566 research outputs found


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    Writing is one of the productive aspects that produces a language. Writing skills should be trained regularly so, can produce a good and correct writing. In the process of German learning, not all students are able to write good and correctly. Particularly in writing German essay, students often have difficulty writing a sentence. For that we need an effective method and effective strategy that is Estafet Writing method using picture media. The application of the Estafet writing method and using picture media as a supporter can involve all students to share their knowledge and ideas and then develop their imagination through a written. The formulation of this research problem is: how the process of applying the method of Estafet Writing using picture media in writing skill learning of German language class X SMAN 1 Gedangan ?. The purpose of this research is to describe the process of applying the Estafet writing method using picture media in writing skills learning German opus writing student class X.      This type of this research is a qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation sheets (observation), documentation and tests to support the process of applying the method of Estafet Writing using picture media. The study was conducted on March 24 - 7 April 2017, three times meeting and followed by 34 students.             Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the method of Estafet Writing using picture media is effective applied in learning the writing skill of German language paragraph. This can be seen from the successful implementation of the method of Estafet Writing using picture media shown through observation data. In addition, the more attention of students of SMAN 1 Gedangan with the method of Estafet Writing using picture media.                                                            Keywords       : Estafet Writing method, Writingskill

    Study on the feasibility of a tool to measure the macroeconomic impact of structural reforms

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    The main aim of this study is to assess the feasibility of empirical tools to study the impact of structural reforms on the macroeconomic performance in the member countries of the European Union (EU). This report presents the results of the project "Study on the feasibility of a tool to measure the macroeconomic impact of structural reforms" (ECFIN-E/2005/001) and amalgamates the findings of the two previous interim reports and the main conclusions of the workshop held in Brussels on May 11th. The main goal of the project is to determine the most reliable and robust methods to investigate the impacts of economy-wide structural reforms as well as reforms in individual markets or sectors, and to make suggestions as to how they best to implement them and possible improvements of the institutional dataset. In addition, a roadmap has been created which includes the main steps in the model-developing process, and solutions feasible even in the short term are discussed.The most relevant conclusion to be drawn from the study is that the most appropriate tool that can be developed in the short term is the integration of a DSGE model (preferably QUEST due to its in-house availability) with different satellite models, to be developed.structural reforms, product markets, labour markets, financial markets, Dreger, Art�s, Moreno, Ramos, Suri�ach


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    Reading is one of the critical skills in learning English in which students can develop their cognition, build vocabulary, as well as bring enjoyment. Extensive reading is known as one of the useful approaches to build students’ vocabulary repertoires by engaging students to read as much as they can be based on their appropriate reading level. Therefore, this survey study aims to find out how the students perceive their reading experiences in the extensive reading, how this approach increases their English vocabulary, as well as their reading comprehension. For the data collection technique, we distributed questionnaires for 40 undergraduate students in their second and fourth semester in the English department. To gain more comprehensive data, we also interviewed 20 students. The results of this study revealed that the majority of students show their positive response to and perception of extensive reading. We also found that this approach impacts the progress of students’ reading comprehension as well as the development of their vocabulary building. The findings of this study shed light on students’ perceptions of extensive reading and how it impacts their vocabulary building and reading comprehension. This study prompts further studies to examine the effectiveness of extensive reading on vocabulary learning of English foreign language students in various reading levels

    Dinosaurs and other vertebrates from the Papo-Seco Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of southern Portugal

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    New vertebrate remains reported from the Papo-Seco Formation (Lower Barremian, Lower Cretaceous) of Areias do Mastro, in Cabo Espichel, SW Portugal, south of Lisbon. The marine, lagoonal, and estuarine limestones, marls, sands and gravels have yielded remains of dinosaurs and other reptiles since the 19th century. Recent paleontological prospecting produced several vertebrate remains, including turtle shell fragments, crocodilian teeth, fish and pterosaurs. Research identified both bones and teeth of fish, crocodiles, dinosaurs Baryonyx and iguanodontian, as well as a ctenochasmatoid pterosaur, and a possible ornithocheirid pterosaur. These new disclosures are an important contribution to the knowledge of vertebrate diversity from the Portuguese Cretaceous. Faunal species combination proven to be similar to other faunal associations of Barremian formations in the Iberian Peninsula.Se presentan nuevos restos fósiles de vertebrados de la formación Papo-Seco (Barremiense inferior, Cretácico Inferior), en el yacimiento de Areias do Mastro, SW de Portugal, al sur de Lisboa. En las margas, arenas, areniscas y calizas de origen marino y estuarino de esta formación localizada en el Cabo Espichel, y ya desde el siglo XIX, se han encontrado restos de dinosaurios y otros reptiles. Recientemente, nuestra prospección sacó a la luz varios restos fósiles de vertebrados, entre los que se incluyen fragmentos de caparazón de tortuga, dientes de cocodrilo, de peces actinopterigios y de pterosaurio (ctenocasmatoideo y posiblemente ornitoqueiroideo), así como algunos huesos y dientes de dinosaurios. Hemos identificado restos de Baryonyx y de ornitópodos iguanodontios. Su descubrimiento representa una importante contribución al conocimiento de la diversidad de vertebrados existentes en el Cretácico portugués. La combinación de las especies muestra ser similar a otras asociaciones de la fauna de las formaciones Barremienses en la Península Ibérica

    Uloga pionskog oblaka u nukleonskim faktorima oblika

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    In the linear sigma model and in the chromodielectric model, it is shown how the pion cloud enhances the electric polarizability, the electroexcitation of the ∆ and the axial form factor, and how it reduces the magnetic polarizability.U linearnom sigma modelu i u kromodielektričnom modelu se pokazuje kako pionski oblak povećava električnu polarizivnost, elektrouzbudu ∆ i aksijalni faktor oblika, te kako smanjuje magnetsku polarizivnost

    Production and detection of doubly charmed tetraquarks

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    The feasibility of tetraquark detection is studied. For the cc\bar{u}\bar{d} tetraquark we show that in present (SELEX, Tevatron, RHIC) and future facilities (LHCb, ALICE) the production rate is promising and we propose some detectable decay channels.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Physical Conditions in Circumstellar Gas surrounding SN 1987A 12 Years After Outburst

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    Two-dimensional spectra of Supernova 1987A were obtained on 1998 November 14-15 (4282 days after outburst) with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The slit sampled portions of the inner circumstellar ring at the east and west ansae as well as small sections of both the northern and southern outer rings. The temperature and density at these locations are estimated by nebular analysis of [N II], [O III], and [S II] emission line ratios, and with time-dependent photoionization/recombination models. The results from these two methods are mutually consistent. The electron density in the inner ring is ~ 4000 cm-3 for S II, with progressively lower densities for N II and O III. The electron temperatures determined from [N II] and [O III] line ratios are ~11,000 K and \~22,000 K, respectively. These results are consistent with evolutionary trends in the circumstellar gas from similar measurements at earlier epochs. We find that emission lines from the outer rings come from gas of lower density (n_e \la 2000 cm-3) than that which emits the same line in the inner ring. The N/O ratio appears to be the same in all three rings. Our results also suggest that the CNO abundances in the northern outer ring are the same as in the inner ring, contrary to earlier results of Panagia et al. (1996). Physical conditions in the southern outer ring are less certain because of poorer signal-to-noise data. The STIS spectra also reveal a weak Ha emission redshifted by ~100 km s-1 at p.a. 103\arcdeg that coincides with the recently discovered new regions that are brightening (Lawrence et al. 2000). This indicates that the shock interaction in the SE section of the inner ring commenced over a year before it became apparent in HST images.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, to appear in December 1, 2000 Astrophysical Journa