7 research outputs found

    Design of robotic arm controller based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    This paper presents the process of developing a controller for a robotic arm that is built through the Internet of Things (IoT).The direction of the robotic arm can be monitored and controlled using internet facilities. The Raspberry Pi board is utilized in this project for the robotic arm controller as well as the web server system.The robotic arm comprises four servo motors and each of the servo motors is assigned with a single pulse width modulation (PWM) output that can be individually controlled.The controller system is implemented on Raspberry Pi board using Python 2.7 programming language.Node-Red is used as a web server in this project to communicate with the web browser through TCP/HTTP.Hence, this allows the user to access the web browser using computer or smartphones.In addition, it enables the monitoring and controlling of the robotic arm direction as well as performing pick and place task similar to the manufacturing industry.The results of this study are verified through practical test implementation

    Design of Robotic Arm Controller based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    This paper presents the process of developing a controller for a robotic arm that is built through the Internet of Things (IoT). The direction of the robotic arm can be monitored and controlled using internet facilities. The Raspberry Pi board is utilized in this project for the robotic arm controller as well as the web server system. The robotic arm comprises four servo motors and each of the servo motors is assigned with a single pulse width modulation (PWM) output that can be individually controlled. The controller system is implemented on Raspberry Pi board using Python 2.7 programming language. Node-Red is used as a web server in this project to communicate with the web browser through TCP/HTTP. Hence, this allows the user to access the web browser using computer or smartphones. In addition, it enables the monitoring and controlling of the robotic arm direction as well as performing pick and place task similar to the manufacturing industry. The results of this study are verified through practical test implementation

    Fruit detection and recognition using faster R-CNN with FPN30 Pre-trained Network

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    Accurate and reliable fruit detection and recognition in orchards is critical for enabling higher-level agriculture tasks such as fruit picking. However, detecting and recognizing fruits with occlusion by neighboring fruits is extremely difficult. Faster R-CNN (Faster Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) is a well-known deep learning technology for object detection and recognition. Thus, this study investigates the application of Faster R-CNN for apple detection and recognition. Two different datasets have been constructed under variable illumination conditions and occlusion; an inter-class dataset that consists of images of apples and oranges, and an intra-class dataset that consists of images of two types of apples, namely fuji and royal gala apples. Results indicate that Faster R-CNN can detect and recognize apples from oranges, and the fuji apple in the orchards, with high accuracy. This suggests that Faster R-CNN can be used practically in the real orchard context

    Development of mobile based flood victims medical management system

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    Flood is the most devastating natural disaster Malaysia has ever seen. In Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak, there are 189 river basins (89 in Peninsula Malaysia, 78 in Sabah, and 22 in Sarawak), with the main rivers flowing directly into the South China Sea and 85 of them are prone to repeated floods. The projected area vulnerable to flood catastrophe is around 29,800 km2 or 9% of Malaysia's total territory, affecting nearly 4.82 million people or about 22% of the country's entire population. Humans are affected by floods in a variety of ways. Floods have the worst effect on human health because infectious illnesses spread readily during and after the flood. Furthermore, healthcare services are hampered during the flood season. It is owing to transportation and staffing difficulties, as well as the procedure of documenting flood victims' health reports. The primary goal of this initiative is to assist flood victims in terms of health. It will be easier to seek treatment, record the patient's health concerns online, and notify the hospital immediately if there are patients who need to be sent to the hospital with the information supplied. This system was created with the Android Studio platform as the user interface medium and Google Firebase as the data storage medium

    A Review on Sensors for Real-time Monitoring and Control Systems on Machining and Surface Finishing Processes

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    One of the key components in real-time monitoring and control on machining and surface finishing processes are sensors. The advances of such system have triggered interesting questions on sensor selection that act as the fundamental before starting a project. This paper is made to review and answer the questions surrounding sensor selection. The paper first explains on the type of sensors commonly used in practice for real-time monitoring and control systems. After which, the paper discusses on how often the sensors are used on several machining and surface finishing processes and what are the reasons for the sensor selection. Thereafter, a review on the type features commonly analysed through these sensors is discussed. The paper expects reader would decide better upon selecting sensors and has a better direction in their project. Thus the paper works to guide reader to improve based on what has been completed before

    Uni-transporter finder4U: enhancing trusted transportation services by harnessing the universities and network-of-mosques (NoM) capabilities

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    This project is made for Universities students in Malaysia to do their transporter business. This Uni-Transporter Finder4U can provide them to gain more customer especially student who live in campus. This project is being done in peninsular of Malaysia. This project use universities and mosques as centre of network for this system. A part of that, people of masjid can volunteer their selves to become a transporter. This project is also made to help poor people and the needy that need any transportation services. In addition the donor can donate their money to help the poor people to get into transporter. With this transporter finder application, people can easy to get transportation service anywhere with the cheap price, trusted driver and comfortable services