoretic counterpart to the studies in the mentionned paper. We study more carefully a few examples of fractal groups, and in doing so exhibit the first example of a torsion-free branch just-infinite group. We also produce a new example of branch just-infinite group of intermediate growth, and provide for it an L-type presentation by generators and relators.Comment: complement to math.GR/991010

    On the Spectrum of Hecke Type Operators related to some Fractal Groups

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    We give the first example of a connected 4-regular graph whose Laplace operator's spectrum is a Cantor set, as well as several other computations of spectra following a common ``finite approximation'' method. These spectra are simple transforms of the Julia sets associated to some quadratic maps. The graphs involved are Schreier graphs of fractal groups of intermediate growth, and are also ``substitutional graphs''. We also formulate our results in terms of Hecke type operators related to some irreducible quasi-regular representations of fractal groups and in terms of the Markovian operator associated to noncommutative dynamical systems via which these fractal groups were originally defined. In the computations we performed, the self-similarity of the groups is reflected in the self-similarity of some operators; they are approximated by finite counterparts whose spectrum is computed by an ad hoc factorization process.Comment: 1 color figure, 2 color diagrams, many figure

    Diameters, distortion and eigenvalues

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    We study the relation between the diameter, the first positive eigenvalue of the discrete pp-Laplacian and the â„“p\ell_p-distortion of a finite graph. We prove an inequality relating these three quantities and apply it to families of Cayley and Schreier graphs. We also show that the â„“p\ell_p-distortion of Pascal graphs, approximating the Sierpinski gasket, is bounded, which allows to obtain estimates for the convergence to zero of the spectral gap as an application of the main result.Comment: Final version, to appear in the European Journal of Combinatoric

    Poisson-Furstenberg boundary and growth of groups

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    We study the Poisson-Furstenberg boundary of random walks on permutational wreath products. We give a sufficient condition for a group to admit a symmetric measure of finite first moment with non-trivial boundary, and show that this criterion is useful to establish exponential word growth of groups. We construct groups of exponential growth such that all finitely supported (not necessarily symmetric, possibly degenerate) random walks on these groups have trivial boundary. This gives a negative answer to a question of Kaimanovich and Vershik.Comment: 24 page