1,282 research outputs found

    Rethinking the Social Security Disability Programs: Causes and Options

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    The Macrocyclic Peptide Natural Product CJ-15,208 Is Orally Active and Prevents Reinstatement of Extinguished Cocaine-Seeking Behavior

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    The macrocyclic tetrapeptide natural product CJ-15,208 (cyclo[Phe-d-Pro-Phe-Trp]) exhibited both dose-dependent antinociception and kappa opioid receptor (KOR) antagonist activity after oral administration. CJ-15,208 antagonized a centrally administered KOR selective agonist, providing strong evidence it crosses the blood–brain barrier to reach KOR in the CNS. Orally administered CJ-15,208 also prevented both cocaine- and stress-induced reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in the conditioned place preference assay in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Thus, CJ-15,208 is a promising lead compound with a unique activity profile for potential development, particularly as a therapeutic to prevent relapse to drug-seeking behavior in abstinent subjects

    Progressive resistance training and stretching following surgery for breast cancer: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Currently 1 in 11 women over the age of 60 in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer. Following treatment, most breast cancer patients are left with shoulder and arm impairments which can impact significantly on quality of life and interfere substantially with activities of daily living. The primary aim of the proposed study is to determine whether upper limb impairments can be prevented by undertaking an exercise program of prolonged stretching and resistance training, commencing soon after surgery. METHODS/DESIGN: We will recruit 180 women who have had surgery for early stage breast cancer to a multicenter single-blind randomized controlled trial. At 4 weeks post surgery, women will be randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a usual care (control) group. Women allocated to the exercise group will perform exercises daily, and will be supervised once a week for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, women will be given a home-based training program to continue indefinitely. Women in the usual care group will receive the same care as is now typically provided, i.e. a visit by the physiotherapist and occupational therapist while an inpatient, and receipt of pamphlets. All subjects will be assessed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 6 months later. The primary measure is arm symptoms, derived from a breast cancer specific questionnaire (BR23). In addition, range of motion, strength, swelling, pain and quality of life will be assessed. DISCUSSION: This study will determine whether exercise commencing soon after surgery can prevent secondary problems associated with treatment of breast cancer, and will thus provide the basis for successful rehabilitation and reduction in ongoing problems and health care use. Additionally, it will identify whether strengthening exercises reduce the incidence of arm swelling. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The protocol for this study is registered with the Australian Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN012606000050550)

    Regional subcortical shape analysis in premanifest Huntington’s disease

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) involves preferential and progressive degeneration of striatum and other subcortical regions as well as regional cortical atrophy. It is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the Huntingtin gene, and the longer the expansion the earlier the age of onset. Atrophy begins prior to manifest clinical signs and symptoms, and brain atrophy in premanifest expansion carriers can be studied. We employed a diffeomorphometric pipeline to contrast subcortical structures’ morphological properties in a control group with three disease groups representing different phases of premanifest HD (far, intermediate, and near to onset) as defined by the length of the CAG expansion and the participant’s age (CAG‐Age‐Product). A total of 1,428 magnetic resonance image scans from 694 participants from the PREDICT‐HD cohort were used. We found significant region‐specific atrophies in all subcortical structures studied, with the estimated abnormality onset time varying from structure to structure. Heterogeneous shape abnormalities of caudate nuclei were present in premanifest HD participants estimated furthest from onset and putaminal shape abnormalities were present in participants intermediate to onset. Thalamic, hippocampal, and amygdalar shape abnormalities were present in participants nearest to onset. We assessed whether the estimated progression of subcortical pathology in premanifest HD tracked specific pathways. This is plausible for changes in basal ganglia circuits but probably not for changes in hippocampus and amygdala. The regional shape analyses conducted in this study provide useful insights into the effects of HD pathology in subcortical structures.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148249/1/hbm24456.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148249/2/hbm24456_am.pd

    The master sex-determination locus in threespine sticklebacks is on a nascent Y chromosome.

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    BACKGROUND: Many different environmental and genetic sex-determination mechanisms are found in nature. Closely related species can use different master sex-determination switches, suggesting that these developmental pathways can evolve very rapidly. Previous cytological studies suggest that recently diverged species of stickleback fish have different sex chromosome complements. Here, we investigate the genetic and chromosomal mechanisms that underlie sex determination in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). RESULTS: Genome-wide linkage mapping identifies a single chromosome region at the distal end of linkage group (LG) 19, which controls male or female sexual development in threespine sticklebacks. Although sex chromosomes are not cytogenetically visible in this species, several lines of evidence suggest that LG 19 is an evolving sex chromosome system, similar to the XX female/XY male system in many other species: (1) males are consistently heterozygous for unique alleles in this region; (2) recombination between loci linked to the sex-determination region is reduced in male meiosis relative to female meiosis; (3) sequence analysis of X- and Y-specific bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from the sex-determination region reveals many sequence differences between the X- and Y-specific clones; and (4) the Y chromosome has accumulated transposable elements and local duplications. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our data suggest that threespine sticklebacks have a simple chromosomal mechanism for sex determination based on a nascent Y chromosome that is less than 10 million years old. Further analysis of the stickleback system will provide an exciting window into the evolution of sex-determination pathways and sex chromosomes in vertebrates

    Mandatory Disclosure of Pharmaceutical Industry-Funded Events for Health Professionals

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    David Henry and colleagues examine compliance with new disclosure requirements of Medicines Australia, the pharmaceutical industry representative body, and argue that they fall short and instead more comprehensive reporting standards are needed

    Periconceptional Undernutrition in Sheep Affects Adult Phenotype Only in Males

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    Periconceptional undernutrition (PCUN) in sheep alters fetal growth and metabolism and postnatal growth regulation, but effects on adult body composition are unknown. We investigated the effects of PCUN on adult phenotype. Singleton lambs of ewes fed normally (N, n=17) or undernourished before (UN-61-0 d, n=23), before and after (UN-61-30 d, n=19), or after (UN-2-30d, n=17) mating (d0) were weighed at birth, 12 weeks, and intermittently to adulthood. At the age of 3-4 years, body composition was assessed by dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry followed by postmortem examination. Compared with N animals, male, but not female, offspring of all UN groups had greater % fat mass (all UN versus N: 9±1 versus 2±1%, P<0.001) and perirenal fat (544±36 versus 222±44 g, P=0.002), and proportionately smaller hearts (4.5±0.1 versus 5.2±0.2 g·kg−1), lungs (9.1±0.2 versus 10.6±0.5 g·kg−1), and adrenals (0.06±0.002 versus 0.08±0.003 g·kg−1). UN males also had larger testes (726±21 versus 545±32 g, P=0.007), but UN females had smaller ovaries (2.7±0.08 versus 3.4±0.4 g, P=0.01). Changes were independent of birth weight or postnatal growth velocity. Brief PCUN has sex-specific effects on adult phenotype, predominantly affecting males, which may contribute to adverse metabolic outcomes

    Evaluating Cognition in Individuals with Huntington Disease: NeuroQoL Cognitive Functioning Measures

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    PURPOSE: Cognitive functioning impacts health-related quality of life (HRQOL) for individuals with Huntington disease (HD). The Neuro-QoL includes two patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures of cognition-Executive Function (EF) and General Concerns (GC). These measures have not previously been validated for use in HD. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Neuro-QoL Cognitive Function measures for use in HD. METHODS: Five hundred ten individuals with prodromal or manifest HD completed the Neuro-QoL Cognition measures, two other PRO measures of HRQOL (WHODAS 2.0 and EQ5D), and a depression measure (PROMIS Depression). Measures of functioning The Total Functional Capacity and behavior (Problem Behaviors Assessment) were completed by clinician interview. Objective measures of cognition were obtained using clinician-administered Symbol Digit Modalities Test and the Stroop Test (Word, Color, and Interference). Self-rated, clinician-rated, and objective composite scores were developed. We examined the Neuro-QoL measures for reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and known-groups validity. RESULTS: Excellent reliabilities (Cronbach\u27s alphas ≥ 0.94) were found. Convergent validity was supported, with strong relationships between self-reported measures of cognition. Discriminant validity was supported by less robust correlations between self-reported cognition and other constructs. Prodromal participants reported fewer cognitive problems than manifest groups, and early-stage HD participants reported fewer problems than late-stage HD participants. CONCLUSIONS: The Neuro-QoL Cognition measures provide reliable and valid assessments of self-reported cognitive functioning for individuals with HD. Findings support the utility of these measures for assessing self-reported cognition


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    Budući da je i bioetika, kako je već naznačeno i u njezinu imenu, posebna, specijalna etika (sadržana i u koncepciji bioetike kao nove, transdisciplinarne znanosti), prvo je rečeno ono osnovno o etici kao disciplini praktičke filozofije, da bi tako postao razgovjetniji i smisao, zadaća i mogućnosti bioetike kao primijenjene etike na područje života općenito, prvenstveno na čovjekov život i zdravlje. Kako je etika kao refleksija o ispravnom i dobrom ljudskom djelovanju bitno povezana s antropologijom kao filozofijskim i znanstvenim promišljanjem naravi, položaja u svijetu i biti čovjekova bića uopće (prirodnoga, društvenoga i duhovnog), to je u drugom dijelu ovoga konspekta pokazana i »pupčana« sveza bioetike s antropologijom, s posebnim obzirom na suvremene ekološke uvjete života, tj. na prijeteću globalnu i strukturalnu ekološku krizu.Since bioethics, as the name itself indicates, is a special kind of ethics (contained in the concept of bioethics as a new, transdisciplinary science), in the beginning, the basic thing about ethics as a discipline of practical philosophy is said, to make, therefore, more comprehensible the sense, task and possibilities of bioethics as applied ethics in the field of life in general, first of all, in human\u27s life and health. And since ethics as a reflection on right and good human activity is essentially connected with anthropology as philosophical and scientific reflexion on nature, on the position in the world and on the essence of human being in general (natural, social and spiritual) , thus, in the second part of this conspectus, the "umbilical" connection between bioethics and anthropology has been shown, with the special regard to contemporary ecological conditions of life, i.e. to the threatening global and ecological crisis.Da auch die Bioethik wie schon aus ihrem Namen hervorgeht eine besondere spezielle Ethik ist (das ist auch in der Konzeption der Bioethik als einer neuen transdisziplinaren Wisenschaft enthalten), wurde zuerst das Grundlegende über Ethik als einer Disziplin der praktischen Philosophie gesagt, damit so auch der Sinn deutlich wird, die Aufgabe und die Möglichkeiten der Bioethik als einer auf dem Gebiet des Lebens allgemein angewandten Ethik, vor allem angewandt auf das menschliche Leben und Gesundheit. Da die Ethik als eine Reflexion über die gute und richtige Wirkung des Menschen im Wesentlichen mit der Anthropologie als philosophische und wissenschaftliche Überlegung der menschlichen Natur verbunden ist, mit der Stellung in der Welt und dem Kern des menschlichen Wesens (natürlichem, gesellschaftlichem und geistigem), so ist im zweiten Teil dieses Konspekts die "Nabelschnurr" — Verbindung der Bioethik mit der Anthropologie dargelegt, und daß mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der heutigen ökologischen Umweltbediengungen., d.h. der droheneden globalen und strukturalen ökologischen Krise