698 research outputs found

    The "dekasseguis" o f Brazil went to Japan and there they are creating roots

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    Os dados atuais a respeito das migrações são muito fragmentados, discrepantes e de difícil aferição. Estima-se que estejam no Japão cerca de 250.000 nikkeis provenientes do Brasil. A partir do início dos anos 80 do século XX ficou evidente esta migração e, aproximadamente, após 20 anos de vida e trabalho no país do Sol Nascente a migração que, inicialmente, era temporária tende a ser definitiva. O novo en raizam en to é evidente e pode ser constatado através do: número de escolas que ensinam português; das escolas de samba; da presença de churrascaria; do caminhão que vende alimentos do Brasil; de locadoras de filmes falados em português; da festa e dos casamentos com pessoas do Japão ou com migrantes do Brasil. Nascem, no Japão, cerca de 4.000 crianças por ano, filhos dos nikkeis do BrasilThe current data toward migration are very fragmented, inconsistent and hard to be compared. About 250.000 Nikkeis from Brazil are calculated to be living in Japan. After the beginning of the 80s of 20th century this migration became evident. And almost 20 years living and working in the so called Sunrise country, the migrants whose were temporary at the beginning tend to be definitive. The new roots are evident and can be seen through the number of schools teaching Portuguese; of samba schools; the presence of the barbecue restaurants; the truck selling Brazilian food; video rental stores with movies spoken in Portuguese; of party and marriage with people from Japan or migrants from Brazil. In Japan, about 4 thousand children are born by year, whose parents are Nikkeis from Brazil

    Technological modernity excludes men and women from economic activities. It incorporates more the woman in the city than in rural areas

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    The technological modernization in process has created huge transformations in the labor world. In Brazil, with the gradual shift from formal jobs to flexible occupation, the rise of outsourcing and the informal sector, women are pushed away from the formal labor market. The increase of female work in the 1990s (induced by dropping fertility), spreading urbanization, better female education levels, and several others factors, have not avoided the exclusion of women from labor market. While female activities are predominantly urban, agriculture is becoming essentially dominated by men. This happens due to the fact that agriculture has become highly mechanized and women do not operate sophisticated machinesA modernização tecnológica em andamento faz com que o mundo do trabalho sofra grandes transformações. No Brasil, com a substituição paulatina do emprego pela ocupação, aumento da terceirização e do setor informal, vem ocorrendo um afastamento das mulheres do mercado de trabalho formal. O aumento da atividade feminina nos anos noventa, induzida pela queda na fecundidade, aumento da urbanização, da escolaridade feminina, dentre outros fatores, não tem impedido a exclusão da mulher do mercado de trabalho. Havendo uma predominância de atividades femininas nas cidades, registra-se uma forte masculinidade na agricultura, pois com a mecanização do campo, não se encontra mulheres operando máquinas sofisticada

    Quantum advantage in the charging process of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev batteries

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    The exactly-solvable Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model has recently received considerable attention in both condensed matter and high energy physics because it describes quantum matter without quasiparticles, while being at the same time the holographic dual of a quantum black hole. In this Letter, we examine SYK-based charging protocols of quantum batteries with N quantum cells. Extensive numerical calculations based on exact diagonalization for N up to 16 strongly suggest that the optimal charging power of our SYK quantum batteries displays a super-extensive scaling with N that stems from genuine quantum mechanical effects. While the complexity of the nonequilibrium SYK problem involved in the charging dynamics prevents us from an analytical proof, we believe that this Letter offers the first (to the best of our knowledge) strong numerical evidence of a quantum advantage occurring due to the maximally-entangling underlying quantum dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Final versio

    Ultra-stable charging of fast-scrambling SYK quantum batteries

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    Collective behavior strongly influences the charging dynamics of quantum batteries (QBs). Here, we study the impact of nonlocal correlations on the energy stored in a system of N QBs. A unitary charging protocol based on a Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) quench Hamiltonian is thus introduced and analyzed. SYK models describe strongly interacting systems with nonlocal correlations and fast thermalization properties. Here, we demonstrate that, once charged, the average energy stored in the QB is very stable, realizing an ultraprecise charging protocol. By studying fluctuations of the average energy stored, we show that temporal fluctuations are strongly suppressed by the presence of nonlocal correlations at all time scales. A comparison with other paradigmatic examples of many-body QBs shows that this is linked to the collective dynamics of the SYK model and its high level of entanglement. We argue that such feature relies on the fast scrambling property of the SYK Hamiltonian, and on its fast thermalization properties, promoting this as an ideal model for the ultimate temporal stability of a generic QB. Finally, we show that the temporal evolution of the ergotropy, a quantity that characterizes the amount of extractable work from a QB, can be a useful probe to infer the thermalization properties of a many-body quantum system

    A internacionalização dos pós-graduados. Experiência de aprendizagem organizacional da Universidad de Los Andes - Venezuela.

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    The process of internationalization of education is a reality that must be assumed by the institutes of higher education. Research action research mode, the diachronic process which began in 2014 and concluded its  rst phase in 265, aims to introduce institutional guidelines to undertake the process of  internationalization of the postgraduate courses at the University of the Andes- Venezuela. It will be an emphasis on institutional guidelines, since them, relate  directly to the increase in con dence in the programmes in other countries. Concluding that you one of the challenges most important higher education is its contribution to the construction of a promising future for our countries.El proceso de internacionalización de la educación es una realidad que debe ser asumida por los institutos de educación superior. Esta investigación, bajo la modalidad investigación-acción, se inició en 2014 concluyó su primera fase en 2016. Su objetivo es presentar lineamientos institucionales para acometer el proceso de internacionalización de los postgrados en la Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela. En ella se hace énfasis en los lineamientos institucionales, ya que los mismos se relacionan directamente con el incremento de la confianza en los programas en otros países, concluyendo que uno de los retos más importantes de la educación superior es su contribución a la construcción de un futuro promisorio para nuestros países.O processo de internacionalização da educação é uma realidade que deve ser assumida pelos institutos de ensino superior. Modalidade de pesquisa ação, o processo diacrônico, que começou em 2014 e concluiu sua primeira fase em 2016, visa introduzir as orientações institucionais para realizar o processo de  internacionalização dos cursos de pós-graduação na Universidade dos Andes- Venezuela. Vai ser uma ênfase sobre as orientações institucionais, desde então,  relacionar diretamente com o aumento de con ança nos programas em outros países. Concluindo-se que um dos desa os mais importante ensino superior é sua contribuição para a construção de um futuro promissor para nossos países

    Abdominal aorta angiosarcoma after endovascular aneurysm repair

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    Primary tumors originating within the wall of the arteries are rare and they frequently manifest late, making effective treatment a challenge. We describe here a case of Abdominal Aorta AngioSarcoma masqueraded as an infected EndoVascular Aortic Repair. The knowledge of this pathology from vascular surgeons and radiologist is crucial, because a prompt diagnosis and treatment can improve the prognosis

    Prototipo de un sistema de búsqueda de documentos basado en anotado semántico

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    Gran parte del conocimiento presente en las empresas se encuentra almacenado en objetos de conocimiento. Estos objetos deben ser administrados por una plataforma de gestión de conocimiento en su representación original a fin de facilitar su correcto acceso. Para ello, se debe capturar la semántica de su contenido y proveer herramientas para realizar búsquedas inteligentes. En este contexto, se estableció una vinculación entre el CIDISI, la Fundación Sadosky y la empresa Accion Point S.A. para desarrollar una plataforma prototipo que facilite la búsqueda de documentos asociados a los productos que comercializan. Este trabajo describe la experiencia de un proceso de Desarrollo de un Sistema de gestión de documentos basado en una red de ontologías.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Recombinant adeno associated viral (AAV) vector type 9 delivery of Ex1-Q138-mutant huntingtin in the rat striatum as a short-time model for in vivo studies in drug discovery

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by dyskinesia, cognitive impairment and emotional disturbances, presenting progressive neurodegeneration in the striatum and intracellular mutant Huntingtin (mHTT) aggregates in various areas of the brain. Recombinant Adeno Associated Viral (rAAV) vectors have been successfully used to transfer foreign genes to the brain of adult animals. In the present study we report a novel in vivo rat HD model obtained by stereotaxic injection of rAAV serotype2/9 containing Exon1-Q138 mHTT (Q138) and Exon1-Q17 wild type HTT (Q17; control), respectively in the right and in the left striatum, and expressed as C-terminal GFP fusions to facilitate detection of infected cells and aggregate production. Immunohistochemical analysis of brain slices from animals sacrificed twenty-one days after viral infection showed that Q138 injection resulted in robust formation of GFP-positive aggregates in the striatum, increased GFAP and microglial activation and neurodegeneration, with little evidence of any of these events in contralateral tissue infected with wild type (Q17) expressing construct. Differences in the relative metabolite concentrations (N-Acetyl Aspartate/Creatine and Myo-Inositol/Creatine) were observed by H1 MR Spectroscopy. By quantitative RT-PCR we also demonstrated that mHTT induced changes in the expression of genes previously shown to be altered in other rodent HD models. Importantly, administration of reference compounds previously shown to ameliorate the aggregation and neurodegeneration phenotypes in preclinical HD models was demonstrated to revert the mutant HTT-dependent effects in our model. In conclusion, the AAV2/9-Q138/Q17 exon 1 HTT stereotaxic injection represents a useful first-line in vivo preclinical model for studying the biology of mutant HTT exon 1 in the striatum and to provide early evidence of efficacy of therapeutic approaches