59 research outputs found

    Addressing the selective role of distinct prefrontal areas in response suppression: A study with brain tumor patients

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    The diverging evidence for functional localization of response inhibition within the prefrontal cortex might be justified by the still unclear involvement of other intrinsically related cognitive processes like response selection and sustained attention. In this study, the main aim was to understand whether inhibitory impairments, previously found in patients with both left and right frontal lesions, could be better accounted for by assessing these potentially related cognitive processes. We tested 37 brain tumor patients with left prefrontal, right prefrontal and non-prefrontal lesions and a healthy control group on Go/No-Go and Foreperiod tasks. In both types of tasks inhibitory impairments are likely to cause false alarms, although additionally the former task requires response selection and the latter target detection abilities. Irrespective of the task context, patients with right prefrontal damage showed frequent Go and target omissions, probably due to sustained attention lapses. Left prefrontal patients, on the other hand, showed both Go and target omissions and high false alarm rates to No-Go and warning stimuli, suggesting a decisional rather than an inhibitory impairment. An exploratory whole-brain voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping analysis confirmed the association of left ventrolateral and dorsolateral prefrontal lesions with target discrimination failure, and right ventrolateral and medial prefrontal lesions with target detection failure. Results from this study show how left and right prefrontal areas, which previous research has linked to response inhibition, underlie broader cognitive control processes, particularly involved in response selection and target detection. Based on these findings, we suggest that successful inhibitory control relies on more than one functionally distinct process which, if assessed appropriately, might help us to better understand inhibitory impairments across different pathologies

    Effect of buoyancy loads on the tsunami fragility of existing reinforced concrete frames including consideration of blow-out slabs

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    Currently available performance-based methodologies for assessing the fragility of structures subjected to tsunami neglect the effects of tsunami-induced vertical loads due to internal buoyancy. This paper adopts a generalized methodology for the performance assessment of structures that integrates the effects of buoyancy loads on interior slabs during a tsunami inundation. The methodology is applied in the fragility assessment of three case-study frames (low, mid and high-rise), representative of existing masonry-infilled reinforced concrete (RC) buildings typical of Mediterranean region. The paper shows the effect of modelling buoyancy loads on damage evolution and fragility curves associated with different structural damage mechanisms for existing RC frames with breakaway infill walls including consideration of blow-out slabs. The outcomes attest that buoyancy loads affect the damage assessment of buildings during a tsunami, especially in the case of mid and high-rise structures with blow-out slabs. The rate of occurrence of slabs uplift failure increases with the number of stories of the building, indicating the need to account for such damage mechanism when assessing the performance of structures. It is also found that buoyancy loads slightly affect the fragility curves associated to other structural damage mechanisms for existing RC buildings commonly monitored for fragility assessment

    Engineering surveys of Sri Lankan schools exposed to tsunami

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    The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami affected 5% of Sri Lanka’s schools, severely damaging 108 and destroying 74. The catastrophe highlighted the critical role of schools in providing educational continuity during community recovery. Sri Lanka has since rehabilitated and rebuilt most of the destroyed schools along the coastline. However, there is a limited understanding of current levels of school exposure to tsunami. This hampers preparedness and risk reduction interventions that can improve community and educational tsunami resilience. This paper presents a multi-disciplinary school exposure database relevant to both vulnerability and loss modelling. The repository includes data on 38 schools and 86 classroom buildings, surveyed across the coastal districts of Ampara, Batticaloa and Galle in Sri Lanka, which were heavily affected by the 2004 tsunami. A new engineering rapid visual survey tool is presented that was used to conduct the physical assessment of schools for the exposure repository. School damage mechanisms observed in past tsunami inform the survey forms, which are designed to capture information at both school compound and building levels. The tsunami engineering survey tools are universally applicable for the visual assessment of schools exposed to tsunami. The surveys show that most Sri Lankan school buildings can be classified into three building archetypes. This means that future risk assessments can be conducted considering a small number of index buildings that are based on these archetypes with differing partition arrangements and structural health conditions. The surveys also raise three significant concerns. Firstly, most schools affected by the 2004 tsunami remain in the same exposed locations without any consideration for tsunami design or strengthening provisions. Secondly, Sri Lankan schools are fragile to tsunami loading and many of the schools in the Galle district suffer from severe corrosion, which will further affect their tsunami vulnerability. Thirdly, schools do not appear prepared for tsunami, and do not have adequate tsunami warnings nor evacuation protocols in place. These observations raise the urgent need to mitigate tsunami risk, including a holistic plan for tsunami retrofitting and for interventions to improve the tsunami preparedness of schools in Sri Lanka

    Semiología ultrasonográfica del testículo, epidídimo y cordón espermático en el toro

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    The primary objective of the work was to determine and standardize the ultrasonographic use of ecographi in the gonads bull in order to evaluate it anatomically. The secondary objectives were to determine if there is any individualvariation by ultrasound observed through reproductive activities, age and environmental condition among individuals evaluated; and determine if there is any significant variability between individuals within the sample through the lasting time of the project. It utilised five different planes to each individual to live animals under pastoral conditions and it settled the most convenient. Fifteen Hereford bulls were evaluated in six opportunities, starting at 24 month of age during two years, autumn, winter and spring. During summer were unable to take any determination because the animals were under natural meeting. Each bull was evaluated to determine variability through the study-period, body condition, and body condition pre- and post-mating. Using different ultrasound cut was able to evaluate and characterise the scrotum, testicular parenchyma, pampiniform plexus and head, body and epididimun cauda.El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue: Determinar y estandarizar los planos de corte para el estudio por ultrasonido de las gónadas y anexos del toro, con el propósito de lograr una correcta: Evaluación de la ecoestructura anatómica. Medición de las mismas. Los objetivos secundarios fueron: Determinar si existen variables individuales en cuanto a ecoestructura y medidas en las gonadas, observadas a través de la actividad reproductiva, la edad y las características ambientales en los individuos evaluados. Determinar si existen variables significativas entre individuos de una misma población, en las distintas mediciones hechas a través del tiempo en el que se desarrolló el proyecto. Se utilizan cinco planos por estudio practicado a cada individuo para su comparación entre animales vivos y en condiciones a campo y se establecen los cortes más convenientes para cada medición. Dos aspectos importantes de esta técnica son no ser invasiva y poder implementarse en todos los individuos que abarcan este trabajo. Se estudia en seis oportunidades a 15 individuos de raza Hereford, de 24 meses de edad promedio para la primer lectura, durante dos años, coincidiendo con el otoño, invierno y primavera, no pudiendo realizarlo en el verano dado que los toros se encuentran en servicio a campo en esa época. Sé controlarón las variables ecográficas de las gónadas y anexos en condiciones naturales. Cada toro fue evaluado con el objeto de estimar las variaciones a través del tiempo, el crecimiento etáreo de cada individuo, el estado nutricional y la situación de pre o post servicio. Estos individuos pertenecen a explotaciones de cría con características muy particulares ubicada en la región del caldenal de la zona de Victorica, provincia de La Pampa. Dichas explotaciones pertenecen a una empresa familiar, siendo estos toros de su propia producción. En los últimos 10 años se han logrado altos porcentajes promedio de preñez y destete. A través de los distintos cortes (transversal oblicuo, transversal bitesticular, transversal modificado, longitudinal modificado y sagital modificado), se evalúan con exactitud el escroto y sus capas en conjunto, parénquima testicular, plexo pampiniforme, cabeza, cuerpo y cola del epidídimo, logrando definir la ecoestructura de cada componente anatómico y su medición. Se evalúan estadísticamente los datos de cada individuo y de toda la población de toros con la finalidad de estandarizar los resultados

    Evaluación ultrasonográfica de las gónadas del toro

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    The exam andrologic of the bull is carried out through a series of studies that interrelated they allow to understand the integrity functional anátomo of the same one, each one of them sandal a specific area. The study protocol in an exploration of this type is continued through a methodical pursuit. The palpation, the measure of the escrotal perimeter and the evaluation of the semen provide important information to investigate the reproductive capacity, but tley cannot detect poteritial illnesses- The termography, the tonogriphy and tire tersticular biopsy ar not so accepted or they involve risks for the reproductive poteitial of animal. The ultrasound, as complementary method of diagnosis, allows to carry out an evaluation non invasive ofthe internal structuresofthe scrotum and testicle and the chances of diagnosis.El examen andrológico del toro se lleva a cabo a través de una serie de estudios, que intrrelacionados permiten la integridad anátomo-funcional del mismo, cada uno de ellos abarca un área específica. El protocolo de estudio en una exploración de este tipo se sigue a través de un seguimiento La palpación, la medida del perímetro escrotal y la evaluación del semen proveen información importante para investigar la capacidad reproductiva, pero no pueden detectar enfermedades potenciales. La termografía y la biopsia testicular no son tan aceptadas o involucran riesgos para el potencial reproductivo del animal. El ultrasonido, como método complementario de diagnóstico, permite realizar una evaluación no invasiva de las estructuras internas del escroto y testículo y aumentan las chances de diagnóstico de enfermedades focales y multifocales, como cicatrices,neoplasias,abscesos etc. Esta técnica, en definitiva, se ofrece como una herramienta excepcionalmente apropiada para la evaluación de las afecciones testículo-escrotales del toro y se realiza fácilmente con equipos portátiles brindando información acerca de la estructura testicular, que de otra manera no se puede obtener (Pechmany Eilts, 1986). La aplicación de la ultrasonografía en equinos y bovinos se realiza desde 1980 y ha dado uno de los pasos más importantes para el estudio y comprensión de los eventos anátomo-fisiológicos en tiempo real. La experiencia del operador en la realización de la técnica tiene una importancia capital: debe coordinar la imagen con los movimientos realizados con la mano, detectar las interferencias y corregirlas para obtener un resultado correcto. Individualizado el órgano, el técnico debe poseer un conocimiento profundo de las estructuras anatómicas y su apariencia ultrasonográfica para evaluar el grado de normalidad o enfermedad presente( Piersony Adams, 1995

    Habitar a metrópole: os apartamentos quitinetes de Adolf Franz Heep

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    The restructuring of the housing market and the emergence of a new housing typology in Sao Paulo from the mid-1940s, the kitchenette apartment, coincided with changes in the parameters that guided disciplinary discourse and architectural practice in Brazil. Analyze the moment the new typology was formulated, their initial motivations and subsequent developments, allows not only to recover the trajectory of the German architect Adolf Franz Heep (1902-1978) as investigate the dialogue between European architectural avant-garde, the North-American experiences, the local architectural production and the local demands

    Aprendizajes y prácticas educativas en las actuales condiciones de época: COVID-19

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    “Esta obra colectiva es el resultado de una convocatoria a docentes, investigadores y profesionales del campo pedagógico a visibilizar procesos investigativos y prácticas educativas situadas en el marco de COVI-19. La misma se inscribe en el trabajo llevado a cabo por el equipo de Investigación responsable del Proyecto “Sentidos y significados acerca de aprender en las actuales condiciones de época: un estudio con docentes y estudiantes de la educación secundarias en la ciudad de Córdoba” de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. El momento excepcional que estamos atravesando, pero que también nos atraviesa, ha modificado la percepción temporal a punto tal que habitamos un tiempo acelerado y angustiante que nos exige la producción de conocimiento provisorio. La presente publicación surge como un espacio para detenernos a documentar lo que nos acontece y, a su vez, como oportunidad para atesorar y resguardar las experiencias educativas que hemos construido, inventado y reinventando en este contexto. En ella encontrarán pluralidad de voces acerca de enseñar y aprender durante la pandemia. Este texto es una pausa para reflexionar sobre el hacer y las prácticas educativas por venir”.Fil: Beltramino, Lucia (comp.). Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Escuela de Archivología; Argentina

    Prevenzione dell'abuso sessuale extrafamiliare: indagine su padri e madri in ambiente urbano e rurale

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    Prevention of extra-family sexual abuse: a study on mothers and fathers in urban and rural environment. The purpose of the present research is to assess parents attitude towards sexual education, argued to be a possible form extra-family sexual abuse prevention. Especially, differences in the attitude towards the sexual education and in the awareness of extra-family abuse had been investigated in relationship to parents sex (father versus mother), the settlement type (urban versus rural), children age (6, 8, and 10 years), and children sex (male versus female). The study demanded the compilation of structured interview. The results underline a positive but uncertain attitude of parents towards sexual education of their children. Parents choice to provide sexual education to their children depends on children age (10 years old are considered more suitable for sexual education), parents sex (mothers approve sexual education more than fathers; moreover, mothers retain sexual education a form of sexual abuse prevention more than fathers do), and settlement type (parents from urban settlement believe in the value of sexual education for their own children significantly more than parents from rural ones)