1,037 research outputs found

    PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TERHADAP KORBAN SEKSUAL OLEH NEGARA (Studi Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Mandailing Natal)

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    When the state is the only party entitled to determine which is called the violation and what is not, then the position of state law and law enforcement officials is higher than the individual and the directly harmed perpetrator inflicted. This type of research in this thesis is a normative  legal research. This study aims to examine  the legal arrangements concering the legal protection by the state  against sexualy victimized. To assess the state legal protection for victims of sexual abuse. To examine the legal protection policy for victims of sexual. Legal arrangement  reganding legal protection bythe state against sexualy victimized. Law No.23 Year 2002 on Child Protection, set up the law for victims of abuse any person knowingly to violence or threats of violence, force, deceit,a series of lies, or persuading a child to commit or tolerate obscene acts, shall be punished with imprisonment minimum of 3 years and maximum fine  of Rp. At Least 300 milillion and Rp.60 milion. Law No 13 of 2006 on the Protection of Witnesses and Victims in preamble this law was born because thet one valid evidence in a court proceeding is whitness and/or victim who hear, see, or experience the occurrence of a crime in an effort to seek and find clarity about criminal offenses commetted by criminals. Legal protection by the state against sexually victimized. The issue of protection against minors who are victims of abuse or sexual assault is not an easy mather for us to practice in reality in everyday life. Particularly in the case of fedofilia or sexual abuse of children under the age where a child should not get the wrong treatment, because every child has a right contained in Law No.23 of 2002 on Child Protection Article 81 paragraph (1) and (2). The rights of children who are victims  of crime are : 1) Getting physical assistance (medical first aid, cloting, shelter and so on). 2) Got a problem resolution support (reporting, legal counsel, and defense). 3) Got back his property. 4) Obtain guidance and rehabilitation. Obtaining compensation (restitution, compensation) of the perpetrator (according to ability) or other parties concered for justice and welfare are concered. Penal sanctions set out clearly the Child Protection Act. Non Penal sanctions against sexual victims, especially children are abstract, meaning is less clear how much compensatio


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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018 sebagai kegiatan pengembangan profesi guru.Karya tulis ini membahas tentang upaya nyata dan inovasi dari penulis dalam pembelajaran matematika dengan menerapkan metode resitasi.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengetahui kontribusi penerapan metode resitasi terhadap peningkatkan  hasil belajar dan sikap positif siswa kelas IV pada SD As’adiyah 8 Sabbang dalam pembelajaran matematika khususnya materi KPK dan FPB.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilaksanakan di SD As’adiyah 8 Sabbang  pada siswa kelas IV semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2018/2019. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus. Siklus pertama terdiri dari dua tindakan dan siklus kedua juga terdiri dari dua tindakan. Prosedur yang dilaksanakan pada setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi.Untuk mendapatkan data digunakan lembar observasi dan hasil tes pada setiap siklus. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode resitasi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV pada SD As’adiyah 8 Sabbang dalam proses pembelajaran matematika khususnya materi KPK dan FPB.

    Analysis of the Empathy Attitude of Guidance and Counseling Students (FKIP) in the Riau University

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    This study aims to analysis the empathy attitude of guidance and counselling students, FKIP, the Riau University. The purposes of this study: 1) to know the whole figure about empathy attitude of guidance and counselling students, 2) to know about empathy through gender of students, 3) to know about the empathy through where the students live, 4) to know about empathy either from autocracy or democracy to educate of parent’s students. This is a descriptive research. We analysed the data using empathy scale instrument which had four categories very high, higher, low and lower. Results confirmed that figure empathy either about gender, where students live, or autocracy or democracy of parent are at higher category. By this research, furthermore, researcher recommends to the university to do social activities for increasing the sense of empathy and also recommends to the lecturers for developing it through academic programs


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    The focus of this research is the aspects of the past that are transmitted from the inscription data on the Turikale Maros Tomb Complex. The problem posed is what types of khat are used and what Islamic orders are adopted based on the inscription data in the Turikale Maros Tomb Complex. The research data were six tombs containing 14 inscription panels in the Turikale Maros Tomb Complex. The results of this study indicate that the inscription data contains Al-Quran verses, prayers, tauhid sentences, names of characters and time of death written in three khat styles, namely khat Kufi, Nashk, and Tsulust.  This study concludes that the dominant Khat is the Tsulust khat because it is more effective in the use of carving and its aesthetic aspects that are more prominent, and the flow of the tarekat adhered to by the Turikale royal court is the Qadiriyah Order


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    This study has a perception that tax justice affects personal taxpayers at KPP Pratama Makassar Utara. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis is multiple regression. The results showed that the perception of tax justice has a positive and significant effect on taxpayer comments. The better tax justice, the more taxpayers will be in paying taxes. the level of individual taxpayers on the dimension of perceived tax justice by self-interest


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    Toraja cultural heritage, both in the form of cultural heritage and traditions that are still alive in society, are all manifestations of megalithic cultural traditions that have been known since the arrival of the influence of the Austronesian people to the present. Various forms of Toraja megalithic culture, such as menhirs (simbuang), burial forms (liang), settlements centred in Tonkonan, and various types of rituals that are still alive in the local community. The unique cultural wealth of Toraja, combined with beautiful natural conditions, has great potential to be managed and utilized for the tourism industry. Several cultural sites have been used as tourists objects, such as the Bori' Parinding megalith site, the Londa burial site, the Kete' Kesu settlement site, various traditional ceremonies in the life cycle of the Toraja people, and the daily life of the traditional Toraja people

    Penerapan Layanan Konseling untuk Mengatasi Kecemasan Siswa

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    The purpose of this study were (1) to determine the types of anxiety a experienced by students, (2) factors that cause anxiety asiswa, (3) counseling approach applied Teacher BK in overcoming the anxiety of students, and (4) to know the assessment of students to counseling services that do counseling teacher at the school as perceived by the counseling teacher at the school. This research is qualitative obtained from the informant and the subject\u27s behavior is observed. Instruments are students and teachers BK with a sample size 6 students and 4 teachers BK SMA Makassar. Data collection through direct interview to the informant. The results showed that (1) the types of anxiety experienced by students who studied are anxiety is psychological in the form of dizziness, anxiety, and could not sleep, (2) factors that cause anxiety students are learning achievement that is not in line with expectations, could not adjust to the subject, had no educational aspirations, and worried about the future, (3) a tutor in overcoming anxiety academic in students, not using the obvious approach in dealing with students who have anxiety problems of academic, approach still partial, incidental, routines, and tend to be behavioristik, (4) counseling service approach used by teachers in handling anxiety BK students have not been effective, both in the eyes of students and teachers BK itself

    Development and characterization of sulfonated polysulfone membrane for proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC)

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    Sulfonated polysulfone membranes with varying degree of sulfonation have been successfully synthesized by electrophilic substitution via sulfonation process in this study. Sulfonated dense membranes were fabricated using locally available pneumatically controlled casting machine. Characterizations of different degree of sulfonated polysulfone membranes were conducted through swelling effects, ion exchange capacity (IEC), Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and proton conductivity measurement. It was observed that an increase in the degree of sulfonation increases the water uptake of the membranes and sulfonic acid group in the polymer membrane. From FTIR, it was clearly confirmed the occurrence of sulfonation in the polymer structure as the evidence of the SO3 stretching band was noticed at frequency of 1027 cm-1. It was found from TGA that the sulfonic acid group started to decompose at 250Ă‚ÂşC and decomposition of the polymer main chain decreases by increasing the degree of sulfonation. The Tg value detected in this study was increased accordingly with the degree of sulfonation though some hindrance was found to decrease the Tg value during the experiments. Proton conductivity measurement of sulfonated polysulfone membrane was found to increase with operating temperature and degree of sulfonation. It was found that at higher temperature (80Ă‚ÂşC), SPSU10 membrane exhibits proton conductivity value at par with that of Nafion 117 membrane. It was also observed from XRD analysis that dimethylformamide solvent was prone to form hydrogen bonding with sulfonic groups hence allows formation of a more regular structure which leads to an incipient crystalline character of the material structure. SEM micrographs showed clearly the altered microstructure of polysulfone polymer before and after the sulfonation process
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