522 research outputs found


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    Pedagoška etika posebno je tematsko područje ili disciplina unutar pedagogije. Ona predstavlja filozofsko utemeljenje pedagogije, ali i normativnu stranu filozofije odgoja. Pridržavanje moralnih načela prijeka je potreba u vršenju svakog zvanja, ta¬ko da svaka struka ima svoju deontologiju. Učiteljeva deontologija ukazuje na prava i dužnosti koje treba ispunjavati kao moralnoj obvezi učitelja, u ostvarivanju među¬ljudskih odnosa između učitelja i učenika.Pedagogical ethics is a special thematic field or discipline within pedago¬gy. It represents pedagogy\u27s philosophical foundation as well as the normative side of the philosophy of education. Adhering to moral principles is essential in every profession therefore, eve¬ry profession has a deontology of their own. Teacher\u27s deontology points to the rights and obligations that have to be met as teachers\u27 moral duty in the process of achievement interpersonal relations between the teacher and the pupil


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    Pedagogical ethics is a special thematic field or discipline within pedago¬gy. It represents pedagogy\u27s philosophical foundation as well as the normative side of the philosophy of education. Adhering to moral principles is essential in every profession therefore, eve¬ry profession has a deontology of their own. Teacher\u27s deontology points to the rights and obligations that have to be met as teachers\u27 moral duty in the process of achievement interpersonal relations between the teacher and the pupil.Pedagoška etika posebno je tematsko područje ili disciplina unutar pedagogije. Ona predstavlja filozofsko utemeljenje pedagogije, ali i normativnu stranu filozofije odgoja. Pridržavanje moralnih načela prijeka je potreba u vršenju svakog zvanja, ta¬ko da svaka struka ima svoju deontologiju. Učiteljeva deontologija ukazuje na prava i dužnosti koje treba ispunjavati kao moralnoj obvezi učitelja, u ostvarivanju među¬ljudskih odnosa između učitelja i učenika

    Vanjski odnosi Ureda EJT-a: izazovi suradnje s Hrvatskom i Europolom

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    This paper focuses on the role of Europol in the implementation of the EPPO Regulation and analyses the potential challenges for law enforcement in Croatia. For this purpose, a comparative method is used and future ideas for the practical implementation of the Regulation within Europol are presented. Part of the paper focuses on explaining the legal background of the work of the EPPO and its relation to Europol and Croatia. It then explains the challenges and opportunities for Europol after the EPPO becomes fully operational, including Europol analytical capacities, the possibilities for information exchange (SIENA), and Europol innovation capacities. In conclusion, the paper analyses concrete challenges and offers solutions for different problems that may arise in future relations between Europol and the EPPO. An outline is also given of the priorities of the Presidency of Croatia of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2020 related to financial investigation.U radu se obrađuje primjena Uredbe o europskom javnom tužitelju u kontekstu odnosa prema trenutačnom ustroju, radu, funkcioniranju i mogućnostima koje pruža Europol. U radu se prikazuje i širi kontekst s kojim se cjelokupna zajednica suočava u početku operativne primjene postupanja u skladu s Uredbom o Uredu EJT-a. Pod širim kontekstom podrazumijevaju se načelne aktivnosti koje provodi Hrvatska kao predsjedateljica EU-a u području financijskih istraga, izazovi koji su nastali izlaskom Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva iz EU-a, kao i postupak povodom definiranja višegodišnjega financijskog okvira EU-a za financijsko razdoblje 2021.- 2027. Ipak, u radu se u prvom redu razmatra odnos Ureda EJT-a i Europola: kako se i kojim sredstvima može ostvariti kvalitetna, brza i pouzdana razmjena podataka te koje su pravne pretpostavke za uspostavu i realizaciju takve suradnje. Rad je metodološki određen korištenjem komparativne metode u analizi pravnog okvira za uspostavu Ureda EJT-a te empirijske metode u dijelu koji se odnosi na rad, funkcioniranje i praktične aktivnosti koje poduzima Europol oko prilagodbe za punu primjenu postupanja u skladu s Uredom EJT-a. U odnosu na moguće izazove autor nudi konkretne prijedloge rješenja. Tako se primjerice u odnosu na razmjenu podataka između dva tijela predlaže korištenje sigurnog Europolova komunikacijskog kanala (SIENA). Nadalje, predlaže se korištenje mogućnosti koje nudi Europol kroz financiranje određenih aktivnosti Europolovim sredstvima, ali se upozorava i na moguće teškoće prilikom analitičke obrade podataka koju provodi Europol. U potonjem slučaju radi se, osim o mogućoj potkapacitiranosti Europola, i o pravnim nedoumicama, za koje autor ponovno nudi rješenje za korekciju kroz novelu odredaba Uredbe o Europolu. U zaključnim razmatranjima autor konstatira kako su pred Uredom EJT-a, Europolom i državama članicama veliki izazovi oko primjene novoga zakonodavstva EU-a usmjerenoga na jačanje suradnje u provedbi financijskih istraga. Kvalitetna obrada podataka moguća je kroz usmjereniju aktivnost svih sudionika, otvaranjem komunikacijskih aktivnosti i sinergijskim analitičkim djelovanjem

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Planetary Gearbox with Adaptive Hybrid Particle Swarm Differential Evolution Algorithm

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    This paper considers the problem of constrained multi-objective non-linear optimization of planetary gearbox based on hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Optimal design of planetary gear trains requires simultaneous minimization of multiple conflicting objectives, such as gearbox volume, center distance, contact ratio, power loss, etc. In this regard, the theoretical formulation and numerical procedure for the calculation of the planetary gearbox power efficiency has been developed. To successfully solve the stated constrained multi-objective optimization problem, in this paper a hybrid algorithm between particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms has been proposed and applied to considered problem. Here, the mutation operators from the differential evolution algorithm have been incorporated into the velocity update equation of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, with the adaptive population spacing parameter employed to select the appropriate mutation operator for the current optimization condition. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm successfully obtains the solutions of the non-convex Pareto set, and reveals key insights in reducing the weight, improving efficiency and preventing premature failure of gears. Compared to other well-known algorithms, the numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm shows improved optimization performance in terms of the quality of the obtained Pareto solutions

    Multi-Objective Optimization of Planetary Gearbox with Adaptive Hybrid Particle Swarm Differential Evolution Algorithm

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    This paper considers the problem of constrained multi-objective non-linear optimization of planetary gearbox based on hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Optimal design of planetary gear trains requires simultaneous minimization of multiple conflicting objectives, such as gearbox volume, center distance, contact ratio, power loss, etc. In this regard, the theoretical formulation and numerical procedure for the calculation of the planetary gearbox power efficiency has been developed. To successfully solve the stated constrained multi-objective optimization problem, in this paper a hybrid algorithm between particle swarm optimization and differential evolution algorithms has been proposed and applied to considered problem. Here, the mutation operators from the differential evolution algorithm have been incorporated into the velocity update equation of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, with the adaptive population spacing parameter employed to select the appropriate mutation operator for the current optimization condition. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm successfully obtains the solutions of the non-convex Pareto set, and reveals key insights in reducing the weight, improving efficiency and preventing premature failure of gears. Compared to other well-known algorithms, the numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm shows improved optimization performance in terms of the quality of the obtained Pareto solutions

    U mreži putova

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    A notable event in the Crikvenica Town Museum last year was the exhibition "In the Network of Paths", which presented old paths, trails and roads of Vinodol. The exhibition lasted from July 17, 2018 to February 28, 2019, and it is currently situated in the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, where it will remain until the first half of August. The exhibition's creators and authors of the catalogue are archaeologist Tea Rosić and historian Stjepan Špalj.U Muzeju Grada Crikvenice prošla je godina bila obilježena izložbom "U mreži putova" koja je prikazala stare putove, staze i ceste Vinodola. Izložba je trajala od 17. 7. 2018. do 28. 2. 2019., a sve do prve polovice kolovoza gostuje u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. Autori su izložbe i kataloga Tea Rosić, dipl. arheolog i Stjepan Špalj, dipl. mag. povijesti

    Scale-invariant multilevel Monte Carlo method

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    In this paper, the scale-invariant version of the mean and variance multi-level Monte Carlo estimate is proposed. The optimization of the computation cost over the grid levels is done with the help of a novel normalized error based on t-statistic. In this manner, the algorithm convergence is made invariant to the physical scale at which the estimate is computed. The novel algorithm is tested on the linear elastic example, the constitutive law of which is described by material uncertainty including both heterogeneity and anisotropy

    Reduction of torque ripple in DTC induction motor drive with discrete voltage vectors

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    This paper presents а practical implementation of direct torque control (DTC) of an induction machine on MSK2812 DSP platform, and the analysis of possibilities for reduction of torque ripple. Basic theoretical background relating the DTC was primarily set and the obtained experimental results have been given. It is shown that the torque ripple can be reduced by adjusting the intensity of voltage vectors and by modification of hysteresis comparator, while the simplicity of the basic DTC algorithm has been maintained. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR33016

    Agent Based Onboard Firefighting System

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    This paper presents a model of agent-based architecture for fighting fires on ships. The introduction of agent technology in firefighting decision-making is a step towards safe autonomous vessels. The human factor can be excluded through the introduction of agent-based technology for the detection and extinguishing of fires onboard ships. The aim is to reduce the number of injuries and deaths, and minimize loss of ships and cargo. Another advantage of agent-based technology is its easy interoperability with other automated onboard systems. The presented model was implemented on a prototype in a simulation environment. The results of the experiment conducted on the implemented prototype are also presented