52 research outputs found

    Responses of ectomycorrhizal fungi to mineral substrates

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    Boreal forest soils are complex, heterogeneous growth substrates where organic and mineral components provide nutrient resources for soil organisms and plants. Mineral nutrients are cycled between living and dead organic components of the forest soil and weathering of soil minerals provides an important input of new resources, compensating for losses from the ecosystem. Predicting soil responses to changing climate and management practices is important to determine their effect on forest production. Models for this purpose are largely based on the concept of the soil solution as the interface controlling soil processes such as weathering and nutrient uptake by plants, whereas soil microbiology recognises microbial processes as the driving force in soil nutrient cycling. In boreal forests most tree root tips are colonised by ectomycorrhizal fungi. The mycelia of these symbiotic fungi mediate nutrient uptake by their tree hosts. These fungi are abundant in the organic layer of forest soils and ectomycorrhizal research has therefore largely focused on nutrient uptake from this horizon. Minerals in the soil may, however, also serve as nutrient resources for ectomycorrhizal fungi. Through combined chemical and physical processes fungi can affect nutrient availability by weathering minerals. This thesis describes a field experiment investigating the distribution of different ectomycorrhizal fungi in organic and mineral forest soil horizons, in vitro studies of fungal acidification of artificial substrates with different mineral element composition, microcosm studies of growth and carbon allocation in intact ectomycorrhizal systems colonising heterogeneous mineral substrates and a preliminary investigation of changes in surface micro-topography of minerals colonised by ectomycorrhizal hyphae. Half of the fungal species identified in the forest soil occurred exclusively in the mineral horizons. Mycelial growth, carbon allocation and substrate acidification by fungi colonising different mineral substrates in vitro and in microcosms appeared to be influenced by mineral element composition. Interpretation of possible modification of mineral surface micro-topography is more difficult but together the results obtained suggest that ectomycorrhizal fungi may contribute to the development of microenvironments on colonised mineral surfaces, where increased weathering can take place. Processes regulating nutrient availability in such microenvironments are different from those estimated from the bulk soil solution

    Variation in hyphal production rather than turnover regulates standing fungal biomass in temperate hardwood forests

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    Soil fungi link above‐ and belowground carbon (C) fluxes through their interactions with plants and contribute to C and nutrient dynamics through the production, turnover, and activity of fungal hyphae. Despite their importance to ecosystem processes, estimates of hyphal production and turnover rates are relatively uncommon, especially in temperate hardwood forests. We sequentially harvested hyphal ingrowth bags to quantify the rates of Dikarya (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) hyphal production and turnover in three hardwood forests in the Midwestern United States, where plots differed in their abundance of arbuscular (AM)‐ vs. ectomycorrhizal (ECM)‐associated trees. Hyphal production rates increased linearly with the percentage of ECM trees and annual production rates were 66% higher in ECM‐ than AM‐dominated plots. Hyphal turnover rates did not differ across the mycorrhizal gradient (plots varying in their abundance of AM vs. ECM trees), suggesting that the greater fungal biomass in ECM‐dominated plots relates to greater fungal production rather than slower fungal turnover. Differences in hyphal production across the gradient aligned with distinctly different fungal communities and activities. As ECM trees increased in dominance, fungi inside ingrowth bags produced more extracellular enzymes involved in degrading nitrogen (N)‐bearing relative to C‐bearing compounds, suggesting greater fungal (and possibly plant) N demand in ECM‐dominated soils. Collectively, our results demonstrate that shifts in temperate tree species composition that result in changes in the dominant type of mycorrhizal association may have strong impacts on Dikarya hyphal production, fungal community composition and extracellular enzyme activity, with important consequences for soil C and N cycling

    Effects of operational taxonomic unit inference methods on soil microeukaryote community analysis using long-read metabarcoding

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    Long amplicon metabarcoding has opened the door for phylogenetic analysis of the largely unknown communities of microeukaryotes in soil. Here, we amplified and sequenced the ITS and LSU regions of the rDNA operon (around 1500 bp) from grassland soils using PacBio SMRT sequencing. We tested how three different methods for generation of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) effected estimated richness and identified taxa, and how well large-scale ecological patterns associated with shifting environmental conditions were recovered in data from the three methods. The field site at Kungsangen Nature Reserve has drawn frequent visitors since Linnaeus's time, and its species rich vegetation includes the largest population of Fritillaria meleagris in Sweden. To test the effect of different OTU generation methods, we sampled soils across an abrupt moisture transition that divides the meadow community into a Carex acuta dominated plant community with low species richness in the wetter part, which is visually distinct from the mesic-dry part that has a species rich grass-dominated plant community including a high frequency of F. meleagris. We used the moisture and plant community transition as a framework to investigate how detected belowground microeukaryotic community composition was influenced by OTU generation methods. Soil communities in both moisture regimes were dominated by protists, a large fraction of which were taxonomically assigned to Ciliophora (Alveolata) while 30%-40% of all reads were assigned to kingdom Fungi. Ecological patterns were consistently recovered irrespective of OTU generation method used. However, different methods strongly affect richness estimates and the taxonomic and phylogenetic resolution of the characterized community with implications for how well members of the microeukaryotic communities can be recognized in the data

    Whole genome analyses based on single, field collected spores of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Funneliformis geosporum

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous mutualistic symbionts of most terrestrial plants and many complete their lifecycles underground. Whole genome analysis of AM fungi has long been restricted to species and strains that can be maintained under controlled conditions that facilitate collection of biological samples. There is some evidence suggesting that AM fungi can adapt to culture resulting in phenotypic and possibly also genotypic changes in the fungi. In this study, we used field isolated spores of AM fungi and identified them as Funneliformis geosporum based on morphology and phylogenetic analyses. We separately assembled the genomes of two representative spores using DNA sequences of 19 and 22 individually amplified nuclei. The genomes were compared with previously published data from other members of Glomeraceae including two strains of F. mosseae. No significant differences were observed among the species in terms of gene content, while the single nucleotide polymorphism density was higher in the strains of F. geosporum than in the strains of F. mosseae. In this study, we demonstrate that it is possible to sequence and assemble genomes from AM fungal spores sampled in the field, which opens up the possibility to include uncultured AM fungi in phylogenomic and comparative genomic analysis and to study genomic variation in natural populations of these important plant symbionts

    In-depth Phylogenomic Analysis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Based on a Comprehensive Set of de novo Genome Assemblies

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    Morphological characters and nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) phylogenies have so far been the basis of the current classifications of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Improved understanding of the evolutionary history of AM fungi requires extensive ortholog sampling and analyses of genome and transcriptome data from a wide range of taxa. To circumvent the need for axenic culturing of AM fungi we gathered and combined genomic data from single nuclei to generate de novo genome assemblies covering seven families of AM fungi. We successfully sequenced the genomes of 15 AM fungal species for which genome data was not previously available. Comparative analysis of the previously published Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM197198 assembly confirm that our novel workflow generates genome assemblies suitable for phylogenomic analysis. Predicted genes of our assemblies, together with published protein sequences of AM fungi and their sister clades, were used for phylogenomic analyses. We evaluated the phylogenetic placement of Glomeromycota in relation to its sister phyla (Mucoromycota and Mortierellomycota), and found no support to reject a polytomy. Finally, we explored the phylogenetic relationships within Glomeromycota. Our results support family level classification from previous phylogenetic studies, and the polyphyly of the order Glomerales with Claroideoglomeraceae as the sister group to Glomeraceae and Diversisporales

    Reviews and syntheses: Biological weathering and its consequences at different spatial levels - from nanoscale to global scale

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    Plant nutrients can be recycled through microbial decomposition of organic matter but replacement of base cations and phosphorus, lost through harvesting of biomass/biofuels or leaching, requires de novo supply of fresh nutrients released through weathering of soil parent material (minerals and rocks). Weathering involves physical and chemical processes that are modified by biological activity of plants, microorganisms and animals. This article reviews recent progress made in understanding biological processes contributing to weathering. A perspective of increasing spatial scale is adopted, examining the consequences of biological activity for weathering from nanoscale interactions, through in vitro and in planta microcosm and meso-cosm studies, to field experiments, and finally ecosystem and global level effects. The topics discussed include the physical alteration of minerals and mineral surfaces; the composition, amounts, chemical properties, and effects of plant and microbial secretions; and the role of carbon flow (including stabilisation and sequestration of C in organic and inorganic forms). Although the predominant focus is on the effects of fungi in forest ecosystems, the properties of biofilms, including bacterial interactions, are also discussed. The implications of these biological processes for modelling are discussed, and we attempt to identify some key questions and knowledge gaps, as well as experimental approaches and areas of research in which future studies are likely to yield useful results. A particular focus of this article is to improve the representation of the ways in which biological processes complement physical and chemical processes that mobilise mineral elements, making them available for plant uptake. This is necessary to produce better estimates of weathering that are required for sustainable management of forests in a post-fossil-fuel economy. While there are abundant examples of nanometre- and micrometre-scale physical interactions between microorganisms and different minerals, opinion appears to be divided with respect to the quantitative significance of these observations for overall weathering. Numerous in vitro experiments and microcosm studies involving plants and their associated microorganisms suggest that the allocation of plant-derived carbon, mineral dissolution and plant nutrient status are tightly coupled, but there is still disagreement about the extent to which these processes contribute to field-scale observations. Apart from providing dynamically responsive pathways for the allocation of plant-derived carbon to power dissolution of minerals, mycorrhizal mycelia provide conduits for the long-distance trans-portation of weathering products back to plants that are also quantitatively significant sinks for released nutrients. These mycelial pathways bridge heterogeneous substrates, reducing the influence of local variation in C : N ratios. The production of polysaccharide matrices by biofilms of interacting bacteria and/or fungi at interfaces with mineral surfaces and roots influences patterns of production of antibiotics and quorum sensing molecules, with concomitant effects on microbial community structure, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of mineral-solubilising compounds and weathering products.Patterns of carbon allocation and nutrient mobilisation from both organic and inorganic substrates have been studied at larger spatial and temporal scales, including both ecosystem and global levels, and there is a generally wider degree of acceptance of the "systemic" effects of microorganisms on patterns of nutrient mobilisation. Theories about the evolutionary development of weathering processes have been advanced but there is still a lack of information connecting processes at different spatial scales. Detailed studies of the liquid chemistry of local weathering sites at the micrometre scale, together with upscaling to soil-scale dissolution rates, are advocated, as well as new approaches involving stable isotopes

    Estimating the Capacity for ART Provision in Tanzania with the Use of Data on Staff Productivity and Patient Losses

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    BACKGROUND: International targets for access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) have over-estimated the capacity of health systems in low-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The WHO target for number on treatment by end 2005 for Tanzania was 10 times higher than actually achieved. The target of the national Care and Treatment Plan (CTP) was also not reached. We aimed at estimating the capacity for ART provision and created five scenarios for ART production given existing resource limitations. METHODS: A situation analysis including scrutiny of staff factors, such as available data on staff and patient factors including access to ART and patient losses, made us conclude that the lack of clinical staff is the main limiting factor for ART scale-up, assuming that sufficient drugs and supplies are provided by donors. We created a simple formula to estimate the number of patients on ART based on availability and productivity of clinical staff, time needed to initiate vs maintain a patient on ART and patient losses using five different scenarios with varying levels of these parameters. FINDINGS: Our scenario assuming medium productivity (40% higher than that observed in 2002) and medium loss of patients (20% in addition to 15% first-year mortality) coincides with the actual reported number of patients initiated on ART up to 2008, but is considerably below the national CTP target of 90% coverage for 2009, corresponding to 420,000 on ART and 710,000 life-years saved (LY's). Our analysis suggests that a coverage of 40% or 175,000 on treatment and 350,000 LY's saved is more achievable. CONCLUSION: A comparison of our scenario estimations and actual output 2006-2008 indicates that a simple user-friendly dynamic model can estimate the capacity for ART scale-up in resource-poor settings based on identification of a limiting staff factor and information on availability of this staff and patient losses. Thus, it is possible to set more achievable targets

    2021 Common Book Selection: Factfulness

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    Factfulness: The stress-reducing habit of only carrying opinions for which you have strong supporting facts. When asked simple questions about global trends--what percentage of the world\u27s population lives in poverty; why the world\u27s population is increasing; how many girls finish school--we systematically get the answers wrong. So wrong that a chimpanzee choosing answers at random will consistently outguess teachers, journalists, Nobel laureates, and investment bankers.In Factfulness, Professor of International Health and global TED phenomenon Hans Rosling, together with his two long-time collaborators, Anna and Ola, offers a radical new explanation of why this happens. They reveal the ten instincts that distort our perspective--from our tendency to divide the world into two camps (usually some version of us and them) to the way we consume media (where fear rules) to how we perceive progress (believing that most things are getting worse).Our problem is that we don\u27t know what we don\u27t know, and even our guesses are informed by unconscious and predictable biases. It turns out that the world, for all its imperfections, is in a much better state than we might think. That doesn\u27t mean there aren\u27t real concerns. But when we worry about everything all the time instead of embracing a worldview based on facts, we can lose our ability to focus on the things that threaten us most.Inspiring and revelatory, filled with lively anecdotes and moving stories, Factfulness is an urgent and essential book that will change the way you see the world and empower you to respond to the crises and opportunities of the future.https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/commonbook/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Environmental Archaeorhizomycetes

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    This OSF repository contains supplementary datafilee and information related to the manuscript "Peeking into the black box – integrated taxonomy of Archaeorhizomycetes" by Kalsoom Khan, Kluting et a
