368 research outputs found

    Sputtering phenomena in ion thrusters

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    Sputtering effects in discharge chambers of ion thrusters are lifetime limiting in basically two ways: (1) ion bombardment of critical thruster components at energies sufficient to cause sputtering removes significant quantities of material; enough to degrade operation through adverse dimensional changes or possibly lead to complete component failure, and (2) metals sputtered from these intensely bombarded components are deposited in other locations as thin films and subsequently flake or peel off; the flakes then lodge elsewhere in the discharge chamber with the possibility of providing conductive paths for short circuiting of thruster components such as the ion optics. This experimental work has concentrated in two areas. The first has been to operate thrusters for multi-hour periods and to observe and measure the films found inside the thruster. The second was to simulate the environment inside the discharge chamber of the thruster by means of a dual ion beam system. Here, films were sputter deposited in the presence of a second low energy bombarding beam to simulate film deposition on thruster interior surfaces that undergo simultaneous sputtering and deposition. Mo presents serious problems for use in a thruster as far as film deposition is concerned. Mo films were found to be in high stress, making them more likely to peel and flake

    Across-wafer nonuniformity of long throw sputter deposition

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    A. A. Mayo et al., Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena 15, 1788 (1997) https://doi.org/10.1116/1.58952

    Light-induced hexatic state in a layered quantum material

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    The tunability of materials properties by light promises a wealth of future applications in energy conversion and information technology. Strongly correlated materials such as transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) offer optical control of electronic phases, charge ordering and interlayer correlations by photodoping. Here, we find the emergence of a transient hexatic state in a TMDC thin-film during the laser-induced transformation between two charge-density wave (CDW) phases. Introducing tilt-series ultrafast nanobeam electron diffraction, we reconstruct CDW rocking curves at high momentum resolution. An intermittent suppression of three-dimensional structural correlations promotes a loss of in-plane translational order characteristic of a hexatic intermediate. Our results demonstrate the merit of tomographic ultrafast structural probing in tracing coupled order parameters, heralding universal nanoscale access to laser-induced dimensionality control in functional heterostructures and devices

    Thin, high atomic weight refractory film deposition for diffusion barrier, adhesion layer, and seed layer applications

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    Thin, nearly conformal films are required for semiconductor applications to function as diffusion barriers, adhesion layers and seed layers within trenches and vias. The deposition of high mass refractory films with conventional, noncollimated magnetron sputtering at low pressures shows better-than-expected conformality which is dependent on the degree of directionality of the depositing atoms: the conformality increases as the directionality increases. The primary cause appears to be a strongly angle-dependent reflection coefficient for the depositing metal atoms. As the deposition is made more directional by increasing the cathode-to-sample distance, the depositing atoms are more likely to reflect from the steep sidewalls, leading to better conformality as well as a less columnar film structure. © 1996 American Vacuum Society.S. M. Rossnagel et al., Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena 14, 1819 (1996) https://doi.org/10.1116/1.58856

    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with optimized high-harmonic pulses using frequency-doubled Ti:Sapphire lasers

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    Time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES) using femtosecond extreme ultraviolet high harmonics has recently emerged as a powerful tool for investigating ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in correlated-electron materials. However, the full potential of this approach has not yet been achieved because, to date, high harmonics generated by 800 nm wavelength Ti:Sapphire lasers required a trade-off between photon flux, energy and time resolution. Photoemission spectroscopy requires a quasi-monochromatic output, but dispersive optical elements that select a single harmonic can significantly reduce the photon flux and time resolution. Here we show that 400 nm driven high harmonic extreme-ultraviolet trARPES is superior to using 800 nm laser drivers since it eliminates the need for any spectral selection, thereby increasing photon flux and energy resolution to < 150 meV while preserving excellent time resolution of about 30 fs. © 2014 The Authors

    Self-amplified photo-induced gap quenching in a correlated electron material.

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    Capturing the dynamic electronic band structure of a correlated material presents a powerful capability for uncovering the complex couplings between the electronic and structural degrees of freedom. When combined with ultrafast laser excitation, new phases of matter can result, since far-from-equilibrium excited states are instantaneously populated. Here, we elucidate a general relation between ultrafast non-equilibrium electron dynamics and the size of the characteristic energy gap in a correlated electron material. We show that carrier multiplication via impact ionization can be one of the most important processes in a gapped material, and that the speed of carrier multiplication critically depends on the size of the energy gap. In the case of the charge-density wave material 1T-TiSe2, our data indicate that carrier multiplication and gap dynamics mutually amplify each other, which explains-on a microscopic level-the extremely fast response of this material to ultrafast optical excitation
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