69 research outputs found

    Practices and funding opportunities of national parks in Northern Finland : a future oriented approach on entry fees

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    The purpose of this study was to find out would it be reasonable to use entry fees to enter a Finnish national park or is the current practice of free entry the most suitable option or some other practice like voluntary fees. Such issues like over-crowdedness and funding issues with the manager of the parks, Metsähallitus are something that it has be able to deal with at the moment or in the future, which is why a demand for such study was evident. Also, similar studies were not made in a Finnish context while recently discussions about the use of entry fees have become more and more relevant as the government of Finland has taken a policy for cutting all possible costs to balance the state budget. Globally, national parks are facing decreases in state funding year after year – thus a mandatory entry fee has become a common practice elsewhere in many countries to cover the costs of the national park consumption and management. The main research question of the study was: What is expected to happen if Finnish national parks would start to charge entry fees for entering a national park? This question and related sub-questions were attempted to find answers to with a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews and summative content analysis as the research methods of this study. The study was carried out with a predictive future research approach while considering social constructivism as the underlying social paradigm of the study. The study was lying on practice theory as a theoretical background of the study. Also, previous research on national park funding globally and in Finnish context were studied to find a research gap. Eventually, eight experts from Finnish national park and forestry industry were interviewed to collect the research data of the study. After analyzing the research data, the results show that the current practice of free entry in Finnish national parks is the practice to be continued with. However, voluntary entry fee practice can be attempted if it is found lawful and justified. The practice of mandatory entry fee would not be able to work in Finnish national parks due to ideological reasons as the idea of paying for entering nature in Finland is a scenario that is against the basic values of Finnish mentality in terms of equality and nature. Nature is something that cannot be done in terms of profitable business in mind even when it would be justified in the times of financial challenges. Even though the mandatory fee would have some positive effects it is something that is not going to happen and should not happen. Similar research should be done in other Nordic countries to find out if the mentality of nationalities explains this strong sense of ideology and its power

    The effects of economic sanctions on Finnish exports and economy

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    The goal of this study is to observe the economic sanctions issued by the European Union and the counter-sanctions issued by Russia, and their effects on the Finnish economy and Finnish foreign trade. The background of the economic sanctions issued by the European Union and Russia is explained through the crisis in Ukraine. Both parties laid down sanctions because of the annexation of Crimea. This research will focus on the crisis itself and also to the effects that it has had on the Finnish economy and furthermore, to other European and non-European countries. Economic sanctions and embargoes, throughout the history, have been an instrument to pressure various parties. It is questionable if they work or not. This thesis aims to give the reader a general idea of what, why and when events happened and what were the results of those actions. The crisis in Ukraine has been maybe the most serious conflict in recent history and it is important to understand from where it originated and what are the effects on the world economy. Also this study discusses which are the possible solutions and how they could be achieved

    JUOKSUAIKA! - harjoitteita puolimaratonille : Harjoitusohjelmaoppaan tuotteistus

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli tuottaa harjoitusohjelmaopas, jonka avulla perusterveet aikuiset voivat har-joitella puolimaratonille. Harjoitusohjelmaopas sisältää harjoitusohjelmakokonaisuuden, jossa keskitytään kestä-vyyden kehittämiseen juoksuharjoitteiden avulla sekä ohjeistetaan juoksua tukevan lihaskuntoharjoittelun toteuttamiseen. Harjoitusohjelmaoppaassa huomioidaan kestävyyden eri osa-alueisiin liittyvien harjoitteiden vaikutus kestävyyden kehittymiseen sekä kuvataan harjoittelun ohjelmointiin liittyvät lainalaisuudet. Varsinainen opas toteutettiin tuotteistamisprosessina. Aiheen ideoinnin ja rajauksen jälkeen perehdyttiin teo-riataustaan. Teoriataustan mukaista puolimaratonille valmistavaa harjoittelua toteutettiin perusterveelle aikuis-ryhmälle kuuden kuukauden ajan keväällä 2010. Ennen harjoittelun aloittamista ja sen päätteeksi asiakkaat testattiin polkupyöräergometritestillä. Testituloksista tarkasteltiin maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn kehittymistä. Harjoittelujakson lopuksi asiakkaat osallistuivat puolimaratonille kesäkuussa 2010. Teoriatiedon toteutumista käytännössä seurattiin asiakkaiden kehittymisestä. Erityisesti miesten maksimaalinen hapenottokyky kehittyi harjoittelun myötä. He harjoittelivat tunnollisesti ohjeistuksen mukaan. Naisten osalta kehittymisessä oli selkeää hajontaa. Asiakkaiden kehittymisessä tärkeäksi tekijäksi osoittautui harjoittelun säännöllisyys. Myös harjoittelujakson kesto osoittautui joillekin asiakkaista liian lyhyeksi, joten lopullisessa oppaassa harjoittelujakson kestoa pidennettiin ja harjoittelun säännöllisyyttä korostettiin. Harjoittelujakson toteuttamisen jälkeen perehdyttiin oppaan ulkoasullisiin vaatimuksiin. Oppaan sisältö ja ulko-asu suunniteltiin, jonka jälkeen ensimmäinen versio tuotteesta laadittiin. Opinnäytetyön esityksen ja saadun palautteen myötä valmiiksi muokattu opas painettiin kaksipuoleisena ja A4-kokoisena. Opas sisältää harjoitteluun liittyvän teoriataustan tiivistetyn kuvauksen sekä harjoitteluohjeet. Juoksua tukeva lihaskuntoharjoittelu on ohjeistettu kuvin ja selityksin. Muutoin oppaassa käytetyt kuvat elävöittävät kokonaisuuden yleisilmettä. Opinnäytetyömme toimeksiantaja Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulun Myötätuuli saa oppaan käyttöönsä. He voivat laajentaa palveluitaan perustamalla juoksuharjoittelusta kiinnostuneille oman ryhmän tai tarjota opasta heille. Säännölliseen harjoitteluun sitoutuminen ja motivaatiotekijät osoittautuivat jatkotutkimuksia ajatellen tärkeiksi tarkastelun kohteiksi.The purpose of this thesis was to produce a clear training programme tutorial for half marathon, and the objective was to develop a new product for the commissioner, Myötätuuli, which is a learning environment at the KUAS. With the help of the training programme tutorial Myötätuuli can increase their service supply and they may provide the tutorial to individuals or groups. Myötätuuli has all copyrights to the training programme tutorial. The thesis was realised as a product development process. After planning and defining the subject, theoretical background was researched. The running school was founded in Myötätuuli in December 2009. On the 13th of January the group started training according to the theoretical background. The goal for a majority of the group was to run a half marathon in June. The main individual factor in endurance training is maximal oxygen consumption which can be meas-ured by cycle ergometer test. Cycle ergometer tests took place in the beginning of the training and just before the half marathon. Improvement in maximal oxygen consumption between tests was assessed on the basis of the cycle ergometer test results. Males had improved their maximal oxygen consump-tion generally while females’ results differed quite a lot. The main reasons for improvement were commitment and regular training. The endurance training period was quite short, so the final training programmes are longer in the tutorial. The requirements of the printed tutorial (i.e. layout and size) were considered while planning and pro-ducing the training programme tutorial. The training programme tutorial consists of endurance training theory, training programmes, nutrition and instructions for fitness training at home.Opinnäytetyön on tuotteistettu opinnäytetyö. Kirjallisen raportin lisäksi opinnäytetyö sisältää harjoitusohjelmaoppaan. Harjoitusohjelmaopas on työmme tilaajan Myötätuulen käytössä

    Pregnant women with bronchial asthma benefit from progressive muscle relaxation: A randomized, prospective, controlled trial

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    Background: Asthma is a serious medical problem in pregnancy and is often associated with stress, anger and poor quality of life. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) on change in blood pressure, lung parameters, heart rate, anger and health-related quality of life in pregnant women with bronchial asthma. Methods: We treated a sample of 64 pregnant women with bronchial asthma from the local population in an 8-week randomized, prospective, controlled trial. Thirty-two were selected for PMR, and 32 received a placebo intervention. The systolic blood pressure, forced expiratory volume in the first second, peak expiratory flow and heart rate were tested, and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory and Health Survey (SF-36) were employed. Results: According to the intend-to-treat principle, a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure and a significant increase in both forced expiratory volume in the first second and peak expiratory flow were observed after PMR. The heart rate showed a significant increase in the coefficient of variation, root mean square of successive differences and high frequency ranges, in addition to a significant reduction in low and middle frequency ranges. A significant reduction on three of five State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory scales, and a significant increase on seven of eight SF-36 scales were observed. Conclusions: PMR appears to be an effective method to improve blood pressure, lung parameters and heart rate, and to decrease anger levels, thus enhancing health-related quality of life in pregnant women with bronchial asthma. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Coffee, Alcohol, Smoking, Physical Activity and QT Interval Duration: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

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    Abnormalities in the electrocardiographic QT interval duration have been associated with an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. However, there is substantial uncertainty about the effect of modifiable factors such as coffee intake, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity on QT interval duration.We studied 7795 men and women from the Third National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES III, 1988-1994). Baseline QT interval was measured from the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram. Coffee and tea intake, alcohol consumption, leisure-time physical activities over the past month, and lifetime smoking habits were determined using validated questionnaires during the home interview.In the fully adjusted model, the average differences in QT interval comparing participants drinking ≥6 cups/day to those who did not drink any were -1.2 ms (95% CI -4.4 to 2.0) for coffee, and -2.0 ms (-11.2 to 7.3) for tea, respectively. The average differences in QT interval duration comparing current to never smokers was 1.2 ms (-0.6 to 2.9) while the average difference in QT interval duration comparing participants drinking ≥7 drinks/week to non-drinkers was 1.8 ms (-0.5 to 4.0). The age, race/ethnicity, and RR-interval adjusted differences in average QT interval duration comparing men with binge drinking episodes to non-drinkers or drinkers without binge drinking were 2.8 ms (0.4 to 5.3) and 4.0 ms (1.6 to 6.4), respectively. The corresponding differences in women were 1.1 (-2.9 to 5.2) and 1.7 ms (-2.3 to 5.7). Finally, the average differences in QT interval comparing the highest vs. the lowest categories of total physical activity was -0.8 ms (-3.0 to 1.4).Binge drinking was associated with longer QT interval in men but not in women. QT interval duration was not associated with other modifiable factors including coffee and tea intake, smoking, and physical activity

    Kaupunkiauton etutuennan ja ohjauksen suunnittelu

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä suunniteltiin etutuenta ja ohjaus Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun autoprojektissa tehtävään kaupunkiautoon. Työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella kaupunkiolosuhteisiin soveltuva etutuenta ja ohjaus. Tuennan osalta tavoitteena oli saavuttaa mahdollisimman pienet muutokset pyöränkulmissa joustotilanteissa ja ohjauksen osalta tavoitteena oli saavuttaa Ackermann-ohjaus ja pieni kääntösäde. Työssä käydään aluksi läpi tuentaan ja ohjaukseen liittyviä peruskäsitteitä, jotka ovat tarpeellisia tietää suunnittelutyötä tehtäessä. Käsitteiden jälkeen tarkastellaan lähtöarvoja ja linjauksia, joita tarvitaan suunnittelutyötä tehtäessä. Lähtöarvojen ja linjauksien jälkeen tutkitaan autoon tulevien iskunvaimentimien ja jousien ominaisuuksia niihin liittyvien laskujen avulla. Lopussa kuvataan tehty suunnittelutyö kolmessa vaiheessa. Suunnittelun alussa asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin simuloinneista saatujen tulosten perusteella hyvin. Yhdessä tarkastelluista tuennan arvoista oli pieni poikkeama asetettuun tavoitteeseen nähden. Käytännön testejä ei päästy tekemään tämän opinnäytetyön aikana, mutta niitä tullaan tekemään auton ollessa siinä vaiheessa, että sillä voidaan ajaa. Etutuennan ja ohjauksen suunnittelua voidaan jatkaa tämän opinnäytetyön pohjalta.The objective of this Bachelor’s thesis was to design front suspension and steering for the new city car project of the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The aim in designing the suspension was to achieve as stable tire behavior as possible in bump and rebound. The aim in designing the steering was to achieve Ackermann steering geometry and small turning radius. The thesis starts by getting familiar with the basic concepts of suspension and steering which is essential information needed in the design process. After that output values and projections are analyzed. Next shock absorbers and springs with related calculations are described. Finally, the design work is described in three different stages. The results from the simulation tests seem to indicate that the aims set at the beginning of the project were mainly achieved. There is only a slight deviation in one of the parameters. Practical tests could not be made during this thesis, but they will be made when the car can be driven. The design of front suspension and steering can be continued based on this thesis

    Evaluating the manufacturing of a work outfit : Case SWW Smart and Safe Work Wear

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    This thesis focuses on observing and evaluating the manufacturing of a fitting series of a work outfit that consists of a pair of pants and a jacket. The theory part includes work analysis, optimization of the patterns, optimization of the work area and cost efficiency. The practical part of the thesis focuses on manufacturing the fitting series of the work outfit. The conclusion of the thesis consists of my observations on the manufacturing of the fitting series of the work outfit. Work analysis observes and evaluates the work as a process. It tries to find the most efficient way to manufacture while also considering the workers and their wellbeing. With work analysis, it is possible to find ways of improving the manufacturing process. Optimization of the patterns helps to reduce the waste and thus costs. Optimization of the work area makes the sewing process more fluent. You can achieve efficiency by planning the sewing area in a way that it minimizes the transition times and that the workers have an ergonomic and comfortable place to work. The cost-efficiency part of this thesis includes steps such as cutting the time it takes to produce the garment, utilizing the most optimal machinery for the job and design of the garment

    Avaimet menestykseen : Case Bar Cave

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    Tiivistelmä Nykyisin markkinointi ei ole vain huolimattomasti koottu lista yrityksen toimintaa jaottelevista perusedellytyksistä, vaan se on kokonaisvaltaista toimintaa, jossa on huomioitava yrityksen liikeidea sekä toiminta-ajatus. Jokainen ravintola pystyy peruslähtökohdiltaan tarjoamaan asiakkailleen saman tuotteen, joten erottuminen massasta on elintärkeää. Varsinkin pienemmissä kaupungeissa, erottumalla kilpailijoista saadaan sekä entiset, että uudet asiakkaat astumaan juuri omaan ravintolaan. Kilpailu on kovaa ja nämä kilpailukeinot ovatjokaisen yrityksen tuki asiakaslähtöiseen toimintaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö oli toimeksianto iisalmelaiselta ravintola Cavelta. Ravintola Cave on toiminut samalla toiminta-ajatuksella jo 15 vuoden ajan, mikä on huomattavan pitkä aika ravintolan elinkaaressa. Tavoitteena tässä opinnäytetyössä oli selvittää, miten Cave on mahdollistanut oman toimintansa jatkuvuuden, sekä saada selville ravintolan vetovoimatekijät asiakasnäkökulmasta. Teoriaosassa paneuduimme markkinoinnin peruskilpailukeinoihin, jotka huomioimalla myös muut kuin palveluyritykset voivat kehittää toimintaansa kohtaamaan asiakkaidensa tarpeet, sekä ylläpitää jo hankittuja asiakkuuksia. Kartoitettaessa yrityksen vetovoimatekijöitä perehdyttiin myös imagomarkkinointiin ja tutkittiin yrityskuvan merkitystä yritystoiminnassa. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus, jonka aineistohankintamenetelminä käytettiin kyselyä, puoli-strukturoitua haastattelua sekä havainnointia, jotka kaikki toteutettiin Iisalmessa syksyllä 2011. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin selville, että kahden (2) peruskilpailukeinon, ihmisten (people) ja hinnan (price) lisäksi, merkittävä tekijä asiakkaiden ja organisaatioiden kulutusvalinnoissa on nimenomaan tuotteen tai palvelun herättämät mielikuvat ja tunteet. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan tehdä se johtopäätelmä, että yritys ei voi istuttaa haluttua mielikuvaa sidosryhmiensä mieliin, mutta omalla luotettavalla toiminnallaan yrityksen on mahdollista antaa sidosryhmilleen siemeniä, joista he saavat itse muodostaa oman yritysmielikuvansa.Abstract Today marketing is not only a carelessly collected list of the basic marketing tools which a company uses to separate their actions, but rather a comprehensive activity that takes into account the business idea and the plan of action of the company. Every restaurant is capable of providing their customers the same basic product, so differentiation is vital. Especially in smaller cities distinguishingoneself from competitors is a way to get old and new customers to step in to your restaurant. Competition is tough and these competing methods are every company`s support to a customer oriented service. This thesis was commissioned by restaurant Cave in Iisalmi. Restaurant Cave has been in action for 15 years, which is a notably long time in a company`s lifespan. The purpose of this thesis was to find out the attraction of restaurant Cave from a customer`s point of view and to figure out the main reasons for the continuance in their operation. In the theoretical part we examine the expanded marketing mix of 7Ps, which are a way to develop company`s operation to encounter their customers` needs and to maintain already obtained customerships. This applies to every company, not only to the ones in service industry. While mapping out the attractions of the company, we studied image marketing and the significance of corporate image in business. Our thesis is a qualitative case study, in which we used a questionnaire, semi-structured interview and observation as research methods, which were all implemented in Iisalmi in fall 2011. The result of this study was that in addition to the two basic marketing tools, people and price, another significant factor in customers and organizations consuming choices is in fact the images and emotions which the product or service evokes. From these results it can be concluded that a company cannot plant desired images into their stakeholders minds, but with their own reliable action on the marketing field they can offer their stakeholders seeds, from which they can grow their own corporate image