40 research outputs found

    Effect of Industry 4.0 on Education Systems: An Outlook

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    Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa En las Enseñanzas Técnicas, CUIEET (26º. 2018. Gijón

    La gestió dels recursos humans

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.:Es tracta de descriure la funció del departament dels recursos humans a nivell general i arribant a l'Oficina de Farmàcia. Descripció detallada de retribucions i elaboració de nòmines i revisió dels principals capítols del conveni col·lecti

    Màrqueting de serveis farmacèutics

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    En aquest tema es revisen aspectes generals de màrqueting i més concrets del màrqueting farmacèutic, des d'aspectes de màrqueting i de col·locació òptima de productes, màrqueting d'entrada i d'eixida, màrqueting relacional, et

    Informació economicofinanceraen l’empresa farmacèutica

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    En aquest tema es descriu a nivell bàsic la comptabilitat i els comptes anuals, on l'estudiant ha de saber llegir els comptes anuals. Es revisen ràtios bàsics de comptabilitat i s'estudia el marge brut i el punt d'equilibri. D'altra banda s'ensenya a l'alumne a calcular els preus dels medicaments inclosos imposats i recàrrec d'equivalència


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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de ValènciaDescripció d'empresa i subsistema, Diferències entre propietat i control. Descripció de la funció directiva. Revisió de l'entorn de l'empresa. Emprenedors i responsabilitat social corporativ

    Perfil clínico-asistencial y complejidad en pacientes de otras culturas en la Unidad de Hospitalización de Adultos de Psiquiatría (UHA)

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    Objetivo: la necesidad de prestar asistencia a pacientes de otras culturas en las UHA de psiquiatría en nuestro país es cada vez más frecuente. Estos pacientes pueden generar dificultades y padecer discriminaciones en dicha asistencia. En este trabajo se estudió la existencia de diferencias en la atención hospitalaria psiquiátrica a los pacientes de otras culturas en comparación con los españoles. Material y métodos: Revisión bibliográfica sistematizada de artículos sobre la atención hospitalaria a pacientes con enfermedad mental. Posterior estudio caso-control con una muestra n=65 para inmigrantes y n=65 para pacientes españoles con el objetivo de replicar los resultados de un estudio similar realizado en la Unidad de Hospitalización del Hospital Miguel Servet. Se utilizaron los informes de alta de ingresos de la UHA de Psiquiatría del Hospital Lozano Blesa de Zaragoza, apareados por edad, sexo y diagnóstico principal. Resultados: Se observó una mayor frecuencia de poseer antecedentes psiquiátricos personales entre los inmigrantes (OR=2,57), así como una mayor probabilidad de estar casado (OR=4,71). Además, se apreció una mayor prescripción de estabilizadores del humor a los pacientes nacionales (OR=2,63). No se encontraron diferencias significativos en ingresos involuntarios, tiempo de estancia, uso de contención mecánica, petición de prueba de tóxicos o uso de otras familias de tratamientos. Conclusiones: El estudio mostró una asistencia sanitaria en nuestra UHA homogénea en las dos ramas de pacientes, sin que se documentasen indicadores de discriminación hacia pacientes según su procedencia cultural. Son necesarios estudios más amplios que confirmen estos resultados en otros marcos temporales y espaciales. Palabras clave: “hospitalización”, “aguda”, “psiquiatría”, “cultura”, “inmigrante

    Sex differences in patterns of referral and resource utilization in the cardiology clinic: an outpatient analysis.

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    AIMS Women may have different management patterns than men in specialised care. Our aim was to assess potential sex differences in referral, management and outcomes of patients attending outpatient cardiac consultations. METHODS AND RESULTS Retrospective observational analysis of patients ≥18 years referred for the first time from primary care to a tertiary hospital cardiology clinic in 2017-2018, comparing reasons for referral, decisions and post-visit outcomes by sex.A total of 5,974 patients, 2,452 (41.0%) men aged 59.2 ± 18.6 years and 3,522 (59.0%) women aged 64.5 ± 17.9 years (P < 0.001) were referred for a first cardiology consultation. The age-related referral rates were higher in women. The most common reasons for consultation were palpitations in women (n = 676; 19.2%) and ECG abnormalities in men (n = 570; 23.2%). Delays to cardiology visits and additional tests were similar. During 24 months of follow-up, women had fewer cardiology hospitalisations (204; 5.8% vs. 229; 9.3%; P = 0.003) and lower mortality (65; 1.8% vs. 66; 2.7%; P = 0.028), but those aged <65 years had more emergency department visits (756; 48.5% vs. 560; 39.9%, P < 0.001) than men. CONCLUSION There are substantial sex differences in primary care cardiology referral patterns, including causes, rates, decisions and outcomes, which are only partially explained by age differences. Further research is needed to understand the reasons for these differences.This work was supported by the Sociedad Española de Cardiología y Fundación Española del Corazón (Grant SEC/FECINV-CLI 21/009). LV is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (CM20/00104 and JR22/00004). NR is funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (CM22/00049). HB receives research funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (PIE16/00021 & PI17/01799, PI21/01572), and Sociedad Española de Cardiología.S

    Circadian rhythms in thrombosis and atherothrombotic events.

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    Biological circadian rhythms in living organisms are regulated by molecular clocks. Several of these clocks are present in blood vessels, peripheral tissues, and immune cells. There is strong evidence linking dysregulation of circadian rhythms to the development of cardiovascular disease. Dysregulation of circadian rhythms is believed to activate inflammatory processes at specific times of day, leading to an increased risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis progression. Research into circadian clock genes and molecular networks has the potential to identify therapeutic targets to reduce cardiovascular risk. In this review, we summarize the evidence linking circadian rhythms to thrombosis and atherothrombotic events and discuss potential therapeutic implications.This research received no external funding.S

    Machine learning computational tools to assist the performance of systematic reviews : A mapping review

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    Within evidence-based practice (EBP), systematic reviews (SR) are considered the highest level of evidence in that they summarize the best available research and describe the progress in a determined field. Due its methodology, SR require significant time and resources to be performed; they also require repetitive steps that may introduce biases and human errors. Machine learning (ML) algorithms therefore present a promising alternative and a potential game changer to speed up and automate the SR process. This review aims to map the current availability of computational tools that use ML techniques to assist in the performance of SR, and to support authors in the selection of the right software for the performance of evidence synthesis. The mapping review was based on comprehensive searches in electronic databases and software repositories to obtain relevant literature and records, followed by screening for eligibility based on titles, abstracts, and full text by two reviewers. The data extraction consisted of listing and extracting the name and basic characteristics of the included tools, for example a tool's applicability to the various SR stages, pricing options, open-source availability, and type of software. These tools were classified and graphically represented to facilitate the description of our findings. A total of 9653 studies and 585 records were obtained from the structured searches performed on selected bibliometric databases and software repositories respectively. After screening, a total of 119 descriptions from publications and records allowed us to identify 63 tools that assist the SR process using ML techniques. This review provides a high-quality map of currently available ML software to assist the performance of SR. ML algorithms are arguably one of the best techniques at present for the automation of SR. The most promising tools were easily accessible and included a high number of user-friendly features permitting the automation of SR and other kinds of evidence synthesis reviews. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12874-022-01805-4

    Sex differences in patterns of referral and resource utilization in the cardiology clinic: an outpatient analysis

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    AimsWomen may have different management patterns than men in specialised care. Our aim was to assess potential sex differences in referral, management and outcomes of patients attending outpatient cardiac consultations.Methods and resultsRetrospective observational analysis of patients ≥18 years referred for the first time from primary care to a tertiary hospital cardiology clinic in 2017–2018, comparing reasons for referral, decisions and post-visit outcomes by sex.A total of 5,974 patients, 2,452 (41.0%) men aged 59.2 ± 18.6 years and 3,522 (59.0%) women aged 64.5 ± 17.9 years (P &lt; 0.001) were referred for a first cardiology consultation. The age-related referral rates were higher in women. The most common reasons for consultation were palpitations in women (n = 676; 19.2%) and ECG abnormalities in men (n = 570; 23.2%). Delays to cardiology visits and additional tests were similar. During 24 months of follow-up, women had fewer cardiology hospitalisations (204; 5.8% vs. 229; 9.3%; P = 0.003) and lower mortality (65; 1.8% vs. 66; 2.7%; P = 0.028), but those aged &lt;65 years had more emergency department visits (756; 48.5% vs. 560; 39.9%, P &lt; 0.001) than men.ConclusionThere are substantial sex differences in primary care cardiology referral patterns, including causes, rates, decisions and outcomes, which are only partially explained by age differences. Further research is needed to understand the reasons for these differences