146 research outputs found
Diferenciais do sistema de gestão desenvolvido por uma incubadora de empresas de referência : o caso do celta Florianópolis
O principal objetivo deste artigo é analisar o sistema de gestão desenvolvido por uma incubadora de empresas de referência, o Centro Empresarial para Laboração de Tecnologias Avançadas (CELTA), da Fundação CERTI, localizado em Florianópolis (SC), a fim de identificar as características que levam ao sucesso. Através de um estudo de caso e entrevista semiestruturada com o CEO do Celta, concluiu-se que os seus principais elementos diferenciadores estão relacionados a cinco itens: 1) o período de incubação é definido de acordo com a realidade de cada empresa incubada, 2) a consultoria para resolver problemas específicos de gestão, a fim de desenvolver cada empresa, 3) a incubadora como um negócio autossustentável, 4) a incubadora agindo para preparar as empresas para enfrentar as condições reais do mercado e, 5) a incubadora tecendo parcerias. É importante lembrar que as conclusões deste artigo aqui apresentadas podem ser muito interessantes e valiosas para a comunidade acadêmica e para os gestores, acionistas e stakeholders das incubadoras de empresas51864188
Proposta para implantação de sistema de gestão da qualidade em micro e pequenas empresas
Orientador: Eugenio Jose ZoquiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecanicaMestrad
Method proposition to set the pallet positions designated to fractioned picking orders in a warehouse
Os processos de armazenagem têm adquirido elevada importância no cenário das cadeias de abastecimentos que demandam um melhor desempenho dos armazéns em organizar os bens de modo a atingir alta utilização do espaço físico e facilitar a movimentação. Dimensionar os estoques e posicionar os itens de forma estratégica conduz a uma melhor eficiência nos processos de separação de pedidos e atendimento ao cliente. Neste contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo propor um método para definir as posições de paletes destinados à separação de cargas fracionadas em um armazém, de acordo com critérios baseados em popularidade e frequência de giro dos produtos. Este método será apresentado por meio de um estudo de caso e, de acordo com os resultados obtidos, os paletes serão posicionados no armazém e medidos os ganhos em termos de produtividade de separação de pedidos e redução de posições de armazenagem. As pesquisas nesta temática têm crescido rapidamente nos últimos anos, porém combinações de dimensionamentos com classificação de itens não se apresentam tão explorados. Desta forma, acredita-se que os resultados deste estudo possam contribuir para futuras pesquisas114231248Storage processes have acquired great importance in the modern supply chain, which demands better performance by warehouses in organizing goods in order to achieve high utilization of physical space and to facilitate the movement of materials. Sizing the storage area and organizing items strategically in storage positions ensures better efficiency in picking processes and customer service. In this context, this study aims to propose a method for defining the positions of pallets assigned to fractioned picking orders in a warehouse according to criteria based on popularity and turnover of the products. This method will be presented in a case study, and the pallets will be positioned in the warehouse in accordance with the results obtained. The gains in terms of order picking productivity and optimization of storage positions will then be measured. Research in this area has grown rapidly in recent years, but the combination of sizing items and classifying these items has not been closely explored. Thus, it is believed that the results could contribute to future research, bridging academic researchers and warehouse professional
Parâmetros para avaliação de células de manufatura que utilizam a filosofia lean : uma revisão da literatura
No ambiente competitivo atual, as empresas são forçadas a elevar constantemente o grau de competitividade de sua produção e, nesse sentido, a filosofia lean é de grande valia. Entretanto, é escasso na literatura o número de referências que possuam como foco a análise do nível de maturidade de células que operam de acordo com a referida filosofia. Devido à importância dessa temática, o presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura procurando evidenciar quais são os parâmetros relevantes para avaliar a maturidade de células de manufatura que operam segundo a filosofia lean. Para isso, foram analisados diversos artigos e uma lista foi estruturada. Tais parâmetros foram divididos em grupos de acordo com suas similaridades. Entre os parâmetros levantados, destacam-se as ergonomias física e cognitiva e a sustentabilidade. Os parâmetros obtidos como resultado desta pesquisa podem ser utilizados como um ponto de partida para a avaliação de células de manufatura lean17413291355COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão temNão te
Proposal for a method for business model performance assessment : toward an experimentation tool for business model innovation
The representation of business models has been recently widespread, especially in the pursuit of innovation. However, defining a company’s business model is sometimes limited to discussion and debates. This study observes the need for performance measurement so that business models can be data-driven. To meet this goal, the work proposed as a hypothesis the creation of a method that combines the practices of the Balanced Scorecard with a method of business models representation – the Business Model Canvas. Such a combination was based on study of conceptual adaptation, resulting in an application roadmap. A case study application was performed to check the functionality of the proposition, focusing on startup organizations. It was concluded that based on the performance assessment of the business model it is possible to propose the search for change through experimentation, a path that can lead to business model innovation121617
Proposal for a Method for Business Model Performance Assessment: Toward an Experimentation Tool for Business Model Innovation
The representation of business models has been recently widespread, especially in the pursuit of innovation. However, defining a company’s business model is sometimes limited to discussion and debates. This study observes the need for performance measurement so that business models can be data-driven. To meet this goal, the work proposed as a hypothesis the creation of a method that combines the practices of the Balanced Scorecard with a method of business models representation – the Business Model Canvas. Such a combination was based on study of conceptual adaptation, resulting in an application roadmap. A case study application was performed to check the functionality of the proposition, focusing on startup organizations. It was concluded that based on the performance assessment of the business model it is possible to propose the search for change through experimentation, a path that can lead to business model innovation
Obstacles and difficulties implementing the lean philosophy in Brazilian enterprises
The success of Lean Manufacturing does not come down only to its application tools; it is an accomplishment of the entire leadership and workers dedicated to putting the system’s essence into practice, along with its underlying values and philosophy. In this context, the main purpose of this study is to present an analytical research in terms of the obstacles and difficulties faced by Brazilian companies to implement the Lean Manufacturing. Through a literature review of the annals of ENEGEP (the Brazilian Production Engineering Conference), this research concluded that the main obstacles and difficulties of such implementation fall under seven lines: 1) difficulties using the tool; 2) operational resistance; 3) cultural differences; 4) slow response to market; 5) lack of top/senior management involvement; 6) lack of middle management support, 7) lack of resources to invest. This article stands as a useful source for further studies about the Lean Manufacturing system
Performance measurement of green supply chain management : a literature review and gaps for further research
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving increased attention because of the urgent need of organizations to address sustainability issues as a condition for their competitiveness, and the issue of how performance should be measured becomes crucial. This paper performs a literature review on an academic basis in order to identify the main subjects and sustainable dimensions of research studies involving the performance measurement of GSCM and the gaps for further research. Sixty three percent of the analyzed papers are associated with framework, mathematical modelling, empirical research and application, and the principal gaps to be explored are the metrics, measures and integration of the GSCM with existing quality methods. Almost all of these subjects are discussed in an economic and environmental dimension, remaining the social dimension a relevant gap to be explored. Based on this scenario, this paper intends to make a contribution to the academia and professionals of the area14
SERVQUAL model applied to higher education public administrative services
Objective: This article aims to report the application of the SERVQUAL model in a public higher education institution from the student body's perspective, in order to assess the Quality of administrative services. Methods: The SERVQUAL Model, which was developed by Parasuraman Zeithaml and Berry, was applied and the "expectation" and the "perception" of respondents were evaluated, resulting in Perceived Quality. Results: The results show that, between five proposed and evaluated dimensions in the Model, the "tangibility" was the only one with positive results. Limitations: The study took place in a Brazilian public higher education unit, whose results cannot be considered to all units. Data were collected by the student body, since these services are exclusively provided to them. Originality/value: The use of the SERVQUAL method to evaluate services provided by education institutions is not trivial, thus their analysis can collaborate with managers in preparing the unit strategic planning as well as demonstrating that the method can be used by other institutions wishing to evaluate the quality of services offered to their students
Business Incubators in Brazil: Main Gaps to Be Explored by Academic Researchers
The business incubators have an essential role at any global entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through the support offered to entrepreneurs in terms of infrastructure and management, they reduce mortality risk of startup companies and contribute to better performance of the country's economy. In order to make a contribution to the academia and to business incubators, this paper is primarily engaged in performing a literature review on Brazilian and international academic basis in order to identify which are the main themes of research conducted involving Brazilian business incubators. The results show that most of the themes are associated with the services provision by the incubators and its management; however, there are many gaps yet to be explored by academic researchers, such as internal characteristics or the interrelationship between business incubators and triple helix
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