78 research outputs found

    Extensive genetic diversity, unique population structure and evidence of genetic exchange in the sexually transmitted parasite <i>Trichomonas vaginalis</i>

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    Background Trichomonas vaginalis is the causative agent of human trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection world-wide. Despite its prevalence, little is known about the genetic diversity and population structure of this haploid parasite due to the lack of appropriate tools. The development of a panel of microsatellite makers and SNPs from mining the parasite's genome sequence has paved the way to a global analysis of the genetic structure of the pathogen and association with clinical phenotypes. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we utilize a panel of T. vaginalis-specific genetic markers to genotype 235 isolates from Mexico, Chile, India, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Italy, Africa and the United States, including 19 clinical isolates recently collected from 270 women attending New York City sexually transmitted disease clinics. Using population genetic analysis, we show that T. vaginalis is a genetically diverse parasite with a unique population structure consisting of two types present in equal proportions world-wide. Parasites belonging to the two types (type 1 and type 2) differ significantly in the rate at which they harbor the T. vaginalis virus, a dsRNA virus implicated in parasite pathogenesis, and in their sensitivity to the widely-used drug, metronidazole. We also uncover evidence of genetic exchange, indicating a sexual life-cycle of the parasite despite an absence of morphologically-distinct sexual stages. Conclusions/Significance Our study represents the first robust and comprehensive evaluation of global T. vaginalis genetic diversity and population structure. Our identification of a unique two-type structure, and the clinically relevant phenotypes associated with them, provides a new dimension for understanding T. vaginalis pathogenesis. In addition, our demonstration of the possibility of genetic exchange in the parasite has important implications for genetic research and control of the disease

    Extensive Genetic Diversity, Unique Population Structure and Evidence of Genetic Exchange in the Sexually Transmitted Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis

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    The human parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes trichomoniasis, the world's most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection. Research on T. vaginalis genetic diversity has been limited by a lack of appropriate genotyping tools. To address this problem, we recently published a panel of T. vaginalis-specific genetic markers; here we use these markers to genotype isolates collected from ten regions around the globe. We detect high levels of genetic diversity, infer a two-type population structure, identify clinically relevant differences between the two types, and uncover evidence of genetic exchange in what was believed to be a clonal organism. Together, these results greatly improve our understanding of the population genetics of T. vaginalis and provide insights into the possibility of genetic exchange in the parasite, with implications for the epidemiology and control of the disease. By taking into account the existence of different types and their unique characteristics, we can improve understanding of the wide range of symptoms that patients manifest and better implement appropriate drug treatment. In addition, by recognizing the possibility of genetic exchange, we are more equipped to address the growing concern of drug resistance and the mechanisms by which it may spread within parasite populations

    Clima y desempeño laboral en tiempos del COVID-19, en dos Centros Médicos I-3 EsSalud. Red Asistencial Huaraz, 2020

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    El clima laboral así también como el desempeño laboral, sufren cambios acelerados y continuos en las instituciones prestadoras de servicios de salud en el mundo, debido al comportamiento agresivo e indescifrable aun de la pandemia COVID-19. En ese contexto, se planteó el objetivo de determinar la relación entre clima y desempeño laboral en tiempos del COVID-19, en dos Centros Médicos I-3 EsSalud de la red asistencial Huaraz, 2020, se realizó una investigación descriptiva-correlacional de diseño transversal involucrando a 55 trabajadores asistenciales y de apoyo sanitario: 25 del Centro Médico EsSalud de Carhuaz y 30 de Caraz. Se aplicaron las escalas de clima y desempeño laboral encontrándose que el clima laboral a nivel general es regular (78,2%) y el desempeño laboral es medio (52,7%), la realización personal es regular (56,4%), el involucramiento laboral es regular (56,4%), la supervisión es regular (60,0%), la comunicación laboral es regular (56,4%) y las condiciones laborales es regular (60,0%). Se concluye que el clima laboral a nivel general y el desempeño laboral están relacionadas significativamente (p<0,05), que la realización personal, el involucramiento laboral y la supervisión se relacionan muy significativamente (p<0,001) con el desempeño laboral, mientras que la comunicación y las condiciones laborales, no se relacionan con el desempeño laboral (p>0,05)

    Procesos electorales y libertad de expresión: una mirada al caso boliviano desde el derecho a la información

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    On the basis of acknowledging the importance that democracys emergence has had over the past century, this paper intends to reflect on the juridical principles of communication that should be taken accounat during an electoral process as web as on the possibility of restricting freedom of speech, or not, during campaign and propaganda periods. In this way, the prohibition of prior censorship and the responsibility subsequent to publishing may both be acknowledged as fundamental principles of freedom of speech. Finally, in making a revision of the current electoral norms, ilicit communications during electoral processes are reflected upon briefly and the responsability of the mass media during electoral campaign and propaganda periods is discussed.Partindo do reconhecimiento da importância que teve a emergência da democracia no século passado, o presente trábalho propoe refletir sobre os principios jurídicos de comunicaçao que deben ser tomados em conta durante un processo elitoral e sobre a possi bilidade ou nao de restringir a liberdade de expressao durante os periodos de campanha e propaganda. Desta maneira, se chega a reconhecer como principios fundamentais à liberdade de expressao, a prohibiçao da censura previa e a responsabilidades ulterior á publicaçao. Finalmente, fazendo uma revisao da atual norma eleitoral, se faz uma breve reflexao sobre os ilícitos de comunicacao nos processos eleitorales, assim como se comenta a responsabilidade dos meios de comunicaçao durante os periodos de campanha e propaganda eleitoral.Partiendo del reconocimiento de la importancia que ha tenido la emergencia de la democracia en el siglo pasado, el presente trabajo propone reflexionar sobre los principios jurídicos de comunicación que deben ser tomados en cuenta durante un proceso electoral y sobre la posibilidad o no de restringir la libertad de expresión durante los periodos de campaña y propaganda. De esta manera, se llegan a reconocer como principios fundamentales a la libertad de expresión, la prohibición de la censura previa y la responsabilidad ulterior a la publicación. Finalmente, haciendo una revisión de la actual norma electoral boliviana, se hace una breve reflexión sobre los ilícitos de comunicación en los procesos electorales, así como se comenta la responsabilidad de los medios de comunicación durante los periodos de campaña y propaganda electora

    Aggregation kinetic dataset to determine the stability of the purified and refolded recombinant ppTvCP4 protein of Trichomonas vaginalis

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    The recombinant ppTvCP4 (ppTvCP4r) protein, a specific inhibitor of the proteolytic activity and virulence properties of Trichomonas vaginalis, depending on cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinases (CPs) (http:dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.biocel.2014.12.001 [1], http:dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.micinf.2013.09.002 [2], http:dx.doi.org/ 10.1155/2015/946787 [3]) was stable in the elution buffer up to two months at 4 °C. However, it was prone to aggregate in PBS (functional assay buffer) [1]. Therefore, before functional assays, the aggregation kinetic of refolded ppTvCP4r was determined after the exchange to PBS. Samples of purified and refolded ppTvCP4r (0.15 mg/ml) in PBS were incubated for 0–24 h at 4 and 25 °C, spun down, measured the protein concentration in the supernatant and checked for the presence of aggregated protein in the pellet. The concentration of protein progressively decreased in the supernatant through time at both temperatures as the protein aggregated. Data in this article are related to the research paper [1]. Keywords: PpTvCP4r, Buffer exchange, Protein aggregation, Trichomonas vaginali