2,958 research outputs found

    The Effect of a Rapidity Gap Veto on the Discrete BFKL Pomeron

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    We investigate the sensitivity of the discrete BFKL spectrum, which appears in the gluon Green function when the running coupling is considered, to a lower cut-off in the relative rapidities of the emitted particles. We find that the eigenvalues associated to each of the discrete eigenfunctions decrease with the size of the rapidity veto. The effect is stronger on the lowest eigenfunctions. The net result is a reduction of the growth with energy for the Green function together with a suppression in the regions with small transverse momentum.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Radiative Corrections to Chargino Production with Polarized Beams

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    We show that radiative corrections to chargino production in electron-positron annihilation with polarized beams can be large especially in the case of right handed electrons. In addition, there is some dependency on the squark masses that allows us to extract information about the squark spectrum from the chargino production.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures. Talk given at Linear Collider Workshop 2000--LCWS, Fermilab, Chicago, October 24-28, 200

    Radiatively Corrected Chargino Pair Production at LEP2

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    One-loop radiative corrections to the production cross section of a pair of light charginos in e+e- colliders are calculated within the MSSM. Top and bottom quarks and squarks are considered in the loops, and they are renormalized using the MS-bar scheme. If the center of mass energy is equal to 192 GeV, positive corrections typically of 10% to 15% are found when the squark mass parameters are equal to 1 TeV.Comment: 6 pages, including 5 figures. Latex. Talk given by M.A.D. at the International Workshop "Beyond the Standard Model: From Theory to Experiment", 13--17 October 1997, Valencia, Spai

    Search for Large Rapidity Gap Events in e^+ e^- Annihilation

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    We investigate the cross-section for the production of a low-mass colour-singlet cluster in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation with a large rapidity gap between the colour-singlet cluster and the other jets. It is argued that such events are the cross-channel analogue of large-rapidity-gap events in deep-inelastic scattering, and therefore could in principle be used to investigate the analytic continuation of the BFKL pomeron to the positive-tt kinematic regime, where one would expect the trajectory to pass through glueball states. The cross section can be calculated in perturbative QCD, so that the infrared scale arising from non-perturbative effects, which prevents an exponential fall-off with rapidity gap in the case of deep-inelastic scattering, is absent in e+e−e^+ e^- annihilation. Correspondingly, the cross section for such events decreases rapidly with increasing rapidity gap.Comment: LATEX file - 21 pages + 15 figure

    Building capacity for dissemination and implementation research: One university’s experience

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    Abstract Background While dissemination and implementation (D&I) science has grown rapidly, there is an ongoing need to understand how to build and sustain capacity in individuals and institutions conducting research. There are three inter-related domains for capacity building: people, settings, and activities. Since 2008, Washington University in St. Louis has dedicated significant attention and resources toward building D&I research capacity. This paper describes our process, challenges, and lessons with the goal of informing others who may have similar aims at their own institution. Activities An informal collaborative, the Washington University Network for Dissemination and Implementation Research (WUNDIR), began with a small group and now has 49 regular members. Attendees represent a wide variety of settings and content areas and meet every 6 weeks for half-day sessions. A logic model organizes WUNDIR inputs, activities, and outcomes. A mixed-methods evaluation showed that the network has led to new professional connections and enhanced skills (e.g., grant and publication development). As one of four, ongoing, formal programs, the Dissemination and Implementation Research Core (DIRC) was our first major component of D&I infrastructure. DIRC’s mission is to accelerate the public health impact of clinical and health services research by increasing the engagement of investigators in later stages of translational research. The aims of DIRC are to advance D&I science and to develop and equip researchers with tools for D&I research. As a second formal component, the Washington University Institute for Public Health has provided significant support for D&I research through pilot projects and a small grants program. In a third set of formal programs, two R25 training grants (one in mental health and one in cancer) support post-doctoral scholars for intensive training and mentoring in D&I science. Finally, our team coordinates closely with D&I functions within research centers across the university. We share a series of challenges and potential solutions. Conclusion Our experience in developing D&I research at Washington University in St. Louis shows how significant capacity can be built in a relatively short period of time. Many of our ideas and ingredients for success can be replicated, tailored, and improved upon by others

    Research on Reform in Mathematics Education, 1993-2000

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    Proponents and opponents of reform of mathematics education all cite the research base in support of their positions. This article reports the results of a review of studies that contained empirical evidence of the effects of reform or the difficulty of implementing reform that were published between 1993 and 2000. The studies reviewed indicate that implementation of math reform contributes to student achievement, but evidence abounds of superficial implementation and barriers to enactment. There are well-documented strategies for reducing these barriers, the most promising strategies being inservice that simultaneously focuses on teachers' practice and their cognition about mathematics teaching.Promoteurs et adversaires d'une réforme en enseignement des mathématiques puisent tous dans la recherche pour appuyer leurs points de vue. Cet article présente le résultat d'une analyse d'études empiriques publiées entre 1993 et 2000 et qui évoquent les effets d'une réforme ou la difficulté d'en mettre une en application. Selon les études analysées, la mise en œuvre d'une réforme en enseignement des mathématiques contribue aux réalisations des élèves. Toutefois, énormément d'articles évoquent une mise en œuvre superficielle et des obstacles à la réforme. Parmi les stratégies bien documentées pour minimiser ces obstacles, celles qui promettent le plus impliquent une formation pour enseignants en cours d'emploi qui touche à la fois les méthodes des enseignants et leurs connaissances sur l'enseignement des mathématiques
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