3,435 research outputs found

    On the compatibility between cup products, the Alekseev--Torossian connection and the Kashiwara--Vergne conjecture

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    For a finite-dimensional Lie algebra g\mathfrak g over a field KC\mathbb K\supset \mathbb C, we deduce from the compatibility between cup products Kontsevich (2003, Section 8) and from the main result of Shoikhet (2001) an alternative way of re-writing Kontsevich product \star on S(g)\mathrm S(\mathfrak g) by means of the Alekseev--Torossian flat connection (Alekseev and Torossian, 2010). We deduce a similar formula directly from the Kashiwara--Vergne conjecture (Kashiwara and Vergne, 1978).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; notation changed; corrected many other misprints recently noticed; comments are very welcome

    The explicit equivalence between the standard and the logarithmic star product for Lie algebras

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    The purpose of this short note is to establish an explicit equivalence between the two star products \star and log\star_{\log} on the symmetric algebra S(g)\mathrm S(\mathfrak g) of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra g\mathfrak g over a field KC\mathbb K\supset\mathbb C of characteristic 0 associated with the standard angular propagator and the logarithmic one: the differential operator of infinite order with constant coefficients realizing the equivalence is related to the incarnation of the Grothendieck-Teichm\"uller group considered by Kontsevich.Comment: 2 figures; corrected and completed the formulation of Theorem 3.7. Comments are very welcome

    Deformation quantization with generators and relations

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    In this paper we prove a conjecture of B. Shoikhet which claims that two quantization procedures arising from Fourier dual constructions actually coincide.Comment: 9 pages; 4 figures; many typos have been corrected; the introduction has been considerably extended and a more detailed exposition of the Koszul theory behind the main idea has been added; the proof of Proposition 2.4 (iii) has been also extended; Subsection 3.2 has been enlarged, and a more detailed exposition of how the Duflo element arises has been adde

    Loop observables for BF theories in any dimension and the cohomology of knots

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    A generalization of Wilson loop observables for BF theories in any dimension is introduced in the Batalin-Vilkovisky framework. The expectation values of these observables are cohomology classes of the space of imbeddings of a circle. One of the resulting theories discussed in the paper has only trivalent interactions and, irrespective of the actual dimension, looks like a 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 13 page

    A gerbe for the elliptic gamma function

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    The identities for elliptic gamma functions discovered by A. Varchenko and one of us are generalized to an infinite set of identities for elliptic gamma functions associated to pairs of planes in 3-dimensional space. The language of stacks and gerbes gives a natural framework for a systematic description of these identities and their domain of validity. A triptic curve is the quotient of the complex plane by a subgroup of rank three (it is a stack). Our identities can be summarized by saying that elliptic gamma functions form a meromorphic section of a hermitian holomorphic abelian gerbe over the universal oriented triptic curve.Comment: 54 page

    Hochschild cohomology for Lie algebroids

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    We define the Hochschild (co)homology of a ringed space relative to a locally free Lie algebroid. Our definitions mimic those of Swan and Caldararu for an algebraic variety. We show that our (co)homology groups can be computed using suitable standard complexes. Our formulae depend on certain natural structures on jetbundles over Lie algebroids. In an appendix we explain this by showing that such jetbundles are formal groupoids which serve as the formal exponentiation of the Lie algebroid.Comment: The authors were informed that the fact that jetbundles are formal groupoids is already contained in arXiv:0904.4736 (with a somewhat different proof