10 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kualitas Keamanan di Pondok Pesantren Khairul Ummah Pekanbaru Melalui Pembuatan Penerangan Berteknologi Surya dan LED

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    Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyraakat skema kemitraan, dosen Fakultas Teknik bersinergi dengan kegiatan Kukerta mahasiswa Universitas Riau melakukan program penambahan sistem penerangan di akses gerbang masuk dan keluar serta lingkungan Masjid yang sebelumnya redup.  Direncanakan penerangan lsitriknya menggunakan lampu led berteknologi sel surya  yang tingkat pencahayaan sesuai ketentuan Direktorat Jendral Bina Marga dan Pembinaan Jalan Kota sebesar 11-20 Lux. Untuk memenuhi kriteria tersebut dipilih sistem penerangan dengan tinggi tiang menyangga solar panel 6 meter, lampu led 60 W, dan daya solar panel 60 WP, dengan jangkauan penerangan dari titik bawah lampu radius 6 meter. Selama kegiatan proses pemasangan lampu penerangan yang dimulai dengan penggalian tanah untuk pondasi tiang penyangga, merakit solar panel 60 WP denganlampu LED 60 W, mendirikan tiang dan pengecor pondasi terlaksana dengan baik. Hasil pengukuran tingkat pencahayaan lampu dari titik bawah lampu radius 6 meter  diperoleh  11 lux – 28 lux. Ini menunjukkan pemasangan lampu LED 60 W dengan catu daya solar panel 60 Wp dengan ketinggian lampu 7meter dari permukaan tanah menghasilkan tingkat pencahayaan yang sangat bai

    Effect Of Solar Radiation On Module Photovoltaics 100 Wp With Variation of Module Slope Angle

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    Solar photovoltaic generation system is a very promising type of renewable energy, particularly when it is implemented in the tropical country like Indonesia where it receives a huge amount of sunshine. Solar photovoltaic generation system can be utilised to supply power for different types of consumer, namely utility grids, industrials as well as household. This article discusses the effect solar radiation to the photovoltaic module with different slope angles namely; 300, 400 and 500 respectively. It was used a 100 Wp solar module in the research. It is not only the slope angle of module analysed in this article but also the weather condition such as: sunny or cloudy conditions. The performances of solar photovoltaic at temperature ranging from 280C to 500C are analysed significantly. The results showed that the above conditions affected the voltage generated by solar photovoltaic system. Finally, the results of this test will be compared with the simulation results of photovoltaic system modeling using Matlab/Simulink

    Weather Data Measured at Laboratory of Electrical Energy Conversion The Department of Electrical Engineering Universitas Riau Indonesia

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    We, at the department of electrical engineering, faculty of engineering, the University of Riau have developed Automatic Weather Station to gather weather data. We have archived the weather data for 2 years from 2019 and under process to make it publicly for research, study and non commercial purpose

    E-Tutorial: Pemodelan Dan Simulasi Respon Transien Arus Dan Tegangan Pada Rangkaian RLC Menggunakan ATPDraw

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    The aim of this paper is to depelove teaching aid for Electrical Circuit subject. Voltage and current transient analysis in RLC series circuit had been coohsen as examples. It used ATPDraw for analyzing and modeling the circuits. It is hoped that by using this teaching aid and simulation, the result of voltage and current transient in an electrical circuit will be obtained easly and fastly than hand calucated method. The final product of this teaching aid will be converted to a video tutorial. Using this video tutorial, the students can review the subject by themselve. Finally, it is hoped that using this video tutorial, the student’s understanding in electrical circuit subject will increase. All of simulation results in these cases study had been compared to hand calculated method and other software (mathcad). From the graphs results, ATPDraw has the same result with mathcad simulation


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    Solar irradiance is one of significant parameter to describe to available potential of solar energy in a particular location. Measuring solar irradiance can be implemented by using different types of sensors, namely: pyranometer, pyrheliometer, light dependent resistor, photodioda and phototransistor. However, when implementing these sensors for solar energy potential measurement, a number of factors must be considered such as: sensor’s price and measurement capability. Therefore, the aim of this article is to analyze the used of low price solar irradiance sensor as part of automatic solar station for measuring solar energy potential in a particular site. BH1750 was used in this article where it has been found that it has limitations such as maximum capability is up to 55.000 lux. A method was introduced to increase measurement capability by putting a cover on the sensor. With this additional cover, specific calibrations need to be carried out to overcome sensor’s accuracy


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    Ketersediaan air yang cukup dan terus menerus merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan usaha di bidang pertanian dan perikanan. Selama ini usaha pertanian dan perikanan masih bergantung terhadap air hujang yang terjadi pada musin tertentu. Karena musim hujan tidak terjadi sepanjang tahun, maka usaha pertanian dan perikan di lokasi studi kasus (Desa Batu Bersurat Kabupaten Kampar) tidak dapat berlangsung secara berkesinambungan dalam satu tahun penuh. Oleh karena itu, tujuan utama artikel ini adalah membahas tentang penerapan pompa hydraulic ram pump (hydram) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air di lokasi studi kasus mitra pertanian dan mitra perikanan tersebut. Pemilihan pompa hydram untuk menjamin ketersediaan air adalah bahwa teknik ini tidak membutuhkan sumber tenaga listrik sehingga dalam pengoperasiannya akan memberikan penghematan biaya operasional dan ramah terhadap lingkungan. Selain itu, artikel ini juga menganalisis tahapan demi tahapan pembangunan poma hydram hingga dapat beroperasi sesuai dengan rancangan yang telah dibuat. Dari hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh didapatkan kinerja pompa hydram adalah 0,5 L/menit sehingga untuk mengisi 2 buah tanki air dengan kapasitas total 2.100 L dibutuhkan waktu pengisian selama 35 jam

    Pengadukan Pupuk Cair Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler pada Sistem Fertigasi Pintar

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    ABSTRAKPengadukan pupuk cair secara manual memiliki kekurangan, yaitu rendahnya akurasi campuran hanya sekitar 50% sehinggga dibutuhkannya pengadukan pupuk otomatis untuk meningkatkan akurasi campuran pupuk dan air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan perancangan, pembuatan, serta analisis sistem pengadukan pupuk otomatis berbasis mikrokontroler. Bagian dari sistem pengaduk pupuk dibagi menjadi dua bagian utama. Bagian pertama adalah komponen mekanik yang terdiri dari tangki air, tangki pupuk cair, dan motor pengaduk. Sedangkan bagian kedua adalah sistem kendali berupa mikrokontroler arduino untuk mengatur volume air, volume pupuk cair, dan lama pengadukan. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa keberhasilan pencampuran pupuk cair EM4 adalah sebesar 99,561%, sedangkan untuk pupuk hijau sebesar 98,551%. Sebagai kesimpulan, sistem fertigasi pintar yang dibangun dapat beroperasi dengan baik dan akurasi diatas 90%.Kata kunci: Sistem Fertigasi, Arduino, Pengadukan, Pupuk cair, Air ABSTRACTManual mixing of liquid fertilizers has drawbacks, namely the low accuracy of the mixture, only about 50%, so that automatic fertilizer mixing is needed to increase the accuracy of the fertilizer and water mixture. The purpose of this study was to design, manufacture, and analyze a microcontroller-based automatic fertilizer mixing system. The part of the fertilizer mixing system is divided into two main parts. The first part is a mechanical component consisting of a water tank, a liquid fertilizer tank, and a stirrer motor. While the second part is a control system in the form of an Arduino microcontroller to regulate the volume of water, the volume of liquid fertilizer, and the stirring time. From the test results, it was found that the success of mixing EM4 liquid fertilizer was 99.561%, while for green manure it was 98.551%. In conclusion, the smart fertigation system built can operate well and the accuracy is above 90%.Keywords: Fertigation System, Arduino, Stirring, Liquid Fertilizer, Wate

    Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor using Space Vector Width Modulation (SVPWM) Technique with PI Controller

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    This article aimed to design and simulated the speed control of a three-phase induction motor using a PI controller with Space Vector Pulse width modulation technique. The induction motor  used in this article is was designed at the Electrical Energy Conversion Laboratory, Riau University, with a power of 1.1 kW, 380 V, 2-pole. Meanwhile, the PI controller constants used in designing this induction motor were determined using the Fine Tunning method to obtain KP and KI values of 3.539 and 9.526, respectively. The tests were carried out by running simulations in three conditions, namely no load, full load, and variable load at a speed of 2800 rpm. The test results showed that the use of a PI controller can improve the speed response of induction motors by eliminating the steady state error. This is in addition to increasing the rise time response of the motor speed by 0.012s and 0.046s at no load and full load, respectively, when the rise time analysis is at the same value. It can also accelerate the motor to reach a peak speed of 0.247 s and 0.166s at no load and full load. In addition, SPVWM with PI controller can maintain speed setting even though there is a load change during operation, which can be verified with load testing

    Global Communications Newsletter

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    A Review on Optimal Siting and Sizing of DSTATCOM

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    The continuous demand for electrical energy by industries and domestic users have stressed the electricity consumption to a high level. Because most components of domestic and industrial systems are made of power electronics devices in their designs. In addition, modern electrical power distribution networks (DNs) are subjected to major disturbances. Consequently, today’s power system is laden with power quality problems such as excessive energy losses, voltage deviations, poor power factor (PF), voltage instability and reliability issues to mentioned just a few. To forestall these disturbances, Distribution Engineers have introduced the use of Custom Power Devices (CPDs) in order to reduce power losses so as improve power quality. Amongst CPDs, Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) proves most promising in minimizing power quality issues because it generates minimal harmonics, waste less power, has small size, high regulatory capability and cost effective. Researchers in recent years have focused on methodologies required for identifying the most suitable location and rating of D- STATCOM device based on divergent views. However, to date, only one author has so far reviewed a paper on this aspect of study. This paper discusses the latest study on appropriate installation and rating of D-STATCOM techniques for balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks (UBRDNs). The paper has also provided a comprehensive literature study on the location of DSTATCOM in RDNs for power loss reduction and power quality enhancement. Comparative analyses of various techniques for development of DSTATCOM Objective functions and constraints; Merits and Demerits are presented