37 research outputs found

    The selection of rain gauges and rainfall parameters in estimating intensity-duration thresholds for landslide occurrence: Case study from Wayanad (India)

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    © 2020 by the authors. Recurring landslides in theWestern Ghats have become an important concern for authorities, considering the recent disasters that occurred during the 2018 and 2019 monsoons. Wayanad is one of the highly affected districts in Kerala State (India), where landslides have become a threat to lives and properties. Rainfall is the major factor which triggers landslides in this region, and hence, an early warning system could be developed based on empirical rainfall thresholds considering the relationship between rainfall events and their potential to initiate landslides. As an initial step in achieving this goal, a detailed study was conducted to develop a regional scale rainfall threshold for the area using intensity and duration conditions, using the landslides that occurred during the years from 2010 to 2018. Detailed analyses were conducted in order to select the most effective method for choosing a reference rain gauge and rainfall event associated with the occurrence of landslides. The study ponders the effect of the selection of rainfall parameters for this data-sparse region by considering four different approaches. First, a regional scale threshold was defined using the nearest rain gauge. The second approach was achieved by selecting the most extreme rainfall event recorded in the area, irrespective of the location of landslide and rain gauge. Third, the classical definition of intensity was modified from average intensity to peak daily intensity measured by the nearest rain gauge. In the last approach, four different local scale thresholds were defined, exploring the possibility of developing a threshold for a uniform meteo-hydro-geological condition instead of merging the data and developing a regional scale threshold. All developed thresholds were then validated and empirically compared to find the best suited approach for the study area. From the analysis, it was observed that the approach selecting the rain gauge based on the most extreme rainfall parameters performed better than the other approaches. The results are useful in understanding the sensitivity of Intensity-Duration threshold models to some boundary conditions such as rain gauge selection, the intensity definition and the strategy of subdividing the area into independent alert zones. The results were discussed with perspective on a future application in a regional scale Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) and on further improvements needed for this objective

    Usage of antecedent soil moisture for improving the performance of rainfall thresholds for landslide early warning

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    Landslides triggered by heavy rains are increasing in number and creating severe losses in hilly regions across the world. Rainfall thresholds on regional and local-scales are being used for forecasting such events, for efficient early warning. Empirical and probabilistic approaches for defining rainfall thresholds are traditional tools which are being used as part of the forecasting system for rainfall induced landslides. Such methods are easy-to-use and are based on statistical analyses. They can be derived without looking into the complex hydro-geological processes involved in slope failures, but are often associated with the disadvantage of higher false alarms, limiting their applications in a regional landslide early warning system (LEWS). This study is an attempt to improve the performance of conventional meteorological thresholds by considering the effect of soil moisture, using a probabilistic approach. Idukki district in southern part of India is highly susceptible to landslides and has witnessed major socio-economical setbacks in the recent disasters happened in 2018 and 2019. This tourist hub is now in need of a landslide forecasting system, which can help in landslide risk reduction. This study attempts to understand the effect of averaged soil moisture estimates derived from passive microwave remote sensing data, for improving the performance of conventional empirical and probabilistic thresholds. For defining empirical thresholds, an algorithm-based approach such as Calculation of Thresholds for Rainfall-induced Landslides Tool (CTRL-T) has been used. Probabilistic thresholds were defined using a Bayesian approach, finding the posterior probability of occurrence using the marginal and conditional probabilities of the control parameters along with the prior probability of occurrence of landslide. The derived rainfall thresholds were quantitatively compared with the Bayesian probabilistic threshold derived using rainfall severity and soil wetness using an area under the curve (AUC) based on receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve method. The results show that when the antecedent moisture content in soil is less, only severe rainfall events can trigger landslides in the study area; while less severe rainfall events can also trigger landslides when the soil is wet. The role of soil wetness in the initiation is used to improve the performance of the conventional methods, and a ROC approach was used for the statistical comparison of different models. Further, the results indicated that the probabilistic threshold using rainfall severity and soil wetness outperformed the conventional approaches with AUC of 0.96, being the most sensitive and specific among the models considered. This result opens new promising perspectives for the development of an operational LEWS in the Idukki district based on a combination of rainfall and soil moisture data. Moreover, this work contributes to strengthen the advancing trend of hydro-meteorological thresholds based on soil moisture, which is gaining a growing attention in landslide studies and that, to date, was lacking evidences in monsoon regions

    Rainfall threshold estimation and landslide forecasting for Kalimpong, India using SIGMA model

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    © 2020 by the authors. Rainfall-induced landslides are among the most devastating natural disasters in hilly terrains and the reduction of the related risk has become paramount for public authorities. Between the several possible approaches, one of the most used is the development of early warning systems, so as the population can be rapidly warned, and the loss related to landslide can be reduced. Early warning systems which can forecast such disasters must hence be developed for zones which are susceptible to landslides, and have to be based on reliable scientific bases such as the SIGMA (sistema integrato gestione monitoraggio allerta-integrated system for management, monitoring and alerting) model, which is used in the regional landslide warning system developed for Emilia Romagna in Italy. The model uses statistical distribution of cumulative rainfall values as input and rainfall thresholds are defined as multiples of standard deviation. In this paper, the SIGMA model has been applied to the Kalimpong town in the Darjeeling Himalayas, which is among the regions most affected by landslides. The objectives of the study is twofold: (i) the definition of local rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrences in the Kalimpong region; (ii) testing the applicability of the SIGMA model in a physical setting completely different from one of the areas where it was first conceived and developed. To achieve these purposes, a calibration dataset of daily rainfall and landslides from 2010 to 2015 has been used; the results have then been validated using 2016 and 2017 data, which represent an independent dataset from the calibration one. The validation showed that the model correctly predicted all the reported landslide events in the region. Statistically, the SIGMA model for Kalimpong town is found to have 92% efficiency with a likelihood ratio of 11.28. This performance was deemed satisfactory, thus SIGMA can be integrated with rainfall forecasting and can be used to develop a landslide early warning system

    Determination of monolayer-protected gold nanoparticle ligand–shell morphology using NMR

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    It is accepted that the ligand shell morphology of nanoparticles coated with a monolayer of molecules can be partly responsible for important properties such as cell membrane penetration and wetting. When binary mixtures of molecules coat a nanoparticle, they can arrange randomly or separate into domains, for example, forming Janus, patchy or striped particles. To date, there is no straightforward method for the determination of such structures. Here we show that a combination of one-dimensional and two-dimensional NMR can be used to determine the ligand shell structure of a series of particles covered with aliphatic and aromatic ligands of varying composition. This approach is a powerful way to determine the ligand shell structure of patchy particles; it has the limitation of needing a whole series of compositions and ligands' combinations with NMR peaks well separated and whose shifts due to the surrounding environment can be large enough

    Rainfall threshold estimation and landslide forecasting for Kalimpong, India using SIGMA model

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    Rainfall-induced landslides are among the most devastating natural disasters in hilly terrains and the reduction of the related risk has become paramount for public authorities. Between the several possible approaches, one of the most used is the development of early warning systems, so as the population can be rapidly warned, and the loss related to landslide can be reduced. Early warning systems which can forecast such disasters must hence be developed for zones which are susceptible to landslides, and have to be based on reliable scientific bases such as the SIGMA (sistema integrato gestione monitoraggio allerta-integrated system for management, monitoring and alerting) model, which is used in the regional landslide warning system developed for Emilia Romagna in Italy. The model uses statistical distribution of cumulative rainfall values as input and rainfall thresholds are defined as multiples of standard deviation. In this paper, the SIGMA model has been applied to the Kalimpong town in the Darjeeling Himalayas, which is among the regions most affected by landslides. The objectives of the study is twofold: (i) the definition of local rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrences in the Kalimpong region; (ii) testing the applicability of the SIGMA model in a physical setting completely different from one of the areas where it was first conceived and developed. To achieve these purposes, a calibration dataset of daily rainfall and landslides from 2010 to 2015 has been used; the results have then been validated using 2016 and 2017 data, which represent an independent dataset from the calibration one. The validation showed that the model correctly predicted all the reported landslide events in the region. Statistically, the SIGMA model for Kalimpong town is found to have 92% efficiency with a likelihood ratio of 11.28. This performance was deemed satisfactory, thus SIGMA can be integrated with rainfall forecasting and can be used to develop a landslide early warning system