6 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Nasional Dan Implementasinya Pada Sekolah Dasar

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    Education is a universal humanitarian phenomenon which if true its activities will foster the multidimensional development of basic human abilities. The direction of educational attention is more on students, namely those who are able to optimize their potential as individual human beings. To achieve this goal, the role of various parties is needed, especially policy makers, in this case the government and institutions directly related to education. The basic direction of national education policy attention is Elementary Schools because they are the initial institutions for the formation of humans towards optimal intelligence. National education policy in this context is more on its implementation in basic education institutions.Pendidikan merupakan fenomena kemanusiaan universal yang jika benar aktivitasnya akan menumbuh kembngkan multidimensi kemampuan dasar manusia. Arah perhatian pendidikan lebih pada anak didik yakni mereka yang mampu mengoptimasi potensi diri sebagai insan pribadi. Untuk mencapai cita-cita ini maka peran berbagai pihak sangat dibutuhkan secara khusus para pengambil kebijakan dalam hal ini pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga yang berkaitan langsung dengan pendidikan. Arah dasar perhatian kebijakan pendidikan nasional adalah Sekolah Dasar karena merupakan lembaga awal pembentukan manusia menuju kecerdasan yang optimal. Kebijakan pendidikan nasional dalam konteks ini lebih pada implementasinya di lembaga pendidikan dasar


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    Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. The superiority of this natural wealth should be able to bring Indonesia into a developed country. However, in reality there are still many distorted phenomena that are obstacles to the progress of the nation, one of which is corruption. There are still many cases of corruption that occur to this day resulting in the depletion of Indonesia's natural resources without creating prosperity in subsequent generations. Corruption that is increasingly out of control shows that Indonesia's financial accountability has not been implemented well. The question then is, why are there still many unethical phenomena that occur in the prophetic realm? Does intellectual have an important role in preventing and eradicating corruption cases that often occur in Indonesia?Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam. Keunggulan kekayaan alam ini seharusnya bisa membawa Indonesia menjadi negara yang maju. Namun, kenyataannya masih banyak fenomena-fenomena menyimpang yang menjadi penghambat bagi kemajuan bangsa, salah satunya ialah korupsi. Masih banyak kasus korupsi yang terjadi sampai saat ini yang berakibat sumber kekayaan alam Indonesia habis tanpa menciptakan kemakmuran pada generasi-generasi berikutnya. Korupsi yang semakin hari tidak terkendali menunjukkan akuntabilitas keuangan Indonesia belum terlaksana dengan baik. Yang kemudian menjadi pertanyaan adalah, mengapa masih banyak fenomena-fenomena yang tidak etis yang terjadi dalam ranah profetik? Apakah intelektual memiliki peranan penting dalam mencegah dan memberantas kasus korupsi yang kerap terjadi di Indonesia


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    Physical Education Learning is said to be successful if all objectives predetermined learning can be achieved (Abdulkadir, 2001). But deep in fact, there are still schools that have the results of Physical Education learning low who have not reached the predetermined standard of completeness. So is the case for grade Vb SDN 6 Palangka City Palangka Raya based on the results interviews with teachers of the Physical Education subject showed that the results Learning Physical Education for some students is not as expected or less than the predetermined standard which is 75. By using Online Learning method, students are expected to have a high interest in learning. This research was conducted online and according to a qualitative approach which is expected to improve and improve the quality of the process and results student learning in studying Physical Education. Time This research was conducted in July-September 2020/2021 Academic Year. This Research Place held at SDN 6 Palangka which is located on Jl. Tjilik Riwut Km. 1. The class It was used as a research location for the Vb class of SDN 6 Palangka, Palangka City Kingdom. The research subjects were students in class Vb SUN 6 Palangka with the number of students 30 people. Data collection techniques from research are questionnaires (questionnaire) and The data on the students' physical education learning outcomes test with learning online learning  obtained from the Physical Education subject teacher. Once every 3 months at SDN 6 Palangka is carried out by Semester Offset Test (UTS) to find out the arrival where students' understanding of the physical education and physical education learning has been done taught. The results of this study indicate that the Physical Education learning response questionnaire data students with online learning in class Vb SDN 6 Palangka, Palangka Raya City that is, an average of 84.17 /% is very good based on results and washing out In this study it can be concluded that prior to online learning the results an average of 72.13 after Physical Education learning with online learning give positive and very good results, seen from the emergence of the criteria The assessment set and the average score of the assessment are very good. Middle Semester Deuteronomy (UTS) which aims to find out understanding Students of Physical Education lessons with online learning show results which was very good with an average score of 82.24. Learning outcomes are very good, no regardless of the student's response to the learning. If students respond to the learning is positive, the results obtained will be good and even increase 10.11 from before

    Hubungan Pendidikan Dan Hukum Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru

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    This paper aims to discuss the relationship between education and law and its position in Indonesian society. The education situation in Indonesia is implemented and must be enforced appropriately in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. All teachers must understand that the concept or method of education is always evolving in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The point is we have to understand, practice with the present context. Likewise, the law must be applied in the present context. In everyday life, humans must walk, not stop, turn left and right, sometimes backwards, but must continue to advance in achieving what they want by paying attention to their surroundings, one of which is paying attention to related matters. for education and law. Epistemologically, axiologically and ontologically what is meant by education? What is the legal basis for education in Indonesia? How is the relationship between education and law in an effort to increase teacher competence?Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang hubungan antara pendidikan dan hukum serta kedudukannya dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Situasi pendidikan di Indonesia diterapkan harus ditegakkan dengan tepat sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku. Semua guru harus memahami bahwa konsep atau metode pendidikan selalu berkembang sesuai dengan kebijakan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku. Intinya kita harus memahami, mengamalkan dengan konteks kekinian. Demikian pula hukum harus diterapkan dalam konteks kekinian. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia harus berjalan, tidak berhenti, berbelok ke kiri dan ke kanan, terkadang mundur, tetapi harus terus maju dalam mencapai apa yang diinginkannya dengan memperhatikan keadaan sekitar, salah satunya adalah memperhatikan hal-hal yang berkaitan. untuk pendidikan dan hukum. Baik secara epistemologis, aksiologis maupun ontologis apa yang dimaksud dengan pendidikan? Apa landasan hukum pendidikan di Indonesia? Bagaimana hubungan antara pendidikan dan hukum dalam upaya peningkatan kompetensi guru

    Guru Profesional Di Era Digital

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    Guru merupakan komponen pendidikan yang utama. Berbagai komponen pendidikan lainnya, seperti kurikulum, sarana prasarana, dan lainnya tidak akan berarti apa-apa, jika tidak ada guru yang menerapkan dan menggunakannya. Karena demikian pentingnya seorang guru, telah disepakati bahwa guru merupakan tenaga profesional yang membutuhkan berbagai persyaratan yang menjamin profesinya itu dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik.  Persyaratan profesi tersebut terus berkembang sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. Dalam era digital seperti yang terjadi saat ini, guru profesional kembali dipertanyatakan persyaratannya. Selain persyaratan-persyaratan yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya, ia perlu ditambah dengan persyaratan lainnya yang sesuai. Dengan merujuk berbagai literatur yang otoritatif dalam jumlah yang memadai, serta disajikan secara deskriptif analitis, tulisan ini lebih lanjut memfokuskan pembahasannya pada persyaratan guru profesional yang dibutuhkan di era digital

    Intelektual dan Peranannya dalam Memberantas Korupsi di Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. The superiority of this natural wealth should be able to bring Indonesia into a developed country. However, in reality there are still many distorted phenomena that are obstacles to the progress of the nation, one of which is corruption. There are still many cases of corruption that occur to this day resulting in the depletion of Indonesia's natural resources without creating prosperity in subsequent generations. Corruption that is increasingly out of control shows that Indonesia's financial accountability has not been implemented well. The question then is, why are there still many unethical phenomena that occur in the prophetic realm? Does intellectual have an important role in preventing and eradicating corruption cases that often occur in Indonesia