3,053 research outputs found

    Influence of electron-ion collisions on Coulomb crystallization of ultracold neutral plasmas

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    While ion heating by elastic electron-ion collisions may be neglected for a description of the evolution of freely expanding ultracold neutral plasmas, the situation is different in scenarios where the ions are laser-cooled during the system evolution. We show that electron-ion collisions in laser-cooled plasmas influence the ionic temperature, decreasing the degree of correlation obtainable in such systems. However, taking into account the collisions increases the ion temperature much less than what would be estimated based on static plasma clouds neglecting the plasma expansion. The latter leads to both adiabatic cooling of the ions as well as, more importantly, a rapid decrease of the collisional heating rate

    Relaxation to non-equilibrium in expanding ultracold neutral plasmas

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    We investigate the strongly correlated ion dynamics and the degree of coupling achievable in the evolution of freely expanding ultracold neutral plasmas. We demonstrate that the ionic Coulomb coupling parameter Γi\Gamma_{\rm i} increases considerably in later stages of the expansion, reaching the strongly coupled regime despite the well-known initial drop of Γi\Gamma_{\rm i} to order unity due to disorder-induced heating. Furthermore, we formulate a suitable measure of correlation and show th at Γi\Gamma_{\rm i} calculated from the ionic temperature and density reflects the degree of order in the system if it is sufficiently close to a quasisteady state. At later times, however, the expansion of the plasma cloud becomes faster than the relaxation of correlations, and the system does not reach thermodynamic equilibrium anymore

    Ultracold Neutral Plasmas

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    Ultracold neutral plasmas, formed by photoionizing laser-cooled atoms near the ionization threshold, have electron temperatures in the 1-1000 kelvin range and ion temperatures from tens of millikelvin to a few kelvin. They represent a new frontier in the study of neutral plasmas, which traditionally deals with much hotter systems, but they also blur the boundaries of plasma, atomic, condensed matter, and low temperature physics. Modelling these plasmas challenges computational techniques and theories of non-equilibrium systems, so the field has attracted great interest from the theoretical and computational physics communities. By varying laser intensities and wavelengths it is possible to accurately set the initial plasma density and energy, and charged-particle-detection and optical diagnostics allow precise measurements for comparison with theoretical predictions. Recent experiments using optical probes demonstrated that ions in the plasma equilibrate in a strongly coupled fluid phase. Strongly coupled plasmas, in which the electrical interaction energy between charged particles exceeds the average kinetic energy, reverse the traditional energy hierarchy underlying basic plasma concepts such as Debye screening and hydrodynamics. Equilibration in this regime is of particular interest because it involves the establishment of spatial correlations between particles, and it connects to the physics of the interiors of gas-giant planets and inertial confinement fusion devices.Comment: 89 pages, 54 image

    Friction as Contrast Mechanism in Heterodyne Force Microscopy

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    The nondestructive imaging of subsurface structures on the nanometer scale has been a long-standing desire in both science and industry. A few impressive images were published so far that demonstrate the general feasibility by combining ultrasound with an Atomic Force Microscope. From different excitation schemes, Heterodyne Force Microscopy seems to be the most promising candidate delivering the highest contrast and resolution. However, the physical contrast mechanism is unknown, thereby preventing any quantitative analysis of samples. Here we show that friction at material boundaries within the sample is responsible for the contrast formation. This result is obtained by performing a full quantitative analysis, in which we compare our experimentally observed contrasts with simulations and calculations. Surprisingly, we can rule out all other generally believed responsible mechanisms, like Rayleigh scattering, sample (visco)elasticity, damping of the ultrasonic tip motion, and ultrasound attenuation. Our analytical description paves the way for quantitative SubSurface-AFM imaging.Comment: 7 pages main paper + 11 pages supplementary material

    Many-body theory of excitation dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas

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    We develop a theoretical approach for the dynamics of Rydberg excitations in ultracold gases, with a realistically large number of atoms. We rely on the reduction of the single-atom Bloch equations to rate equations, which is possible under various experimentally relevant conditions. Here, we explicitly refer to a two-step excitation-scheme. We discuss the conditions under which our approach is valid by comparing the results with the solution of the exact quantum master equation for two interacting atoms. Concerning the emergence of an excitation blockade in a Rydberg gas, our results are in qualitative agreement with experiment. Possible sources of quantitative discrepancy are carefully examined. Based on the two-step excitation scheme, we predict the occurrence of an antiblockade effect and propose possible ways to detect this excitation enhancement experimentally in an optical lattice as well as in the gas phase.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Coulomb crystallization in expanding laser-cooled neutral plasmas

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    We present long-time simulations of expanding ultracold neutral plasmas, including a full treatment of the strongly coupled ion dynamics. Thereby, the relaxation dynamics of the expanding laser-cooled plasma is studied, taking into account elastic as well as inelastic collisions. It is demonstrated that, depending on the initial conditions, the ionic component of the plasma may exhibit short-range order or even a superimposed long-range order resulting in concentric ion shells. In contrast to ionic plasmas confined in traps, the shell structures are built up from the center of the plasma cloud rather than from the periphery

    Universal shape function for the double ionization cross section of negative ions by electron impact

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    It is shown that recently measured cross sections for double ionization of negative ions (H−,O−H^-, O^-, and C−C^-) possess a universal shape when plotted in suitable dimensionless units. The shape can be represented with a simple analytical function, following the same principles as it has been done in establishing a universal shape function for single ionization [Rost and Pattard 1997 Phys. Rev. A {\bf 55} R5]. Thereby, it is demonstrated that direct double ionization dominates the cross section for the targets considered

    Breakdown of step-flow growth in unstable homoepitaxy

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    Two mechanisms for the breakdown of step flow growth, in the sense of the appearance of steps of opposite sign to the original vicinality, are studied by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and scaling arguments. The first mechanism is the nucleation of islands on the terraces, which leads to mound formation if interlayer transport is sufficiently inhibited. The second mechanism is the formation of vacancy islands due to the self-crossing of strongly meandering steps. The competing roles of the growth of the meander amplitude and the synchronization of the meander phase are emphasized. The distance between vacancy islands along the step direction appears to be proportional to the square of the meander wavelengthComment: 7 pages, 9 figure
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